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12 calls to MemcacheStorageAPI::set() in Memcache Storage 7

drupal_session_regenerate in includes/
Called when an anonymous user becomes authenticated or vice-versa.
MemcacheStorage::addCacheID in ./
Add cache ID to the list of cache IDs which are used in the cache bin.
MemcacheStorage::clear in ./
Implements DrupalCacheInterface::clear().
MemcacheStorage::getBinIndex in ./
Load cache bin index. This index is part of memcache key and changes if cache bin should be cleared.
MemcacheStorage::increaseBinIndex in ./
Increase cache bin index. This operation changes all memcache keys in selected cache bin so we simulate cache flush for it.
MemcacheStorage::removeCacheID in ./
Remove cache ID from the list of cache IDs which are used in the cache bin.
MemcacheStorage::removeCacheIDs in ./
Remove list of cache IDs from the list of cache IDs which are used in the cache bin.
MemcacheStorage::set in ./
Implements DrupalCacheInterface::set().
MemcacheStoragePageCache::set in ./
Ovirrides MemcacheStorage::set().
_drupal_session_destroy in includes/
Session handler assigned by session_set_save_handler().
_drupal_session_write in includes/
Writes an entire session to the memcached.
_memcache_storage_session_user_load in includes/
Load user by his session. Recieve user object from memcached. If unable to load from memcached it gets user from the database.