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public function MemCacheClearCase::testWildCardOptimizations in Memcache API and Integration 7

Test different wildcards to verify the wildcard optimizations.


tests/memcache.test, line 542
Test cases for the memcache cache backend.


Test cache clearing methods.


public function testWildCardOptimizations() {

  // Set and clear a cache with a short cid/wildcard.
  cache_set('foo:1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
    ->assertCacheExists(t('Foo cache was set.'), $this->default_value, 'foo:1');
  cache_clear_all('foo', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
    ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Foo cache was invalidated.'), 'foo:1');

  // Set additional longer caches.
  cache_set('foobar', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
  cache_set('foofoo', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
    ->assertCacheExists(t('Foobar cache set.'), $this->default_value, 'foobar');
    ->assertCacheExists(t('Foofoo cache set.'), $this->default_value, 'foofoo');

  // Clear one of them with a wildcard and make sure the other one is still
  // valid.
  cache_clear_all('foobar', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
    ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Foobar cache invalidated.'), 'foobar');
    ->assertCacheExists(t('Foofoo cache still valid.'), $this->default_value, 'foofoo');

  // Set and clear a cache with a different, equally short cid/wildcard.
  cache_set('bar:1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
    ->assertCacheExists(t('Bar cache was set.'), $this->default_value, 'bar:1');
  cache_clear_all('bar', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
    ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Bar cache invalidated.'), 'bar:1');
    ->assertCacheExists(t('Foofoo cache still valid.'), $this->default_value, 'foofoo');

  // Clear cache with an even shorter wildcard. This results in a full bin
  // bin clear, all entries are marked invalid.
  cache_set('bar:2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
  cache_clear_all('ba', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
    ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Bar:1 cache invalidated.'), 'bar:1');
    ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Bar:2 cache invalidated.'), 'bar:2');
    ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Foofoo cache invalidated.'), 'foofoo');