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protected static function MemcacheStorageAPI::getCacheBinCluster in Memcache Storage 7

Get name of cluster where cache bin should be stored. Config loads from settings.php.


$bin: Cache bin name. i.e. 'cache' or 'cache_bootstrap'.

Return value

string Cluster name.

1 call to MemcacheStorageAPI::getCacheBinCluster()
MemcacheStorageAPI::openConnection in ./
Connect to memcached clustes and returns memcached object on success.


./, line 554
Provide class that processes memcached operations.


Integrates with memcache API.


protected static function getCacheBinCluster($bin) {

  // Static variable that stores cache bin
  // names and mapped clusters.
  static $bin_clusters = array();

  // If static cache doesn't contain info about
  // mapping then we should load it.
  if (empty($bin_clusters[$bin])) {

    // Example:
    // $conf['memcache_bins'] = array(
    //   'cache' => 'default',
    //   'cache_bootstrap' => 'default',
    //   'cache_page' => 'pages',
    // );
    $cluster_bins = variable_get('memcache_bins', array());

    // Remove suffix from cache bin name.
    $cache_bin = self::normalizeCacheBin($bin);

    // Get mapped cluster.
    $bin_clusters[$bin] = !empty($cluster_bins[$cache_bin]) ? $cluster_bins[$cache_bin] : 'default';
  return $bin_clusters[$bin];