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Theme hooks and implementations.


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 * @file
 * Theme hooks and implementations.

 * Implements hook_theme().
function media_acquiadam_browser_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  $ret = [];

  // A singular asset as displayed on the Media Browser form.
  $ret['media_acquiadam_browser_asset'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'asset' => NULL,
      'thumbnail' => NULL,
    'template' => 'media-acquiadam-browser-asset',
    'path' => $path . '/templates',

  // The breadcrumb trail used to navigate folders.
  $ret['media_acquiadam_browser_trail'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'assets' => [],
      'title' => t('Trail'),

  // The menu displayed with each asset in the browser.
  $ret['media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'asset' => NULL,

  // Individual menu items displayed in the browser.
  $ret['media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list_item'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'icon' => '',
      'label' => NULL,

  // The asset information modal content.
  $ret['media_acquiadam_browser_info_modal'] = [
    'variables' => [
      'asset' => NULL,
    'template' => 'media-acquiadam-browser-info-modal',
    'path' => $path . '/templates',
  return $ret;

 * Theme preprocessor for media_acquiadam_browser_info_modal.
function media_acquiadam_browser_preprocess_media_acquiadam_browser_info_modal(&$variables) {
  $asset = $variables['asset'];
  $css_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'media_acquiadam_browser') . '/css/media_acquiadam_browser.info_modal.css';
  drupal_add_css($css_path, 'file');
  if (user_access('view acquiadam links')) {
    $variables['dam_link'] = l(t('View this asset in Acquia DAM.'), $asset
      ->getDAMUrl(), [
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      'external' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => [
        'rel' => 'external',
        'target' => '_blank',

  // Setup a preview thumbnail if one is available.
  $preview = $asset
  if (!empty($preview)) {
    $variables['preview'] = theme('image', [
      'path' => $preview,
      'title' => $asset['name'],
      'alt' => $asset['name'],

  // Pull out some asset properties for display in the modal.
  $properties = [
    'name' => [
      !empty($asset['name']) ? $asset['name'] : NULL,
    'description' => [
      !empty($asset['description']) ? $asset['description'] : NULL,
    'expiration_date' => [
      !empty($asset['expiration']['date']) ? $asset['expiration']['date'] : NULL,
    'filename' => [
      t('File name'),
      !empty($asset['filename']) ? $asset['filename'] : NULL,
    'filesize' => [
      t('File size'),
      !empty($asset['filesize']) ? format_size($asset['filesize'] * 1024 * 1024) : NULL,
    'filetype' => [
      t('File type'),
      !empty($asset['filetype']) ? drupal_strtoupper($asset['filetype']) : NULL,
    'colorspace' => [
      t('Color space'),
      !empty($asset['colorspace']) ? drupal_strtoupper($asset['colorspace']) : NULL,
    'width' => [
      !empty($asset['width']) ? $asset['width'] : NULL,
    'height' => [
      !empty($asset['height']) ? $asset['height'] : NULL,
    'datecaptured' => [
      t('Date captured'),
      !empty($asset['datecaptured']) ? $asset['datecaptured'] : NULL,
    'datecreated' => [
      t('Date created'),
      !empty($asset['datecreated']) ? $asset['datecreated'] : NULL,
    'datemodified' => [
      t('Date modified'),
      !empty($asset['datemodified']) ? $asset['datemodified'] : NULL,
    'user_name' => [
      t('Uploaded by'),
      !empty($asset['user']['name']) ? $asset['user']['name'] : NULL,
    'version' => [
      !empty($asset['version']) ? $asset['version'] : NULL,
    'status' => [
      !empty($asset['status']) ? drupal_ucfirst($asset['status']) : NULL,
  if ('folder' != $asset
    ->getType()) {
    $metadata = [];
    try {

