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maxlength.module in Maxlength 5


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 * @file
 * Module to enable a max length countdown on node body and title.
require_once '';

// hook_perm
function maxlength_perm() {
  return array(

// hook_help
function maxlength_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/help#maxlength':
    case 'admin/modules#description':
      return t('Sets a maximum length for body fields and shows a counter that is updated as you type.');

// hook_menu
function maxlength_menu($may_cache) {
  $items = array();
  if ($may_cache) {
  else {
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/settings/maxlength',
      'title' => t('Maxlength'),
      'description' => t('Set maximum length for body fields.'),
      'callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'callback arguments' => '_maxlength_admin_settings',
      'access' => user_access(ADMINISTER_MAXLENGTH),
      'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  return $items;
function _maxlength_admin_settings() {
  $form = array();
  foreach (node_get_types() as $type => $name) {
    $code = MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $type;
    $type_info = node_get_types('type', $type);
    $form['nodetypes'][$type] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => $name->name,
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => strlen(variable_get($code . '_t', '') . variable_get($code . '_b', '')) == 0,
    $form['nodetypes'][$type][$code . '_t'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('!label Maxlength', array(
        '!label' => $type_info->title_label,
      '#field_suffix' => t('characters'),
      '#return_value' => 1,
      '#default_value' => variable_get($code . '_t', ''),
      '#description' => t('Maximum number of characters allowed for the title field of this content type. Leave blank for an unlimited size.'),
    $form['nodetypes'][$type][$code . '_b'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('!label Maxlength', array(
        '!label' => $type_info->body_label,
      '#field_suffix' => t('characters'),
      '#return_value' => 1,
      '#default_value' => variable_get($code . '_b', ''),
      '#description' => t('Maximum number of characters allowed for the body field of this content type. Leave blank for an unlimited size.'),
  return system_settings_form($form);

// hook_elements
function maxlength_elements() {
  $type = array();
  if (_maxlength_limit_body()) {
    $type['textarea'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'maxlength_textarea',
  return $type;
function _maxlength_limit_body() {
  if (arg(0) == 'node') {
    if (arg(1) == 'add') {
      $type = str_replace('-', '_', arg(2));
      return strlen(variable_get(MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $type . '_b', '')) > 0;
    if (arg(2) == 'edit') {
      $nid = intval(arg(1));
      return strlen(variable_get(MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . _maxlength_node_type_from_id($nid) . '_b', '')) > 0;
  return FALSE;
function theme_maxlength_textarea($element) {
  $prefix = '';
  if ($element['#name'] == 'body') {
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'maxlength');
    drupal_add_js($path . '/maxlength.js');
    if (arg(1) == 'add') {
      $type = str_replace('-', '_', arg(2));
    else {
      $type = _maxlength_node_type_from_id(intval(arg(1)));
    $limit = intval(variable_get(MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $type . '_b', ''));
    $remaining = $limit - drupal_strlen($element['#value']);
    if ($remaining < 0) {
      drupal_set_message(t('%body_field_label truncated to %limit characters!', array(
        '%body_field_label' => $element['#title'],
        '%limit' => $limit,
      )), 'error');
      $element['#value'] = drupal_substr($element['#value'], 0, $limit);
      $remaining = 0;
    $element['#attributes']['onchange'] = 'maxlength_limit(this, ' . $limit . ');';
    $element['#attributes']['onkeyup'] = 'maxlength_limit(this, ' . $limit . ');';
    $prefix = t('<div id="maxlength-counter">Content limited to !limit characters, remaining: <strong id="maxlength-counter-remaining">!remaining</strong></div>', array(
      '!limit' => $limit,
      '!remaining' => $remaining,
  return theme_textarea($element) . $prefix;
function _maxlength_node_type_from_id($nid) {
  $node = node_load($nid);
  return $node->type;

// hook_form_alter
function maxlength_form_alter($form_id, &$form) {
  if (isset($form['type'])) {
    $type = $form['type']['#value'];
    if ($type . '_node_form' == $form_id) {
      if (strlen(variable_get(MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $type . '_t', '')) > 0) {
        $limit = intval(variable_get(MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $type . '_t', ''));
        $form['title']['#maxlength'] = $limit;
        if (drupal_strlen($form['title']['#default_value']) > $limit) {
          $form['title']['#default_value'] = drupal_substr($form['title']['#default_value'], 0, $limit);
          drupal_set_message(t('%title_field_label truncated to %limit characters!', array(
            '%title_field_label' => $form['title']['#title'],
            '%limit' => $limit,
          )), 'error');

// hook_nodeapi
function maxlength_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
  $code = MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $node->type;
  if (strlen(variable_get($code . '_b', '')) > 0) {
    switch ($op) {
      case 'validate':
        $form = $a3;
        $limit = intval(variable_get($code . '_b', ''));
        if (drupal_strlen($node->body) > $limit) {
          form_set_error('body', t('The maximum number of characters has been exceeded!'));

// hook_node_type
function maxlength_node_type($op, $info) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'delete':
      $code = MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $info->type;
      variable_del($code . '_t');
      variable_del($code . '_b');
    case 'update':
      if (!empty($info->old_type) && $info->old_type != $info->type) {
        $code_old = MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $info->old_type;
        $code_new = MAXLENGTH_NODE_TYPE . $info->type;
        $max_title = variable_get($code_old . '_t', '');
        $max_body = variable_get($code_old . '_b', '');
        variable_set($code_new . '_t', $max_title);
        variable_set($code_new . '_b', $max_body);
        variable_del($code_old . '_t');
        variable_del($code_old . '_b');