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menu_position.module in Menu Position 7

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  1. 8 menu_position.module
  2. 6 menu_position.module
  3. 7.2 menu_position.module

Provides dynamic menu links based on configurable rules.


View source

 * @file
 * Provides dynamic menu links based on configurable rules.

 * Implements hook_features_api().
function menu_position_features_api() {
  return array(
    'menu_position' => array(
      'name' => 'Menu position',
      'default_hook' => 'menu_position_default_menu_positions',
      'feature_source' => TRUE,
      'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'menu_position') . '/',

 * Implements hook_panels_pane_content_alter().
 * Panels are rendered before hook_page_delivery_callback_alter() is called, so
 * for Panels pages, we evaluate our rules here instead.
function menu_position_panels_pre_render($display) {

 * Implements hook_page_delivery_callback_alter().
 * This is the only hook that occurs after the page callback, but before
 * hook_page_build (when blocks are added). We're using this hook for its
 * timing, not its data.
function menu_position_page_delivery_callback_alter() {

  // Don't evaluate the rules twice.
  $evaluated =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
  if ($evaluated) {
  $evaluated = TRUE;

  // Build a small context.
  $context = array(
    'path' => $_GET['q'],
    'entity_type' => NULL,
    'bundle_name' => NULL,

  // Determine what kind of entity page this is.
  list($arg0, $arg1, $arg2) = explode('/', $context['path'] . '//');
  if ($arg0 == 'node' && is_numeric($arg1)) {
    $context['node'] = node_load($arg1);

    // Don't evaluate the rules on a 404 page.
    if (!$context['node']) {
    $context['entity_type'] = 'node';
    $context['bundle_name'] = $context['node']->type;
  elseif ($arg0 == 'user' && is_numeric($arg1)) {
    $context['user'] = user_load($arg1);

    // Don't evaluate the rules on a 404 page.
    if (!$context['user']) {
    $context['entity_type'] = 'user';
    $context['bundle_name'] = 'user';
  elseif ($arg0 == 'taxonomy' && $arg1 == 'term' && is_numeric($arg2)) {
    $context['taxonomy_term'] = taxonomy_term_load($arg2);

    // Don't evaluate the rules on a 404 page.
    if (!$context['taxonomy_term']) {
    $context['entity_type'] = 'taxonomy_term';
    $context['bundle_name'] = $context['taxonomy_term']->vocabulary_machine_name;

 * Implements hook_permission().
function menu_position_permission() {
  return array(
    'administer menu positions' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer menu position rules'),

 * Implements hook_menu().
function menu_position_menu() {
  $items['admin/structure/menu-position'] = array(
    'title' => 'Menu position rules',
    'description' => 'Configure rules for menu positions.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer menu positions',
    'page callback' => 'menu_position_rules_form_callback',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/structure/menu-position/list'] = array(
    'title' => 'List',
    'weight' => -10,
  $items['admin/structure/menu-position/settings'] = array(
    'title' => 'Settings',
    'description' => 'Configure settings for menu positions.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer menu positions',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'file' => '',
    'weight' => 10,
  $items['admin/structure/menu-position/add'] = array(
    'title' => 'Add menu position rule',
    'description' => 'Add a new menu position rule.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer menu positions',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION,
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/structure/menu-position/edit'] = array(
    'title' => 'Edit menu position rule',
    'description' => 'Edit a menu position rule.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer menu positions',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/structure/menu-position/delete'] = array(
    'title' => 'Delete menu position rule',
    'description' => 'Delete a menu position rule.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer menu positions',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'file' => '',
  $items['menu-position/%'] = array(
    'title' => 'Menu position router',
    'description' => 'Sets access to all menu position links.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'access content',
    'page callback' => 'menu_position_router',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'file' => '',
  if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    $items['menu-position/taxonomy/autocomplete'] = array(
      'title' => 'Autocomplete taxonomy',
      'page callback' => 'menu_position_taxonomy_autocomplete',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access arguments' => array(
        'access content',
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
      'file' => 'plugins/',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function menu_position_theme() {
  return array(
    'menu_position_rules_order' => array(
      'render element' => 'element',
      'file' => '',

