public function MediaFeedsInternetProvider::getExistingFile in Media Feeds 7
Looks for an existing file.
Return value
The fid, if an existing file is in the database. FALSE if no existing file is found.
3 calls to MediaFeedsInternetProvider::getExistingFile()
- MediaFeedsInternetProvider::getFileObject in includes/ - Get the file object that can be validated and saved.
- MediaFeedsInternetProvider::save in includes/ - Let the provider save the file. Since providers don't use the workaround at MediaFeedsProviderWrapper::getFileObject() internally, hook into that process using hook_file_presave().
- MediaFeedsInternetProvider::validate in includes/ - If required, providers can validate the embedCode.
- includes/, line 37 - Provides a wrapper class for media_internet providers.
- MediaFeedsInternetProvider
- Wraps a media_internet provider to implement the interface of MediaFeedsProvider and provide workarounds for some issues. As the issues get fixed the workarounds can be removed.
public function getExistingFile() {
if ($this->existingFile === NULL) {
$this->existingFile = FALSE;
$file = $this->provider
if ($file) {
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$existing = $query
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'file')
->propertyCondition('uri', $file->uri)
if ($existing && isset($existing['file']) && is_array($existing['file'])) {
$this->existingFile = reset($existing['file'])->fid;
return $this->existingFile;