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MediaMigrationTestBase.php in Media Migration 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\media_migration\Kernel\Migrate;

use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\media_migration\MediaMigration;
use Drupal\Tests\media_migration\Traits\MediaMigrationTestTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Kernel\MigrateDrupalTestBase;

 * Base class for Media Migration kernel tests.
abstract class MediaMigrationTestBase extends MigrateDrupalTestBase {
  use MediaMigrationTestTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $profile = 'standard';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function loadFixture($path) {
    if (!empty($path)) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler();
      ->installSchema('file', 'file_usage');
    if ($module_handler
      ->moduleExists('node')) {
        ->installSchema('node', 'node_access');
    if ($module_handler
      ->moduleExists('embed')) {
    if ($module_handler
      ->moduleExists('media')) {
    if ($module_handler
      ->moduleExists('comment')) {
        ->installSchema('comment', 'comment_entity_statistics');
      ->installSchema('media_migration', MediaMigration::MEDIA_UUID_PROPHECY_TABLE);

   * Changes the entity embed token transform destination filter plugin.
   * @param string $new_filter_plugin_id
   *   The new token transform destination plugin ID.
  protected function setEmbedTokenDestinationFilterPlugin($new_filter_plugin_id) {
    $current_filter_plugin_id = MediaMigration::getEmbedTokenDestinationFilterPlugin();
    if ($new_filter_plugin_id !== $current_filter_plugin_id) {
        ->setSetting(MediaMigration::MEDIA_TOKEN_DESTINATION_FILTER_SETTINGS, $new_filter_plugin_id);

   * Sets the method of the embed media reference.
   * @param string $new_reference_method
   *   The reference method to set. This can be 'id', or 'uuid'.
  protected function setEmbedMediaReferenceMethod($new_reference_method) {
    $current_method = Settings::get(MediaMigration::MEDIA_REFERENCE_METHOD_SETTINGS);
    if ($current_method !== $new_reference_method) {
        ->setSetting(MediaMigration::MEDIA_REFERENCE_METHOD_SETTINGS, $new_reference_method);

   * Sets the type of the node migration.
   * @param bool $classic_node_migration
   *   Whether nodes should be migrated with the 'classic' way. If this is
   *   FALSE, and the current Drupal instance has the 'complete' migration, then
   *   the complete node migration will be used.
  protected function setClassicNodeMigration(bool $classic_node_migration) {
    $current_method = Settings::get('migrate_node_migrate_type_classic', FALSE);
    if ($current_method !== $classic_node_migration) {
        ->setSetting('migrate_node_migrate_type_classic', $classic_node_migration);

   * Executes migrations of the media source database.
   * @param bool $classic_node_migration
   *   Whether the classic node migration has to be executed or not.
  protected function executeMediaMigrations(bool $classic_node_migration = FALSE) {

    // The Drupal 8|9 entity revision migration causes a file not found
    // exception without properly migrated files. For this test, it is enough to
    // properly migrate the public files.
    $fs_fixture_path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [
      drupal_get_path('module', 'media_migration'),
    $file_migration = $this
    $source = $file_migration
    $source['constants']['source_base_path'] = $fs_fixture_path;
      ->set('source', $source);
      $classic_node_migration ? 'd7_node' : 'd7_node_complete',

   * Executes the media configuration migrations (types, fields etc).
  protected function executeMediaConfigurationMigrations() {
      // @todo Every migration that uses the "media_wysiwyg_filter" process
      // plugin should depend on "d7_media_view_modes".



Namesort descending Description
MediaMigrationTestBase Base class for Media Migration kernel tests.