      // Fetch the XMP metadata as this is where the keywords field lives.
      $xmp = $asset
      if (!empty($xmp['active_fields'])) {
        foreach ($xmp['active_fields'] as $field) {
          if (!empty($field['value'])) {
            $metadata[$field['field']] = [
    } catch (Exception $x) {
      watchdog_exception('media_acquiadam_browser', $x);
  $data = [
    'properties' => &$properties,
    'metadata' => &$metadata,
    'preview' => &$variables['preview'],
  $context = [
    'asset' => $asset,
    'type' => $asset
  drupal_alter('media_acquiadam_browser_info', $data, $context);
  if (!empty($metadata)) {
    $properties[] = [
        'data' => t('Metadata'),
        'header' => TRUE,
        'colspan' => 2,
    $properties = array_merge($properties, $metadata);
  $variables['properties'] = theme('table', [
    'header' => [
    'rows' => media_acquiadam_browser_convert_property_data($properties),
    'empty' => t('No information was provided.'),
    'caption' => t('Asset information'),
    'sticky' => FALSE,
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'media_acquiadam_browser') . '/js/media_acquiadam_browser.info_modal.js');

 * Theme preprocessor for media_acquiadam_browser_asset.
function media_acquiadam_browser_preprocess_media_acquiadam_browser_asset(&$variables) {
  $asset = $variables['asset'];
  $css_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'media_acquiadam_browser') . '/css/media_acquiadam_browser.asset.css';
  drupal_add_css($css_path, 'file');
  $query = drupal_get_query_parameters(NULL, [
  $query['folderId'] = $asset['id'];

  // Create a URL for the current page that includes the folder ID so the media
  // browser can filter appropriately.
  $variables['browser_url'] = url(current_path(), [
    'query' => $query,

  // If a thumbnail wasn't given we need to define one for display.
  if (empty($variables['thumbnail'])) {

    // Default to a placeholder image in case we can't load one from the asset.
    $placeholder = variable_get('media_acquiadam_browser_placeholder', '');
    if (empty($placeholder)) {
      watchdog('media_acquiadam_browser', 'Browser placeholder image is missing! Please set the media_acquiadam_browser_placeholder variable to the placeholder image in the files directory!', NULL, WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
    $variables['thumbnail'] = theme('image_style', [
      'style_name' => 'media_acquiadam_browser_preview_medium',
      'path' => $placeholder,
      'title' => $asset['name'],
      'alt' => $asset['name'],
    $preview = $asset
    if (!empty($preview)) {
      $variables['thumbnail'] = theme('image', [
        'path' => $preview,
        'title' => $asset['name'],
        'alt' => $asset['name'],
  $variables['jump_list'] = theme('media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list', [
    'asset' => $asset,
  $variables['attributes_array'] = [
    'data-asset-expiration' => !empty($asset['expiration']['dateUnix']) ? $asset['expiration']['dateUnix'] : NULL,
    'data-asset-id' => intval($asset['id']),
    'data-asset-status' => $asset['status'],
    'data-asset-type' => $asset['type'],
  $variables['attributes_array'] = array_filter($variables['attributes_array']);
  $variables['attributes'] = drupal_attributes($variables['attributes_array']);

 * Theme implementation for the media browser folder trail.
 * @param array $variables
 *   The theme variables. Must include an assets array.
 * @return string
 *   The rendered media browser trail.
function theme_media_acquiadam_browser_trail(array $variables) {
  $link_opts = [
    'attributes' => [
      'data-asset-type' => 'folder',
    'query' => drupal_get_query_parameters(NULL, [
  $links = [];
  if (!empty($variables['assets'])) {
    $links[] = l(t('Root'), current_path(), $link_opts);
    foreach ($variables['assets'] as $asset) {
      if ('folder' == $asset['type']) {
        $link_opts['attributes']['data-asset-id'] = $asset['id'];
        $link_opts['query']['folderId'] = $asset['id'];
        $links[] = l($asset['name'], current_path(), $link_opts);
  $var = [
    'breadcrumb' => $links,
  $breadcrumb = theme('breadcrumb', $var);
  $jump = '';
  if (!empty($variables['assets'])) {
    $last = end($variables['assets']);
    $last = media_acquiadam_get_helper($asset['type'], $asset);
    $jump = theme('media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list', [
      'asset' => $last,
  return '<div class="media-acquiadam-browser-trail">' . $breadcrumb . $jump . '</div>';

