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README.txt in Mass Contact 5.2

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  1. 8 README.txt
  2. 6 README.txt
  3. 7 README.txt
The Mass Contact module started out as a modified version of the core Contact
module. It allows anyone with permission to send a single message to a role or
group of roles (or even to all registered users). Over time, it evolved to
something more than just a basic contact module to a group of users.

Here are a list of some of the features this module has:
 * You can send a message to one or more groups (referred to as categories) of
   users, which are specified by role.
 * Large recipient lists may be broken up into smaller chunks.
 * The site administrator can control how many messages are allowed to be sent
   by a single person in an hour.
 * The message may be sent such that the recipients' e-mail addresses are
   hidden from each other.
 * The message may be sent as plain text or HTML, even specifying the input
   format filter to use.
 * The message may include one or more binary file attachments.
 * The site administrator may specify different texts to be placed at the
   beginning and/or the end of every message that is sent out.
 * A copy of the message may be saved as a node.
 * Users may opt-out, by category, of receiving mass mailings on their account
   settings page.

This module is installed in a standard way. Generic instructions for how to do
that can be found here:

The place where you create categories and modify the module's settings is
found in the same place as core's Contact module, the Site building section of
the Administer page (admin/build/mass_contact).

You need to add at least one category before sending any mass e-mails, which
can be done at the same location where the administrative settings are.

This module works by sending a single e-mail to your mail server with the
recipients' e-mail addresses in either the 'To:' or 'Bcc:' field. The mail
server is then responsible for parsing out the recipients' addresses and
forwarding the message along to everyone.

Here is some scaling information:
 * This module retrieves user ids and emails in a scaled way: no
 * This module sends email in a scaled way: yes, within server limits
 * This module keeps connections up while the long process continues: no

Here are all the menu items/links that are available and what they do:
URL               | Label             | Description        | To have access to
                  |                   |                    | this URL, users
                  |                   |                    | must have this
                  |                   |                    | permission
/admin/build/     | Mass Contact form | The main           | administer mass
mass_contact      |                   | administrative     | contact
                  |                   | interface, which   |
                  |                   | defaults to the    |
                  |                   | Category list page |
                  |                   | below.             |
/admin/build/     | Category list     | List the currently | administer mass
mass_contact/list |                   | defined            | contact
                  |                   | categories.        |
/admin/build/     | Add category      | Add a new          | administer mass
mass_contact/add  |                   | category.          | contact
/admin/build/     | Edit Mass Contact | Edit an existing   | administer mass
mass_contact/     | category (the     | category.          | contact
edit/$category_id | 'edit' operation  |                    |
                  | in the Category   |                    |
                  | list)             |                    |
/admin/build/     | Delete Mass       | Delete an existing | administer mass
mass_contact/     | Contact category  | category.          | contact
delete/           | (the 'delete'     |                    |
$category_id      | operation in the  |                    |
                  | Category list)    |                    |
/admin/build/     | Settings          | Administrative     | administer mass
mass_contact/     |                   | settings to modify | contact
settings          |                   | how Mass Contact   |
                  |                   | operates.          |
/mass_contact     | Mass Contact      | The main Mass      | send mass
                  |                   | Contact form for   | contact e-mails
                  |                   | sending messages.  |
/node/add/        | Mass Contact      | The form for       | create
mass_contact      |                   | adding a Mass      | mass_contact
                  |                   | Contact content    | content
                  |                   | item.              |
An easier to view table can be found here:

 * There is something the site administrator and/or the sender needs to keep
   in mind when breaking up a large recipient list into smaller chunks and
   sending the message as BCC (hiding the recipients from each other), and
   that is that the sender will receive a copy of the message for every group
   of recipients the list is broken up into. That is normal behavior and
   cannot be changed.
 * If you choose to save the messages as nodes, a node type of "mass_contact"
   is created after the first message is saved. In addition, a menu item
   labeled "Mass Contact Message" will also be created under the "Create
   Content" menu. If the menu item is enabled, you should disable it. If it is
   already disabled, you should leave it disabled. That node type is used by
   this module to save messages, and there is no meaning for users to create
   Mass Contact nodes.
 * If your category permissions are not showing up correctly, check your
   category name and make sure you don't have any stray characters or any
   characters that Drupal doesn't allow.
 * If you experience "return-path" errors when sending e-mail, you can try the
   Return-Path module ( to see if that
   solves your problem.


