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CategoryListBuilder.php in Mass Contact 8


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namespace Drupal\mass_contact;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityListBuilder;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\mass_contact\Entity\MassContactCategoryInterface;

 * Provides a listing of Mass contact category entities.
class CategoryListBuilder extends ConfigEntityListBuilder {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildHeader() {
    $header['label'] = $this
      ->t('Mass contact category');
    $header['id'] = $this
      ->t('Machine name');
    $header['categories'] = $this
    $header['selected'] = $this
      ->t('Selected by default');
    return $header + parent::buildHeader();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity) {
    $row['label'] = $entity
    $row['id'] = $entity
    $row['categories'] = $this
    $row['selected'] = $entity
      ->getSelected() ? '✔' : '';
    return $row + parent::buildRow($entity);

   * Generate the categories column value.
   * @param \Drupal\mass_contact\Entity\MassContactCategoryInterface $category
   *   The category entity.
  protected function getCategories(MassContactCategoryInterface $category) {
    $categories = [];
    foreach ($category
      ->getGroupings() as $plugin) {
      $categories[] = $plugin
    return new FormattableMarkup(implode('<br />', $categories), []);



Namesort descending Description
CategoryListBuilder Provides a listing of Mass contact category entities.