in Masquerade Extras 6.2
Same filename and directory in other branches
Provides some drush commands for masquerade.
masquerade_drush/masquerade_drush.drush.incView source
* @file
* Provides some drush commands for masquerade.
* Implements hook_drush_command().
* Specifies our custom commands.
* @see hook_drush_command()
function masquerade_drush_drush_command() {
$items = array();
$items['masquerade'] = array(
'description' => 'Manipulates masquerades.',
'arguments' => array(
'command' => 'The masquerade command to execute.',
'account' => 'The user account to execute as.',
'target' => 'The user account to pretend to be.',
'options' => array(),
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush masquerade [list|show]' => 'Lists the active masquerades in the site.',
'drush masquerade [terminate|end|stop|term] <source:username>' => 'Terminates any active masquerades for username|user ID|email address',
'drush masquerade [start|begin] <source:username> <target:username>' => 'Initializes a masquerade for <username|user ID|email address>.' . "\n" . 'On the next page, they will become the "target" account.',
'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_SITE,
$items['sessions'] = array(
'description' => 'Manipulates user sessions.',
'arguments' => array(
'command' => 'The command to execute.',
'account' => 'The user account to manipulate.',
'examples' => array(
'drush sessions [list]' => 'Lists all users logged in to the site.',
'drush sessions <user>' => 'Lists any sessions belonging to <user>.',
'drush sessions terminate <user>' => 'Ends the session for <user>.',
'aliases' => array(
'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_SITE,
return $items;
* Implements hook_drush_help().
* @see hook_drush_help()
function masquerade_drush_drush_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
// drush masquerade
case 'drush:masquerade':
return dt('Allows you to initialize, terminate, and list masquerades in the current site.');
case 'meta:masquerade:title':
return dt('Masquerade Commands');
case 'meta:masquerade:summary':
return dt('Manipulates masquerades within a Drupal site.');
// drush sessions
case 'drush:sessions':
return dt('Allows you to view and terminate active user sessions in the site.');
case 'meta:sessions:title':
return dt('User Sesssions');
case 'meta:sessions:summary':
return dt('Manipulates user sessions in your Drupal site.');
* Implements drush_HOOK_COMMAND().
* @param string $command
* Command to execute.
* @param string $param1
* A property to pass in.
* @see drush_invoke()
* @see drush_HOOK_COMMAND()
function drush_masquerade_drush_sessions($command = NULL, $param1 = NULL) {
switch ($command) {
// Terminates a user's session.
case 'terminate':
case 'end':
case 'stop':
case 'term':
return _masquerade_drush_sessions_terminate($param1);
// Lists active masquerades.
case 'list':
case 'show':
return _masquerade_drush_sessions($param1);
// If no command was specified, we can shortcut this.
return _masquerade_drush_sessions($command);
* Implements drush_HOOK_COMMAND().
* @param string $command
* The command to execute.
* @param string $param1
* A property to pass in.
* @param string $param2
* An additional property to pass in.
* @see drush_invoke()
* @see drush_HOOK_COMMAND()
function drush_masquerade_drush_masquerade($command = NULL, $param1 = NULL, $param2 = NULL) {
switch ($command) {
// Terminates a masquerade from the source account.
case 'terminate':
case 'end':
case 'stop':
case 'term':
return _masquerade_drush_terminate_masquerade($param1);
// Starts a masquerade.
case 'start':
case 'begin':
return _masquerade_drush_start_masquerade($param1, $param2);
// Lists active masquerades.
case 'list':
case 'show':
return _masquerade_drush_list($param1);
// A shortcut to list masquerades from the active user
// if no 'list|show' is provided.
return _masquerade_drush_list($command);
* Retrieves a user account.
* @param string $account
* The user ID, email address, or account name we want to load.
* @return
* Loads the base user.
* @retval stdClass
function _masquerade_drush_get_user($account) {
// Don't trust user input, even on the command line.
$account_name = db_escape_string($account);
// Start writing a query to find the user.
$query_user = sprintf("SELECT uid\n FROM {users} AS u\n WHERE'%s'\n OR u.mail='%s'", $account_name, $account_name);
// If the account passed to us was a user id...
if (is_int($account)) {
$query_user .= sprintf("OR u.uid='%d'", $account);
// Finally, we get to execute the query.
$query_user = db_query($query_user);
$user = db_fetch_object($query_user);
// If the user requested wasn't found, return FALSE.
if (empty($user->uid)) {
return FALSE;
// Finally, get the user requested!
return user_load($user->uid);
* Deletes active masquerades from the database.