 * Implements hook_menu_position_rule_plugins().
function menu_position_menu_position_rule_plugins() {
  $plugins = array(
    'content_type' => array(
      'file' => 'plugins/',
    'pages' => array(
      'file' => 'plugins/',
    'user_page' => array(
      'file' => 'plugins/',
    'user_role' => array(
      'file' => 'plugins/',
  if (module_exists('locale')) {
    $plugins['language'] = array(
      'file' => 'plugins/',
  if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    $plugins['taxonomy'] = array(
      'file' => 'plugins/',
  return $plugins;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function menu_position_form_menu_overview_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'menu_position', 'menu_position.admin');
  _menu_position_form_menu_overview_form_alter($form, $form_state);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function menu_position_form_menu_edit_item_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'menu_position', 'menu_position.admin');
  _menu_position_form_menu_edit_item_alter($form, $form_state);

 * Implements hook_menu_link_alter().
function menu_position_menu_link_alter(&$item) {
  if (isset($item['module']) && $item['module'] == 'menu_position') {

    // Don't allow the link to be "enabled".
    $item['hidden'] = 1;

 * Implements hook_menu_link_update().
function menu_position_menu_link_update($link) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'menu_position', 'menu_position.admin');

 * Return the activated rule(s) for the specified context.
 * @see menu_position_evaluate_rules()
function menu_position_get_activated_rules($context) {
  return menu_position_evaluate_rules($context, TRUE);

 * Evaluate all rules based on a given context.
 * Multiple rules may be activated, but only if they are all assigned to
 * different menus (no more than one rule will be activated for any given
 * menu).
 * Existing menu links for the context's path take precedence over menu
 * position rules. Rules assigned to the menus associated with those links
 * will be ignored.
 * The breadcrumb will be set according to the first matching rule, unless
 * an existing menu link has been found for the context's path in one of the
 * menus considered so far. (n.b. The order of the rules, and each rule's
 * associated menu, determines the order in which menus are considered for
 * this purpose.)
 * @param array $context
 *   A small context array containing the following data:
 *     - 'path'        => The path of the current page.
 *     - 'entity_type' => The type of the current page's entity.
 *     - 'bundle_name' => The bundle of the current page's entity.
 *     - [entity]      => The current page's entity object. The key is the
 *                        entity type value (i.e. "node", "user", etc).
 *   n.b. Only 'path' is guaranteed to be populated. The other values
 *   will be available only if the current page is an "entity" page.
 * @param bool $use_static_cache
 *   If TRUE and the specified context has already been processed, then
 *   simply return the cached array of rules which were activated for that
 *   context. If the context has not yet been processed, normal processing
 *   will take place.
 * @param bool $use_cache
 *   If TRUE (default) and the specified context has already been processed by
 *   a previous request, then use that as a list for rules to evaluate for the
 *   context. If the context has not yet been processed, normal processing will
 *   take place. Note that this takes effect only when the variable
 *   'menu_position_rules_cache_enabled' is set to 1. By default it is 0.
 *   This can be set through the settings.php or the module's settigns form.
 * @return array
 *   An array of the rules which were activated for the specified context.
function menu_position_evaluate_rules($context = array(), $use_static_cache = FALSE, $use_cache = TRUE) {
  if (empty($context)) {
    return array();

  // Use the cache only when needed and it is enabled.
  $use_cache = $use_cache && variable_get('menu_position_rules_cache_enabled', 0);
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  // Hash the context array to generate a cache key.
  $cache_key = array(
    'path' => md5($context['path']),
    'entity_type' => '',
    'bundle_name' => '',
    'entity_id' => '',
  if (!empty($context['entity_type'])) {
    $entity_type = $context['entity_type'];
    $entity = $context[$entity_type];
    list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
    $cache_key['entity_type'] = $entity_type;
    $cache_key['bundle_name'] = $bundle;
    $cache_key['entity_id'] = $id;
  $cache_key = implode(':', array_filter(array(

  // If we just want the rules and we have a cached value, return immediately.
  if ($use_static_cache) {
    if (array_key_exists($cache_key, $cache)) {
      return $cache[$cache_key];

