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6 calls to file_info_file_types() in D7 Media 7

file_entity_entity_info_alter in file_entity/file_entity.module
Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
file_entity_list_types_page in file_entity/
Displays the file type admin overview page.
file_get_type in file_entity/
Determines the file type of a passed in file object.
file_type_load in file_entity/
Returns an object with file type information, so that %file_type can be used in hook_menu() paths.
file_view_file in file_entity/
Generate an array for rendering just the file portion of a file entity.
media_get_thumbnail_preview in ./media.module
Returns a renderable array with the necessary classes to support a media thumbnail. Also provides default fallback images if no image is available.