function MenuNodeAPIHookTestCase::testMenuNodeAPIHooks in Menu Node API 7
Run tests against the menu_node_test.module.
That module fires hook which increment a simple counter for each hook, providing that the data passed to the hook is well-formed. We simply check that the count is what we expect.
- tests/
menu_node.test, line 223 - Simpletest for Menu Node API.
- MenuNodeAPIHookTestCase
- Inherit methods from the parent class and test API module.
function testMenuNodeAPIHooks() {
// Create some nodes.
->menuNodeAPICreateNodes(3, 3);
// Check that we have the expected record count.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_node}")
->assertTrue($count == 3, t('Found the correct row count in {menu_node}.'));
// Check that our data is loaded onto the node.
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->range(0, 1);
->join('menu_node', 'mn', 'n.nid = mn.nid');
$result = $query
foreach ($result as $data) {
$node = node_load($data->nid);
->assertTrue(isset($node->menu_node_links), t('menu_node_node_load() fired correctly'));
// Check that hook_menu_node_insert() ran three times.
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'insert2', t('hook_menu_node_insert() fired properly.'));
// Check that the insert hook does not run on non-node menu items.
->menuNodeAPICreateNodes(1, 0);
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'no-insert', t('hook_menu_node_insert() did not fire for a non-node link.'));
// Check that we have the expected record count.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_node}")
->assertTrue($count == 3, t('Found the correct row count in {menu_node}.'));
// Check that the delete hook runs once on node delete.
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'delete', t('hook_menu_node_delete() fired properly on node deletion.'));
// Check that we have the expected record count.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_node}")
->assertTrue($count == 2, t('Found the correct row count in {menu_node}.'));
// Check that the delete hook runs once on node link delete.
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'delete1', t('hook_menu_node_delete() fired properly on node link deletion.'));
// Check that we have the expected record count.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_node}")
->assertTrue($count == 1, t('Found the correct row count in {menu_node}.'));
// Check that the delete hook does not run on non-node menu items.
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'no-delete', t('hook_menu_node_delete() did not fire for a non-node link.'));
// Check that we have the expected record count.
$count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_node}")
->assertTrue($count == 1, t('Found the correct row count in {menu_node}.'));
// Update an existing node and check that the hooks fire.
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->range(0, 1);
->join('menu_node', 'mn', 'n.nid = mn.nid');
$result = $query
foreach ($result as $data) {
$node = node_load($data->nid, NULL, TRUE);
// Check that our data is loaded onto the node.
->assertTrue(isset($node->menu_node_links), t('menu_node_node_load() fired correctly'));
// Update the title.
$node->title = $this
$menu = current(menu_node_get_links($node->nid));
// Similate a node save, with menu item.
$node->menu['enabled'] = TRUE;
$node->menu['mlid'] = $menu->mlid;
$node->menu['link_path'] = $menu->link_path;
$node->menu['description'] = '';
$node->menu['link_title'] = $node->title;
// Check that the update ran once.
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'update', t('hook_menu_node_update() fired properly on node save with menu link.'));
// Simulate a node save, removing the menu item.
$node->menu['enabled'] = FALSE;
// Check that the delete hook ran once.
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'delete2', t('hook_menu_node_delete() fired properly on node save with menu link removed.'));
// Add two menu items to the same node.
$node->menu['enabled'] = TRUE;
$node->menu['mlid'] = $menu->mlid;
$node->menu['link_path'] = $menu->link_path;
$node->menu['description'] = '';
$node->menu['link_title'] = $node->title;
$item = array(
'menu_name' => 'management',
'link_path' => "node/{$node->nid}",
'link_title' => $node->title,
'description' => '',
'enabled' => 1,
'expanded' => 0,
'parent' => 'management' . ':' . 0,
'weight' => '0',
// Verify that we have two items.
$node = node_load($node->nid, NULL, TRUE);
->assertTrue(count($node->menu_node_links) == 2, t('Saved a node with two separate menu links.'));
// Update the node and check that the hook runs twice.
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'update2', t('hook_menu_node_update() fired properly on node save with multiple menu links.'));
// Delete the node and check that the hook runs twice.
->assertTrue(menu_node_test_get() == 'delete4', t('hook_menu_node_delete() fired properly on node delete with multiple menu links.'));