  // Otherwise process the context as normal, cache the result, and return that.
  $cache[$cache_key] = array();

  // Sanity check: if there is no existing menu item, Drupal won't display any
  // navigation menus anyway and will error out when we try methods below.
  if (menu_get_item($context['path']) === FALSE) {
    return $cache[$cache_key];

  // Retrieve the list of menus the path is already in.
  $menu_names = db_select('menu_links', 'm')
    ->fields('m', array(
    ->condition('m.link_path', $context['path'], '=')

  // Extract a list from cache.
  if ($use_cache && ($cache_entry = cache_get($cache_key, 'cache')) !== FALSE) {
    $rules = $cache_entry->data;
  else {

    // Retrieve the rules from the database. For speed, we don't call
    // menu_position_read_rules() and unserialize the conditions only if needed.
    $rules_query = db_select('menu_position_rules', 'm')
      ->fields('m', array(
      ->condition('m.enabled', 1, '=')

    // Try to additionally filter-out the rules list.
    if (count($menu_names) && !count(module_implements("menu_position_rule_alter"))) {
        ->condition('m.menu_name', $menu_names, 'NOT IN');
    $rules = $rules_query

  // Flag that we still need to set the breadcrumb.
  $set_breadcrumb = TRUE;

  // Examine each rule and check its conditions.
  foreach ($rules as $rule) {
    if (in_array($rule->menu_name, $menu_names, TRUE)) {

      // If the page is already placed in the rule's menu, skip the rule.
      $rule_matches = FALSE;
      $set_breadcrumb = FALSE;
    else {

      // A rule with no conditions always matches.
      $rule_matches = TRUE;

      // The ones from cache are already unserialized.
      if (is_string($rule->conditions)) {
        $rule->conditions = unserialize($rule->conditions);

      // Go through each condition, AND-ing each result.
      foreach ($rule->conditions as $plugin => $variables) {

        // Add the current rule and node to the callback's variables.
        $variables['rule'] = $rule;
        $variables['context'] = $context;

        // Find the plugin's callback function.
        $callback = menu_position_get_condition_callback($plugin);
        if ($callback) {

          // Check if this condition matches.
          $rule_matches = $callback($variables);
        else {

          // If the callback cannot be found, the condition has failed.
          $rule_matches = FALSE;

        // No need to check other conditions if this condition failed.
        if (!$rule_matches) {

    // Let other modules manipulate the rule (or any of the other parameters).
    drupal_alter('menu_position_rule', $rule, $context, $rule_matches, $set_breadcrumb);
    if ($rule_matches && menu_position_activate_rule($rule, $context, $set_breadcrumb)) {
      $rule->set_breadcrumb = $set_breadcrumb;
      $cache[$cache_key][] = $rule;

      // Don't let other rules set the breadcrumb.
      $set_breadcrumb = FALSE;

      // Don't let other rules match against this rule's menu.
      $menu_names[] = $rule->menu_name;
  if ($use_cache && $cache_entry === FALSE) {

    // There was a cache-miss, so iniialize the cache for next request(s).
    cache_set($cache_key, $cache[$cache_key], 'cache', CACHE_PERMANENT);
  return $cache[$cache_key];

 * Activates a specific rule for the given context.
 * May additionally set the active trail.
 * @param object $rule
 *   The rule that should be activated.
 * @param array $context
 *   A small context variable used by the menu_position module.
 * @param bool $set_breadcrumb
 *   Whether to set the active trail / breadcrumb.
function menu_position_activate_rule($rule, array $context, $set_breadcrumb) {

  // Retrieve menu item specified in the rule.
  $menu_item = menu_link_load($rule->mlid);

  // Get the current page title.
  $cached_title = drupal_get_title();

  // Sanity check: if the menu link doesn't exist abort processing the rule.
  if (!$menu_item) {
    return FALSE;

  // Reset the menu trail that views may have set.
  $original_router_item = menu_get_item();
  if ($original_router_item['page_callback'] == 'views_page') {
    $preferred =& drupal_static('menu_link_get_preferred');

  // Set the active path for the rule's menu.
  menu_tree_set_path($rule->menu_name, $menu_item['link_path']);

  // Get the default preferred link and save it so that it can be used in
  // place of the rule's menu link when menu trees are rendered.
  menu_position_set_link($rule->rid, menu_link_get_preferred());

  // Allow the rule's parent menu item to show "expanded" status.

