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public function MenuLinkWeightMenuUiTest::testMenuFunctionality in Menu Link Weight 8

Test creating, editing, deleting menu links via menu link form.


tests/src/Functional/MenuLinkWeightMenuUiTest.php, line 17


Tests the Menu Link Weight module on the menu ui form.




public function testMenuFunctionality() {

  // Create a node.
  $node1_title = '1 ' . $this

  /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node1 */
  $node1 = $this
    'type' => $this->nodeType,
    'title' => $node1_title,

  // Assert that there is no link for the node.
  $edit = [
    'enabled[value]' => 1,
    'title[0][value]' => $node1_title,
    'link[0][uri]' => '/' . $node1
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools/add', $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertInstanceOf(MenuLinkInterface::class, $this
  $node1_link = $this

  // Edit the node and create a menu link.

  // Test the hidden fields validation. This should pass:
  $edit = array(
    'menu[menu_link_weight][node.add_page][weight]' => '-50',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][link_current][weight]' => '-49',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][filter.tips_all][weight]' => '-48',
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');
    ->pageTextNotContains('The menu link weights have been changed by another user, please try again.');

  /** @var \Drupal\menu_link_content\MenuLinkContentInterface[] $links */
  $links = $this->contentMenuLinkStorage
    'title' => $node1_title,
  $link1_id = reset($links)

  // Assert that the reordering was successful.
    ->assertLinkWeight('node.add_page', -50);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link1_id, -49);
    ->assertLinkWeight('filter.tips_all', -48);
    ->elementContains('css', '.menu-link-weight-link-current', $node1_title);
    ->pageTextContains('(provided menu link)');
    ->pageTextContains('Change the weight of the links within the Tools menu');
  $option = $this
    ->optionExists('edit-menu-menu-link-weight-link-current-weight', -49);

  // Create a node.
  $node2_title = '2 ' . $this

  /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node1 */
  $node2 = $this
    'type' => $this->nodeType,
    'title' => $node2_title,

  // Assert that there is no link for the node.

  // Create new menu link for node 2 and rearrange the existing ones.
  $edit = array(
    'title[0][value]' => $node2_title,
    'link[0][uri]' => '/' . $node2
    'menu[menu_link_weight][' . $link1_id . '][weight]' => '-50',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][filter.tips_all][weight]' => '-49',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][link_current][weight]' => '-48',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][node.add_page][weight]' => '-47',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools/add', $edit, 'Save');

  // Assert that the link exists.
    ->assertInstanceOf(MenuLinkInterface::class, $this
  $node2_link = $this
  $link2_id = $node2_link

  // Assert that the reordering was successful.
    ->assertLinkWeight($link1_id, -50);
    ->assertLinkWeight('filter.tips_all', -49);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link2_id, -48);
    ->assertLinkWeight('node.add_page', -47);
    ->elementContains('css', '.menu-link-weight-link-current', $node2_title);
    ->pageTextContains('(provided menu link)');
  $option = $this
    ->optionExists('edit-menu-menu-link-weight-link-current-weight', -48);

  // Assert that the item is placed on top of the list if no other options
  // are selected.
  $node3_title = '3 ' . $this

  /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node1 */
  $node3 = $this
    'type' => $this->nodeType,
    'title' => $node3_title,
  $edit = array(
    'title[0][value]' => $node3_title,
    'link[0][uri]' => '/' . $node3
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools/add', $edit, 'Save');

  // Assert that the link exists.
    ->assertInstanceOf(MenuLinkInterface::class, $this
  $node3_link = $this
  $link3_id = $node3_link

  // Assert that the reordering was successful.
    ->assertLinkWeight($link3_id, -50);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link1_id, -49);
    ->assertLinkWeight('filter.tips_all', -48);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link2_id, -47);
    ->assertLinkWeight('node.add_page', -46);

  // Test the custom tree reordering functionality:

  // Insert the new link above item 2:
    ->set('menu_link_weight_test_parent_value', 'tools:');
    ->set('menu_link_weight_test_relative_position', 'above_' . $link2_id);
  $node4_title = '4 ' . $this

  /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node1 */
  $node4 = $this
    'type' => $this->nodeType,
    'title' => $node4_title,
  $edit = array(
    'title[0][value]' => $node4_title,
    'link[0][uri]' => '/' . $node4
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools/add', $edit, 'Save');
  $link4_id = $this
    ->assertLinkWeight($link3_id, -50);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link1_id, -49);
    ->assertLinkWeight('filter.tips_all', -48);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link4_id, -47);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link2_id, -46);
    ->assertLinkWeight('node.add_page', -45);
    ->set('menu_link_weight_test_relative_position', 'below_' . $link2_id);
  $node5_title = '5 ' . $this
  $node5 = $this
    'type' => $this->nodeType,
    'title' => $node5_title,
  $edit = array(
    'title[0][value]' => $node5_title,
    'link[0][uri]' => '/' . $node5
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/menu/manage/tools/add', $edit, 'Save');
  $link5_id = $this

  // Assert that the reordering was successful.
    ->assertLinkWeight($link3_id, -50);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link1_id, -49);
    ->assertLinkWeight('filter.tips_all', -48);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link4_id, -47);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link2_id, -46);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link5_id, -45);
    ->assertLinkWeight('node.add_page', -44);

  // Rearrange menu link on a default menu link form.
  $edit = array(
    'menu[menu_link_weight][' . $link1_id . '][weight]' => '1',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][' . $link2_id . '][weight]' => '2',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][' . $link3_id . '][weight]' => '3',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][' . $link4_id . '][weight]' => '4',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][' . $link5_id . '][weight]' => '5',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][link_current][weight]' => '6',
    'menu[menu_link_weight][node.add_page][weight]' => '7',
    ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/menu/link/filter.tips_all/edit', $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertLinkWeight($link1_id, 1);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link2_id, 2);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link3_id, 3);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link4_id, 4);
    ->assertLinkWeight($link5_id, 5);
    ->assertLinkWeight('filter.tips_all', 6);
    ->assertLinkWeight('node.add_page', 7);