 * Theme a single jump list link.
 * @param array $variables
 *   The theme variables.
 * @return string
 *   The rendered jump list item.
function theme_media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list_item(array $variables) {
  $text = '';
  if (!empty($variables['icon'])) {
    $text .= '<i class="icon">' . $variables['icon'] . '</i>';
  if (!empty($variables['label'])) {
    $text .= filter_xss($variables['label']);
  return $text;

 * Theme implementation for the media browser asset jump list.
 * @param array $variables
 *   The theme variables. Must include an assets array.
 * @return string
 *   The rendered media browser asset jump list.
function theme_media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list(array $variables) {
  $asset = $variables['asset'];
  $image_base = drupal_get_path('module', 'media_acquiadam_browser') . '/images/';
  $build = [];
  $css = drupal_get_path('module', 'media_acquiadam_browser') . '/css/media_acquiadam_browser.jump_list.css';
  $build['#attached']['css'][] = $css;
  $links = [];
  $links[] = [
    'title' => $asset['name'],
    'attributes' => [
      'class' => [
  if (user_access('view acquiadam links')) {
    $links[] = [
      'title' => theme('media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list_item', [
        'icon' => theme('image', [
          'path' => $image_base . 'ic_launch_black_24dp_1x.png',
        'label' => t('Open in Acquia DAM'),
      'href' => $asset
      'attributes' => [
        'target' => '_blank',
        'rel' => 'external',
        'data-action' => 'open',
      'html' => TRUE,
  if (module_exists('ctools')) {
    $links[] = [
      'title' => theme('media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list_item', [
        'icon' => theme('image', [
          'path' => $image_base . 'ic_info_outline_black_24dp_1x.png',
        'label' => t('Get info'),
      'href' => sprintf('dam/nojs/%s/%d/info', $asset['type'], $asset['id']),
      'attributes' => [
        'data-action' => 'info',
        'class' => [
      'html' => TRUE,
  $context = [
    'asset' => $asset,
  drupal_alter('media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list', $links, $context);
  $build['jump-list'] = [
    '#theme' => 'ctools_dropdown',
    '#title' => theme('image', [
      'path' => $image_base . 'ic_arrow_drop_down_black_24dp_1x.png',
    '#image' => TRUE,
    '#links' => $links,
    '#class' => 'jump-list',
  return render($build);

 * Converts property data into something more functional for rendering.
 * @param array $properties
 *   An array of table-style column data where the first item is the label and
 *   the second item is the value, keyed by the property machine name.
 * @return array
 *   The more complex property table data.
function media_acquiadam_browser_convert_property_data(array $properties) {
  foreach ($properties as $key => $cols) {

    // Only show properties that have a value set.
    if (empty($cols[1]) && empty($cols[0]['header'])) {
    elseif (!isset($cols[1])) {
    $properties[$key][0] = [
      'data' => $cols[0],
      'class' => drupal_html_class('property-' . $key . '-label'),
    $properties[$key][1] = [
      'data' => $cols[1],
      'class' => drupal_html_class('property-' . $key . '-value'),
  if (!empty($properties['keyword'][1]['data']) && user_access('access media acquiadam browser')) {
    $keywords = explode(',', $properties['keyword'][1]['data']);
    $keywords = array_map('trim', $keywords);
    $keywords = array_filter($keywords);
    $keywords = array_map(function ($keyword) {
      $options = [
        'query' => [
          'search' => [
            'keywords' => $keyword,
        'attributes' => [
          'title' => t('Search for @keyword', [
            '@keyword' => $keyword,
          'class' => [
      return l($keyword, '/admin/content/file/acquiadam', $options);
    }, $keywords);
    $properties['keyword'][1]['data'] = implode('', $keywords);
  return $properties;


Namesort descending Description
media_acquiadam_browser_convert_property_data Converts property data into something more functional for rendering.
media_acquiadam_browser_preprocess_media_acquiadam_browser_asset Theme preprocessor for media_acquiadam_browser_asset.
media_acquiadam_browser_preprocess_media_acquiadam_browser_info_modal Theme preprocessor for media_acquiadam_browser_info_modal.
media_acquiadam_browser_theme Implements hook_theme().
theme_media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list Theme implementation for the media browser asset jump list.
theme_media_acquiadam_browser_jump_list_item Theme a single jump list link.
theme_media_acquiadam_browser_trail Theme implementation for the media browser folder trail.