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8 calls to dmemcache_key() in Memcache API and Integration 7

dmemcache_add in ./
Add an item into memcache.
dmemcache_delete in ./
Deletes an item from the cache.
dmemcache_get in ./
Retrieve a value from the cache.
dmemcache_get_multi in ./
Retrieve multiple values from the cache.
dmemcache_set in ./
Place an item into memcache.
MemCacheStatisticsTestCase::testBootstrapStatistics in tests/memcache.test
Checks for early bootstrap statistics.
_dmemcache_key_piece in ./
Generates a key name for a multi-part data piece based on the sequence ID.
_dmemcache_set_pieces in ./
Split a large item into pieces and place them into memcache