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Files in MediaFront 6.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
osmplayer_default_playlist.tpl.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/default/osmplayer_default_playlist.tpl.php
osmplayer_default_scrollbar.tpl.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/default/osmplayer_default_scrollbar.tpl.php
osmplayer_default_teaser.tpl.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/default/osmplayer_default_teaser.tpl.php
osmplayer_default_teaservoter.tpl.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/default/osmplayer_default_teaservoter.tpl.php
osmplayer_default_titlebar.tpl.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/default/osmplayer_default_titlebar.tpl.php
osmplayer_shockplayer.tpl.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/shockplayer/osmplayer_shockplayer.tpl.php
osmplayer_simpleblack.tpl.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/simpleblack/osmplayer_simpleblack.tpl.php
OSMTemplate.php players/osmplayer/player/OSMTemplate.php
Playlist.php players/osmplayer/player/playlist/Playlist.php
README.txt README.txt The MediaFront module is a front end media solution for Drupal. It employs an innovative and intuitive administration interface that allows the website administrator to completely customize the front end media experience for their users without…
README.txt players/osmplayer/player/README.txt Open Standard Media Player - Build by Alethia Inc. (c) 2011. - For documentaion, implementations, and examples... - For customization inquiries and business prospects. ABOUT: The open…
README.txt players/osmplayer/player/css/README.txt This is the folder to contain all of the cached CSS files. Do not place anything in this directory.
README.txt players/osmplayer/player/minplayer/README.txt The minplayer is a GPLv3, minimalistic, skinable, plugin based Flash media player. In addition to being a minimal Flash player, it was built with a solid API so that any JavaScript widget can communicate to this player easily and effectively…
README.txt players/osmplayer/player/playlist/cache/README.txt This is the cache folder to be used to store cached XML files when a playlist is generated. When you add new songs to your playlist, you MUST delete all the contents of this folder for your change to take affect.
README.txt players/osmplayer/player/playlist/playlists/default/track3/README.txt Place either a video file (MOV, MP4, or FLV) or music file (MP3, WAV) along with whatever image you would like to associate in this this folder.
README.txt players/osmplayer/player/playlist/playlists/default/track1/README.txt Place either a video file (MOV, MP4, or FLV) or music file (MP3, WAV) along with whatever image you would like to associate in this this folder.
README.txt players/osmplayer/player/playlist/playlists/default/track2/README.txt Place either a video file (MOV, MP4, or FLV) or music file (MP3, WAV) along with whatever image you would like to associate in this this folder.
shockplayer.css players/osmplayer/player/templates/shockplayer/css/shockplayer.css #mediaplayer { position:relative; background:#000; border:1px solid #333; font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif; -moz-box-shadow:0px 10px 20px #666;/*no-important moz*/ -webkit-box-shadow:0px 10px 20px…
simpleblack.css players/osmplayer/player/templates/simpleblack/css/simpleblack.css #mediaplayer { position:relative; background:#000; border:1px solid #333; font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif; -moz-box-shadow:0px 10px 20px #666;/*no-important moz*/ -webkit-box-shadow:0px 10px 20px… services/tagging_service/ name = Tagging Service description = Provides a service that allows you to tag content in the Drupal system. package = "Services - services" dependencies[] = services dependencies[] = taxonomy version = VERSION core = 6.x ; Information…
tagging_service.module services/tagging_service/tagging_service.module
template.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/simpleblack/template.php
template.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/default/template.php
template.php players/osmplayer/player/templates/shockplayer/template.php
version.txt players/osmplayer/player/version.txt 1.1 services/voting_service/ name = Voting Service description = Provides a voting service. package = "Services - services" dependencies[] = services dependencies[] = votingapi version = VERSION core = 6.x ; Information added by packaging script on…
voting_service.module services/voting_service/voting_service.module


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