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function MatomoBasicTest::testMatomoTrackingCode in Matomo Analytics 7.2


./matomo.test, line 120
Test file for Matomo module.


@file Test file for Matomo module.


function testMatomoTrackingCode() {
  $ua_code = '2';
  variable_set('matomo_site_id', $ua_code);
  variable_get('matomo_url_http', '');
  variable_get('matomo_url_https', '');

  // Show tracking code on every page except the listed pages.
  variable_set('matomo_visibility_pages', 0);

  // Enable tracking code for all user roles.
  variable_set('matomo_roles', array());

  /* Sample JS code as added to page:
     <script type="text/javascript">
     var _paq = _paq || [];
         var u=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://{$MATOMO_URL}" : "http://{$MATOMO_URL}");
         _paq.push(['setSiteId', {$IDSITE}]);
         _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'matomo.php']);
         var d=document,

  // Test whether tracking code uses latest JS.
  variable_set('matomo_cache', 0);
    ->assertRaw('u+"matomo.php"', '[testMatomoTrackingCode]: Latest tracking code used.');

  // Test if tracking of User ID is enabled.
  variable_set('matomo_trackuserid', 1);
    ->assertRaw('_paq.push(["setUserId", ', '[testMatomoTrackingCode]: Tracking code for User ID is enabled.');

  // Test if tracking of User ID is disabled.
  variable_set('matomo_trackuserid', 0);
    ->assertNoRaw('_paq.push(["setUserId", ', '[testMatomoTrackingCode]: Tracking code for User ID is disabled.');

  // Test whether single domain tracking is active.
    ->assertNoRaw('_paq.push(["setCookieDomain"', '[testMatomoTrackingCode]: Single domain tracking is active.');

  // Enable "One domain with multiple subdomains".
  variable_set('matomo_domain_mode', 1);

  // Test may run on localhost, an ipaddress or real domain name.
  // TODO: Workaround to run tests successfully. This feature cannot tested reliable.
  global $cookie_domain;
  if (count(explode('.', $cookie_domain)) > 2 && !is_numeric(str_replace('.', '', $cookie_domain))) {
      ->assertRaw('_paq.push(["setCookieDomain"', '[testMatomoTrackingCode]: One domain with multiple subdomains is active on real host.');
  else {

    // Special cases, Localhost and IP addresses don't show 'setCookieDomain'.
      ->assertNoRaw('_paq.push(["setCookieDomain"', '[testMatomoTrackingCode]: One domain with multiple subdomains may be active on localhost (test result is not reliable).');

  // Test whether the BEFORE and AFTER code is added to the tracker.
  variable_set('matomo_codesnippet_before', '_paq.push(["setLinkTrackingTimer", 250]);');
  variable_set('matomo_codesnippet_after', '_paq.push(["t2.setSiteId", 2]);_gaq.push(["t2.trackPageView"]);');
    ->assertRaw('setLinkTrackingTimer', '[testMatomoTrackingCode]: Before codesnippet has been found with "setLinkTrackingTimer" set.');
    ->assertRaw('t2.trackPageView', '[testMatomoTrackingCode]: After codesnippet with "t2" tracker has been found.');