View source
  2. The Mass Contact module started out as a modified version of the core Contact
  3. module. It allows anyone with permission to send a single message to a role or
  4. group of roles (or even to all registered users). Over time, it evolved to
  5. something more than just a basic contact module to a group of users.
  7. Here are a list of some of the features this module has:
  8. * You can send a message to one or more groups (referred to as categories) of
  9. users, which are specified by role.
  10. * Large recipient lists may be broken up into smaller chunks.
  11. * The site administrator can control how many messages are allowed to be sent
  12. by a single person in an hour.
  13. * The message may be sent such that the recipients' e-mail addresses are
  14. hidden from each other.
  15. * The message may be sent as plain text or HTML, even specifying the input
  16. format filter to use.
  17. * The message may include one or more binary file attachments.
  18. * The site administrator may specify different texts to be placed at the
  19. beginning and/or the end of every message that is sent out.
  20. * A copy of the message may be saved as a node.
  21. * Users may opt-out, by category, of receiving mass mailings on their account
  22. settings page.
  24. This module is installed in a standard way. Generic instructions for how to do
  25. that can be found here:
  27. The place where you create categories and modify the module's settings is
  28. found in the same place as core's Contact module, the Site building section of
  29. the Administer page (admin/build/mass_contact).
  30. You need to add at least one category before sending any mass e-mails, which
  31. can be done at the same location where the administrative settings are.
  33. This module works by sending a single e-mail to your mail server with the
  34. recipients' e-mail addresses in either the 'To:' or 'Bcc:' field. The mail
  35. server is then responsible for parsing out the recipients' addresses and
  36. forwarding the message along to everyone.
  37. Here is some scaling information:
  38. * This module retrieves user ids and emails in a scaled way: no
  39. * This module sends email in a scaled way: yes, within server limits
  40. * This module keeps connections up while the long process continues: no
  41. Here are all the menu items/links that are available and what they do:
  42. URL | Label | Description | To have access to
  43. | | | this URL, users
  44. | | | must have this
  45. | | | permission
  46. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. /admin/build/ | Mass Contact form | The main | administer mass
  48. mass_contact | | administrative | contact
  49. | | interface, which |
  50. | | defaults to the |
  51. | | Category list page |
  52. | | below. |
  53. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. /admin/build/ | Category list | List the currently | administer mass
  55. mass_contact/list | | defined | contact
  56. | | categories. |
  57. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. /admin/build/ | Add category | Add a new | administer mass
  59. mass_contact/add | | category. | contact
  60. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. /admin/build/ | Edit Mass Contact | Edit an existing | administer mass
  62. mass_contact/ | category (the | category. | contact
  63. edit/$category_id | 'edit' operation | |
  64. | in the Category | |
  65. | list) | |
  66. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. /admin/build/ | Delete Mass | Delete an existing | administer mass
  68. mass_contact/ | Contact category | category. | contact
  69. delete/ | (the 'delete' | |
  70. $category_id | operation in the | |
  71. | Category list) | |
  72. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. /admin/build/ | Settings | Administrative | administer mass
  74. mass_contact/ | | settings to modify | contact
  75. settings | | how Mass Contact |
  76. | | operates. |
  77. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. /mass_contact | Mass Contact | The main Mass | send mass
  79. | | Contact form for | contact e-mails
  80. | | sending messages. |
  81. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. /node/add/ | Mass Contact | The form for | create
  83. mass_contact | | adding a Mass | mass_contact
  84. | | Contact content | content
  85. | | item. |
  86. An easier to view table can be found here:
  89. * There is something the site administrator and/or the sender needs to keep
  90. in mind when breaking up a large recipient list into smaller chunks and
  91. sending the message as BCC (hiding the recipients from each other), and
  92. that is that the sender will receive a copy of the message for every group
  93. of recipients the list is broken up into. That is normal behavior and
  94. cannot be changed.
  95. * If you choose to save the messages as nodes, a node type of "mass_contact"
  96. is created after the first message is saved. In addition, a menu item
  97. labeled "Mass Contact Message" will also be created under the "Create
  98. Content" menu. If the menu item is enabled, you should disable it. If it is
  99. already disabled, you should leave it disabled. That node type is used by
  100. this module to save messages, and there is no meaning for users to create
  101. Mass Contact nodes.
  102. * If your category permissions are not showing up correctly, check your
  103. category name and make sure you don't have any stray characters or any
  104. characters that Drupal doesn't allow.
  105. * If you experience "return-path" errors when sending e-mail, you can try the
  106. Return-Path module ( to see if that
  107. solves your problem.