  // Alter the active trail if breadcrumbs still need to be set.
  if ($set_breadcrumb) {

    // Manually set the preferred link for this path so that
    // menu_get_active_trail() returns the proper trail.
    $preferred_links =& drupal_static('menu_link_get_preferred');
    $preferred_links[$_GET['q']][MENU_PREFERRED_LINK] = menu_link_get_preferred($menu_item['link_path']);

    // Reset static trail and breadcrumb caches.

    // Remove the menu position router from the end of the trail.
    $active_trail = menu_set_active_trail();
    if (drupal_get_title() !== $cached_title) {
      drupal_set_title($cached_title, PASS_THROUGH);
  return TRUE;

 * Dynamically expands the parent menu item for a rule.
 * @param int $plid
 *   The parent menu item's mlid.
function menu_position_expand_parent_link($plid = NULL) {
  $link_id =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, NULL);
  if (isset($plid)) {
    $link_id = $plid;
  return $link_id;

 * Dynamically sets the menu item for a specified rule.
 * @param int $rid
 *   The rule ID.
 * @param string $link
 *   The menu item that should be used for the rule.
function menu_position_set_link($rid, $link) {
  menu_position_get_link('menu-position/' . $rid, $link);

 * Returns the dynamically set menu item for a specified rule.
 * @param string $path
 *   The path of the requested rule, e.g. menu-position/10.
 * @return string
 *   The title that should be used for the rule's menu item.
function menu_position_get_link($path, $link = NULL) {
  $links =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  // If a link is given, save it for later retrieval.
  if ($link) {
    $links[$path] = $link;
  return isset($links[$path]) ? $links[$path] : NULL;

 * Implements hook_translated_menu_link_alter().
 * All of the menu items of menu position rules have their "alter" option set
 * which allows them to be altered with this hook. We "translate" the menu item
 * to have the proper URL and title for the current page.
function menu_position_translated_menu_link_alter(&$item, &$map) {

  // Check if the rule's links are configured to be hidden.
  switch (variable_get('menu_position_active_link_display', 'child')) {
    case 'child':
      if ($item['module'] == 'menu_position') {
        $menu_item = menu_position_get_link($item['link_path']);

        // We only alter the link after its replacement has been set.
        if (!empty($menu_item['title'])) {
          $item['title'] = $menu_item['title'];
          $item['href'] = $menu_item['href'];
          $item['hidden'] = 0;
      elseif ($item['mlid'] == menu_position_expand_parent_link()) {
        $item['has_children'] = 1;
    case 'parent':
      if ($item['mlid'] == menu_position_expand_parent_link()) {
        $item['localized_options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'active';

 * Retrieves a list of information about every rule plugin.
function menu_position_get_plugins() {
  $plugins =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($plugins)) {
    foreach (module_implements('menu_position_rule_plugins') as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_menu_position_rule_plugins';
      if (function_exists($function)) {

        // Register each module's plugin while setting baseline defaults.
        foreach ($function() as $name => $plugin) {
          $plugins[$name] = $plugin + array(
            'module' => $module,
            'file' => '',
            'form_callback' => $module . '_menu_position_rule_' . $name . '_form',
            'condition_callback' => $module . '_menu_position_condition_' . $name,
  return $plugins;

 * Loads the include file containing a condition's callback function definition.
 * @param string $plugin
 *   The name of the plugin.
 * @return string/bool
 *   The name of the callback function, or FALSE if it could not be found.
function menu_position_get_condition_callback($plugin) {
  $plugins = menu_position_get_plugins();
  $callback = !empty($plugins[$plugin]['condition_callback']) ? $plugins[$plugin]['condition_callback'] : FALSE;
  if ($callback && !function_exists($callback)) {

    // Load the specified include file.
    if (!empty($plugins[$plugin]['file'])) {
      $file = pathinfo($plugins[$plugin]['file']);

