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MigrateEmbedMediaTokenTestBase.php in Media Migration 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\media_migration\Functional;

 * Base class for testing media token transformations.
abstract class MigrateEmbedMediaTokenTestBase extends MigrateMediaTestBase {

   * The CSS selector of the embed media entity.
   * @var string
  protected $embedMediaCssSelector;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getExpectedEntities() {
    $expected_entities = parent::getExpectedEntities();
    if (!array_key_exists('filtered_html', $expected_entities['filter_format'])) {
      $expected_entities['filter_format']['filtered_html'] = 'Filtered HTML';
    return $expected_entities;

   * Asserts the result of Media Migration's embed media token transform.
   * @param string|bool[][] $embed_code_html_properties
   *   The expected attributes of the embed entity HTML tags, keyed by their
   *   delta (from their order in node with ID '1').
   *   If a property value is set to TRUE, than this method checks only its
   *   existence.
   *   Example with teo expected embed code:
   *   @code
   *   array(
   *     0 => array(
   *       'attribute-with-value' => 'value',
   *       'attribute-exists' => TRUE,
   *     ),
   *     1 => array(
   *       'attribute-with-value' => 'value',
   *       'attribute-exists' => TRUE,
   *     ),
   *   )
   *   @endcode
  protected function assertMediaTokenTransform(array $embed_code_html_properties) {
    $assert_session = $this

    // Assert that media_filter plugin tokens were transformed to entity_embed
    // HTML entities, and the node can be viewed and edited without errors.
      ->assertPageTitle('Article with embed image media');

    // The embed media' should be rendered properly.

    // Node can be edited.

    // Node body text contains the expected HTML entity of the embed media.
    $body_textarea = $assert_session
    $body_text = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $body_textarea
      ->assertEmbedTokenHtmlTags($body_text, $embed_code_html_properties);

    // Hitting save button should not cause errors.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, NULL, 'Save');

    // Url is node/1.
      ->buildUrl('node/1'), $this

    // Embed media is still rendered.

   * Ensures that the rendered embed media exists.
  protected function assertRenderedEmbedMedia() {

    // The embed media's image field should be present.
      ->responseNotContains('The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.');
      ->find('css', $this->embedMediaCssSelector));



Namesort descending Description
MigrateEmbedMediaTokenTestBase Base class for testing media token transformations.