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protected static function MemcacheStorageAPI::finalDebugActions in Memcache Storage 7

Last step of debug logging.


$method: Memcache action name. For example, 'set'.

$cache_bin: Cache bin name where action performs.

$cache_id: Unprocessed Cache ID.

$memcache_id: Processed Cache ID right before memcache action.

$result: Results of action execution.

6 calls to MemcacheStorageAPI::finalDebugActions()
MemcacheStorageAPI::add in ./
Save data into memcached pool if key doesn't exist. Provide debug logging.
MemcacheStorageAPI::delete in ./
Delete value from memcached pool. Provide debug logging.
MemcacheStorageAPI::deleteMultiple in ./
Delete multiple cache items from memcached pool. Provide debug logging.
MemcacheStorageAPI::getMultiple in ./
Get values from memcache storage. Provide debug logging.
MemcacheStorageAPI::replace in ./
Replace existing data in memcache pool. Provide debug logging.

... See full list


./, line 628
Provide class that processes memcached operations.


Integrates with memcache API.


protected static function finalDebugActions($method, $cache_bin, $cache_id, $memcache_id, $result) {

  // Stop count timer.

  // Calculate memory usage.
  $mem_usage =& drupal_static('memcache_storage_debug_mem_usage', array());
  $used_memory = memory_get_usage() - $mem_usage[self::$debug_key];

  // Processes cache bin name (remove suffix _[INDEX] if exists).
  $cache_bin_original = self::normalizeCacheBin($cache_bin);

  // Get array with debug data.
  $memcache_storage_debug_output =& drupal_static('memcache_storage_debug_output');
  if (is_string($cache_id)) {
    $cache_id = array(

  // Log entries about memcache action.
  foreach ($cache_id as $cid) {
    $unique_class = str_replace(array(
      ' ',
    ), '-', $cache_bin . '-' . $cid);
    $clear_link = array(
      '#theme' => 'link',
      '#text' => 'Delete',
      '#path' => 'memcache_storage/delete/nojs/' . $cache_bin . '/' . $cid,
      '#options' => array(
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
        'html' => FALSE,

    // Get result string (HIT or MISS).
    if (is_array($result)) {
      $result_status = isset($result[$cid]) && $result[$cid] !== Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND;
      $result_string = !empty($result_status) ? 'HIT' : 'MISS';
    else {
      $result_string = $result ? 'HIT' : 'MISS';
    $memcache_storage_debug_output[] = array(
      'action' => count($cache_id) > 1 ? $method . 'Multiple' : $method,
      'timer' => timer_read(self::$debug_key),
      'memory' => $used_memory,
      'result' => $result_string,
      'bin' => $cache_bin_original,
      'cid' => $cid,
      'mem_key' => is_array($memcache_id) ? array_search($cid, $memcache_id) : $memcache_id,
      'clear_link' => $cid != 'memcache_storage_bin_indexes' ? $clear_link : '',
      'token' => $cache_bin . '-' . $cid,

  // Increase timer to get new time results.