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6 calls to DrupalMemcachedDebug::process() in Memcache Storage 8

DrupalMemcache::deleteMulti in src/DrupalMemcache.php
Bulk delete from the memcached pool.
DrupalMemcache::getMulti in src/DrupalMemcache.php
Get the multiple cache items from the memcached pool.
DrupalMemcache::setMulti in src/DrupalMemcache.php
Bulk set if cache items to the memcached pool.
DrupalMemcached::deleteMulti in src/DrupalMemcached.php
Bulk delete from the memcached pool.
DrupalMemcached::getMulti in src/DrupalMemcached.php
Get the multiple cache items from the memcached pool.
DrupalMemcached::setMulti in src/DrupalMemcached.php
Bulk set if cache items to the memcached pool.