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public function MenuLinkConfig::getEntity in Config menu link 8

Loads the entity associated with this menu link.

Return value

\Drupal\menu_link_config\MenuLinkConfigInterface The menu link content entity.


\Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginException If the entity ID and UUID are both invalid or missing.

Overrides MenuLinkContent::getEntity

2 calls to MenuLinkConfig::getEntity()
MenuLinkConfig::getTranslateRoute in src/Plugin/Menu/MenuLinkConfig.php
Returns route information for a route to translate the menu link.
MenuLinkConfig::updateLink in src/Plugin/Menu/MenuLinkConfig.php
@todo Simply storing the entity type ID in a variable would alleviate the need to override this entire method.


src/Plugin/Menu/MenuLinkConfig.php, line 89
Contains \Drupal\menu_link_config\Plugin\Menu\MenuLinkConfig.


Provides a menu link plugin based upon storage in config.




public function getEntity() {
  if (empty($this->entity)) {
    $entity = NULL;
    $storage = $this->entityManager
    if (!empty($this->pluginDefinition['metadata']['entity_id'])) {
      $entity_id = $this->pluginDefinition['metadata']['entity_id'];

      // Make sure the current ID is in the list, since each plugin empties
      // the list after calling loadMultple(). Note that the list may include
      // multiple IDs added earlier in each plugin's constructor.
      static::$entityIdsToLoad[$entity_id] = $entity_id;
      $entities = $storage
      $entity = isset($entities[$entity_id]) ? $entities[$entity_id] : NULL;
      static::$entityIdsToLoad = array();
    if (!$entity) {

      // Fallback to the loading by the ID.
      $entity = $storage
    if (!$entity) {
      throw new PluginException(sprintf('Entity not found through the menu link plugin definition and could not fallback on ID %s', $this

    // Clone the entity object to avoid tampering with the static cache.
    $this->entity = clone $entity;
    $this->entity = $this->entityManager
  return $this->entity;