      // Allow plugins to be in a sub-directory.
      if ($file['dirname']) {
        $file['filename'] = $file['dirname'] . '/' . $file['filename'];
      module_load_include($file['extension'], $plugins[$plugin]['module'], $file['filename']);

    // Note if the callback still cannot be found.
    if (!function_exists($callback)) {
      $callback = FALSE;
  return $callback;

 * Return a menu link for the given node.
 * It uses the first menu position rule activated for that node.
function menu_position_token_menu_link_load($node) {
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($cache)) {
    $cache = array();
  if (!array_key_exists($node->nid, $cache)) {

    // Check for a menu position menu link.
    $context = array(
      'path' => sprintf('node/%d', $node->nid),
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'bundle_name' => $node->type,
      'node' => $node,
    if ($rules = menu_position_get_activated_rules($context)) {
      $rule = array_shift($rules);
      $link = token_menu_link_load($rule->mlid);
    else {
      $link = NULL;
    $cache[$node->nid] = $link;
  return $cache[$node->nid];

 * Implements hook_tokens_alter().
function menu_position_tokens_alter(array &$replacements, array $context) {

  // This behaviour depends upon the contrib tokens module.
  // @see menu_tokens() in
  if (!module_exists('token')) {
  $options = $context['options'];
  $sanitize = !empty($options['sanitize']);
  if ($context['type'] == 'node' && !empty($context['data']['node'])) {
    $node = $context['data']['node'];
    $tokens = $context['tokens'];

    // If the 'menu-link' token is present and no replacement value was
    // generated for it, try using the menu position rules instead.
    if (array_key_exists('menu-link', $tokens)) {
      $original = $tokens['menu-link'];
      if (empty($replacements[$original])) {
        if ($link = menu_position_token_menu_link_load($node)) {

          // We found a menu position rule, but the chances of us ever
          // wanting to use the *title* of a menu position rule's menu link
          // are vanishingly small, so we'll use the node title instead.
          $replacements[$original] = $sanitize ? check_plain($node->title) : $node->title;

    // Process tokens that chain from a 'menu-link' token.
    if ($menu_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'menu-link')) {
      foreach ($menu_tokens as $token => $original) {
        if (empty($replacements[$original])) {

          // No replacement value was generated for this token, so now we
          // want to try the menu position rules. We need to unset its key
          // from the replacements array in order to merge in a new value.
        else {

          // This token was successfully replaced using the standard
          // 'menu-link' processing, so do not re-process it here.
      if ($menu_tokens) {
        if ($link = menu_position_token_menu_link_load($node)) {
          $data = array(
            'menu-link' => $link,
          $replacements += token_generate('menu-link', $menu_tokens, $data, $options);


Namesort descending Description
menu_position_activate_rule Activates a specific rule for the given context.
menu_position_evaluate_rules Evaluate all rules based on a given context.
menu_position_expand_parent_link Dynamically expands the parent menu item for a rule.
menu_position_features_api Implements hook_features_api().
menu_position_form_menu_edit_item_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
menu_position_form_menu_overview_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
menu_position_get_activated_rules Return the activated rule(s) for the specified context.
menu_position_get_condition_callback Loads the include file containing a condition's callback function definition.
menu_position_get_link Returns the dynamically set menu item for a specified rule.
menu_position_get_plugins Retrieves a list of information about every rule plugin.
menu_position_menu Implements hook_menu().
menu_position_menu_link_alter Implements hook_menu_link_alter().
menu_position_menu_link_update Implements hook_menu_link_update().
menu_position_menu_position_rule_plugins Implements hook_menu_position_rule_plugins().
menu_position_page_delivery_callback_alter Implements hook_page_delivery_callback_alter().
menu_position_panels_pre_render Implements hook_panels_pane_content_alter().
menu_position_permission Implements hook_permission().
menu_position_set_link Dynamically sets the menu item for a specified rule.
menu_position_theme Implements hook_theme().
menu_position_tokens_alter Implements hook_tokens_alter().
menu_position_token_menu_link_load Return a menu link for the given node.
menu_position_translated_menu_link_alter Implements hook_translated_menu_link_alter().