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namespace Drupal\mass_Contact in Mass Contact 8

Classsort descending Location Description
CategoryAccessControlHandler src/CategoryAccessControlHandler.php Access control handler for the mass contact category entity.
CategoryListBuilder src/CategoryListBuilder.php Provides a listing of Mass contact category entities.
MassContact src/MassContact.php The Mass Contact helper service.
MassContactInterface src/MassContactInterface.php Defines an interface for the Mass Contact helper service.
MessageAccessControlHandler src/MessageAccessControlHandler.php Access control handler for the mass contact message entity.
MessageListBuilder src/MessageListBuilder.php Mass contact message archive list builder.
OptOut src/OptOut.php The user opt out service.
OptOutInterface src/OptOutInterface.php A service for managing user opt-outs of mass contact emails.
Permissions src/Permissions.php Defines per-category mass contact permissions.