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public function D7FileDeriver::getDerivativeDefinitions in Media Migration 8

Gets the definition of all derivatives of a base plugin.


array $base_plugin_definition: The definition array of the base plugin.

Return value

array An array of full derivative definitions keyed on derivative id.

Overrides D7FileConfigDeriver::getDerivativeDefinitions

See also



src/Plugin/migrate/D7FileDeriver.php, line 29


Deriver class for plain file to media entity migrations.




public function getDerivativeDefinitions($base_plugin_definition) {
  $plain_file_types = static::getSourcePlugin('d7_file_plain_type');
  try {
  } catch (RequirementsException $e) {

    // The requirements of the "d7_file_plain_type" source plugin can fail if:
    // - The source database is not configured
    // - The File module is not enabled on the source Drupal instance
    // - The source database is not a Drupal 7 database.
    return $this->derivatives;
  assert($plain_file_types instanceof DrupalSqlBase);
  try {
    foreach ($plain_file_types as $plain_file_type_row) {
      assert($plain_file_type_row instanceof Row);
        'mimes' => $mimes,
        'schemes' => $schemes,
      ] = $plain_file_type_row
      foreach (explode(ConfigSourceBase::MULTIPLE_SEPARATOR, $mimes) as $mime) {
        foreach (explode(ConfigSourceBase::MULTIPLE_SEPARATOR, $schemes) as $scheme) {

          // The "fallback" plugin has to be instantiated for any kind of
          // combination.
          if (!($dealer_plugin = $this->fileDealerManager
            ->createInstanceFromSchemeAndMime($scheme, $mime))) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('No FileDealer plugin applies for files with scheme "%s" and with mime type "%s/*"', $scheme, $mime));
          $destination_media_type_id = $dealer_plugin
          $derivative_id = implode(PluginBase::DERIVATIVE_SEPARATOR, [
          $derivative_definition = $base_plugin_definition;

          // Create the migration derivative.
          $derivative_definition['migration_tags'][] = MediaMigration::MIGRATION_TAG_MAIN;
          $derivative_definition['migration_tags'][] = MediaMigration::MIGRATION_TAG_CONTENT;
          $derivative_definition['source']['mime'] = $mime;
          $derivative_definition['source']['scheme'] = $scheme;
          $derivative_definition['source']['destination_media_type_id'] = $destination_media_type_id;
          $derivative_definition['label'] = $this
            ->t('@label (@type)', [
            '@label' => $base_plugin_definition['label'],
            '@type' => $dealer_plugin

          // Post-process migration dependencies: instead of depending on
          // migrations based on their base plugin ID, it is better to use the
          // corresponding derivatives where possible.
          $derived_migration_ids = [
          foreach ($derived_migration_ids as $derived_migration_base_id) {
            $required_dependencies = !empty($derivative_definition['migration_dependencies']['required']) ? $derivative_definition['migration_dependencies']['required'] : [];
            $dependency_key = array_search($derived_migration_base_id, $required_dependencies, TRUE);
            if ($dependency_key !== FALSE) {
              $derivative_definition['migration_dependencies']['required'][$dependency_key] .= PluginBase::DERIVATIVE_SEPARATOR . $destination_media_type_id;

          // Add the corresponding file migration as migration dependency.
          switch ($scheme) {
            case 'public':
              $derivative_definition['migration_dependencies']['required'][] = 'd7_file';
            case 'private':
              $derivative_definition['migration_dependencies']['required'][] = 'd7_file_private';
          if ($derivative_definition['source']['plugin'] === 'd7_file_plain') {
              ->alterMediaEntityMigrationDefinition($derivative_definition, $plain_file_types
          $this->derivatives[$derivative_id] = $derivative_definition;
  } catch (DatabaseExceptionWrapper $e) {

    // Once we begin iterating the source plugin it is possible that the
    // source tables will not exist. This can happen when the
    // MigrationPluginManager gathers up the migration definitions but we do
    // not actually have a Drupal 7 source database.
  return $this->derivatives;