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public function MassContactFormTest::testNormalAccess in Mass Contact 8

Tests basic form operation on an unprivileged user.


tests/src/Functional/Form/MassContactFormTest.php, line 84


Tests for the Mass Contact form.




public function testNormalAccess() {

  // Ensure page loads successfully.

  // Test with queue system.
    ->set('send_with_cron', TRUE)

  // Grant permission to one category only.
    ->grantPermission('mass contact send to users in the ' . $this->categories[2]
    ->id() . ' category')
    ->pageTextContains('A copy of this message will be archived on this website.');
    ->pageTextContains('Recipients will be hidden from each other.');
    ->fieldValueEquals('sender_mail', $this->massContactUser
    ->fieldValueEquals('sender_name', $this->massContactUser

  // Update some options.
  $config = $this
    ->set('use_bcc', FALSE);
    ->set('create_archive_copy', FALSE);
    ->set('default_sender_email', '');
    ->set('default_sender_name', 'Foo Bar');

  // Do not respect opt-outs.
    ->set('optout_enabled', MassContactInterface::OPT_OUT_DISABLED);
    ->set('message_prefix', [
    'value' => $this
    'format' => filter_default_format(),
    ->set('message_suffix', [
    'value' => $this
    'format' => filter_default_format(),
    ->grantPermission('mass contact send to users in the ' . $this->categories[3]
    ->id() . ' category')
    ->pageTextContains('Recipients will NOT be hidden from each other.');
    ->pageTextContains(' A copy of this message will NOT be archived on this website.');

  // Set category 2 to send to all authenticated users.
  $recipients = [
    'role' => [
      'conjunction' => 'AND',
      'categories' => [

  // Send a message to category 2.
  $edit = [
    'subject' => $this
    'body[value]' => $this
    'categories[]' => [
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Send email'));
  $message_configs['optout'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['copy'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['bcc'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['create_archive_copy'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['user_count'] = 409;

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Queue\QueueWorkerManagerInterface $manager */

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Queue\QueueWorkerInterface $message_queue_queue_worker */

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Queue\QueueWorkerInterface $send_message_queue_worker */
  $manager = $this->container
  $message_queue_queue_worker = $manager
  $send_message_queue_worker = $manager

  // Should be one item in the  Queue messages queue.
    ->verifyAndProcessQueueMessagesQueue($message_queue_queue_worker, 1);

  // There should now be 9 items in the sending queue and 409 emails
  // (409 non-blocked users with the recipient role).
  // @see \Drupal\mass_contact\MassContact::MAX__QUEUE_RECIPIENTS
    ->verifyAndProcessSendMessageQueue($send_message_queue_worker, 9, 409);

  // Switch back to BCC mode and only 3 emails should be sent.
    ->set('system.test_mail_collector', []);
    ->set('create_archive_copy', TRUE);
    ->set('use_bcc', TRUE);

  // Send a message to category 2.
  $edit = [
    'subject' => $this
    'body[value]' => $this
    'categories[]' => [
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Send email'));
  $message_configs['optout'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['copy'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['bcc'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['create_archive_copy'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['user_count'] = 409;
    ->pageTextContains(t('A copy has been archived'));

  // Should be one item in the  Queue messages queue.
    ->verifyAndProcessQueueMessagesQueue($message_queue_queue_worker, 1);

  // There should now be 9 items in the sending queue and 9 emails
  // (since BCC is used).
  // @see \Drupal\mass_contact\MassContact::MAX__QUEUE_RECIPIENTS
    ->verifyAndProcessSendMessageQueue($send_message_queue_worker, 9, 9);

  // Verify message prefix/suffix are properly attached.
  $expected = implode("\n\n", [
  ]) . "\n\n";
    ->assertMail('body', $expected);
    ->assertMail('to', '');

  // Test opt out feature.
    ->set('system.test_mail_collector', []);
    ->set('optout_enabled', MassContactInterface::OPT_OUT_GLOBAL);
    ->set('use_bcc', FALSE);

  // Get form again.

  // Send a message to category 2 with BCC disabled.
  $edit = [
    'subject' => $this
    'body[value]' => $this
    'categories[]' => [
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Send email'));
  $message_configs['optout'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['copy'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['bcc'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['create_archive_copy'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['user_count'] = 407;

  // Should be one item in the  Queue messages queue.
    ->verifyAndProcessQueueMessagesQueue($message_queue_queue_worker, 1);

  // There should now be 9 items in the sending queue and 407 emails
  // (since BCC is not used and 2 users have opted out).
  // @see \Drupal\mass_contact\MassContact::MAX__QUEUE_RECIPIENTS
    ->verifyAndProcessSendMessageQueue($send_message_queue_worker, 9, 407);

  // Test send me a copy feature.
    ->set('system.test_mail_collector', []);

  // Use BCC for this test.
    ->set('use_bcc', TRUE);

  // Get form again.

  // Test Send a message without any categories with 'Send me a copy'
  // unchecked. Mail should not be sent since there are no recipients.
  $edit = [
    'subject' => $this
    'body[value]' => $this
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Send email'));
    ->pageTextContains('There are no recipients chosen for this mass contact message.');

  // Test Sending a message without any categories with
  // 'Send me a copy checked'. Mail should be sent since there is one
  // recipient.
  $edit = [
    'subject' => $this
    'body[value]' => $this
    'copy' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Send email'));
  $message_configs['optout'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['copy'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['bcc'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['create_archive_copy'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['user_count'] = 1;

  // Should be one item in the  Queue messages queue.
    ->verifyAndProcessQueueMessagesQueue($message_queue_queue_worker, 1);

  // There should now be only 1 item in the sending queue for the current
  // user and 1 email sent.
    ->verifyAndProcessSendMessageQueue($send_message_queue_worker, 1, 1);

  // Test sending a message to category 2 and also a copy to yourself with
  // BCC option as false.
    ->set('use_bcc', FALSE);

  // Use the checkboxes to display the categories.
    ->set('category_display', 'checkboxes');

  // Get form again.
    ->set('system.test_mail_collector', []);
  $edit = [
    'subject' => $this
    'body[value]' => $this
    'categories[' . $this->categories[2]
      ->id() . ']' => TRUE,
    'categories[' . $this->categories[3]
      ->id() . ']' => FALSE,
    'copy' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Send email'));
  $message_configs['optout'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['copy'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['bcc'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['create_archive_copy'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['user_count'] = 408;

  // Should be one item in the  Queue messages queue.
    ->verifyAndProcessQueueMessagesQueue($message_queue_queue_worker, 1);

  // There should now be 9 items in the sending queue for the current
  // user and should be 408 emails (407 non-blocked users and non opted out
  // users with the recipient role and 1 current user for copy).
    ->verifyAndProcessSendMessageQueue($send_message_queue_worker, 9, 408);

  // Test cancelling the message confirm form.
  // No messages should be sent if the cancel button is pressed on the
  // confirmation form.
    ->set('system.test_mail_collector', []);
    ->set('category_display', 'select');

  // Get form again.
  $edit = [
    'subject' => $this
    'body[value]' => $this
    'categories[]' => [
    'copy' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Send email'));
  $message_configs['optout'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['copy'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['bcc'] = FALSE;
  $message_configs['create_archive_copy'] = TRUE;
  $message_configs['user_count'] = 408;
  $message_configs['cancel'] = TRUE;
    ->verifyAndProcessQueueMessagesQueue($message_queue_queue_worker, 0);

  // @todo Test with batch system.
  // @see
    ->set('send_with_cron', FALSE)
    ->set('system.test_mail_collector', []);