* This is exceptionally useful when an active masquerade is causing
* a development problem and the user can't end the masquerade.
* @param string $account
* The source account name whose masquerade(s) need to be stopped.
function _masquerade_drush_terminate_masquerade($account) {
// Find the requested user account.
$account = _masquerade_drush_get_user($account);
// Make sure the user provided exists.
if (empty($account)) {
return drush_print(dt('You must specify a valid user account. You can provide an email address, user ID, or username.'));
// Lookup the masquerades the current user has active.
$query_active_masquerades = db_query("SELECT `sid`, `uid_as`, `uid_from`\n FROM {masquerade}\n WHERE uid_from = %d", $account->uid);
// Loop over each masquerade the user currently has active.
while (FALSE !== ($masquerade = db_fetch_object($query_active_masquerades))) {
// Restore the session owner to its originator.
$upd = db_query("UPDATE {sessions}\n SET `uid` = %d\n WHERE `sid` = '%s'\n LIMIT 1;", $masquerade->uid_from, $masquerade->sid);
// Terminate all masquerades in the masquerade table from this user.
$query_num_ended = db_query("DELETE FROM {masquerade}\n WHERE `uid_from` = %d", $account->uid);
// Alert the user to any # of masquerades we terminated.
if (db_affected_rows($query_num_ended)) {
return drush_log(dt('Ended @count masquerades from account @user', array(
'@count' => $num_ended,
'@user' => $account->name,
)), 'success');
return drush_log(dt('No active masquerades for "@user"', array(
'@user' => $account->name,
)), 'warning');
* Initializes a masquerade on the user's behalf.
* This is useful when developing and you want the user to start masquerading
* as soon as they login to the site.
* @param string $account
* The (source) username.
* @param string $target
* The (target) username.
function _masquerade_drush_start_masquerade($account, $target) {
$account = _masquerade_drush_get_user($account);
$target = _masquerade_drush_get_user($target);
// Ensure the user specified the account they want to begin the masquerade with.
if (empty($account)) {
return drush_log(dt("You must specify the source user. You can provide an email address, user ID, or username."), 'error');
// Ensure the user specified the account they want to masquerade as.
if (empty($target)) {
return drush_log(dt("You must specify the target user. You can provide an email address, user ID, or username."), 'error');
// Lookup the requested account's session.
$query_session = db_query('SELECT `sid`, `uid`
FROM {sessions} AS s
WHERE s.`uid` = %d', $account->uid);
$session = db_fetch_object($query_session);
// If the requested user doesn't have a session, this won't work...just exit.
if (empty($session)) {
return drush_log(dt("The requested masquerader is not currently logged into the site."), 'error');
// Take over our own session with the session ID of the real user.
// Change ownership of the session to the target user.
$query_session_update = db_query("UPDATE {sessions}\n SET `uid` = %d,\n `session` = '%s',\n `cache` = %d\n WHERE `uid` = %d\n LIMIT 1", $target->uid, serialize($_SESSION), 0, $account->uid);
// If no update was performed, there's something amiss.
if (0 == db_affected_rows($query_session_update)) {
return drush_log(dt('There was a problem initializing a masquerade for: "@name".', array(
'@name' => $account->name,
)), 'error');
// Update the masquerade table.
$query_new_masquerader = db_query("INSERT INTO {masquerade}\n (uid_from, uid_as, sid)\n VALUES (%d, %d, '%s');", $account->uid, $target->uid, $session->sid);
// Inform the user the masquerade has begun.
if (0 < db_affected_rows($query_new_masquerader)) {
return drush_log(dt('Initialized masquerade for "@user" as "@target"', array(
'@user' => $account->name,
'@target' => $target->name,
)), 'success');
// There was a problem initializing the masquerade.
return drush_log(dt('There was a problem initalizing the masquerade.'), 'error');
* Displays a table of active masquerades in the site.
* @param string $account
* An optional username, user ID, or email address to filter
* the list down to.
function _masquerade_drush_list($account = NULL) {
$query_masqueraders = "SELECT m.sid AS sid, \n u2.uid AS u2_uid, \n AS u2_name,\n u.uid AS uid,\n AS name\n FROM {masquerade} AS m\n LEFT JOIN {users} AS u2\n ON u2.uid = m.uid_as\n LEFT JOIN {users} AS u\n ON u.uid = m.uid_from";
// If a user account was provided, we can whittle down
// the list to just masquerades with this account.
if (FALSE !== ($account = _masquerade_drush_get_user($account))) {
$query .= sprintf("WHERE m.uid_from = %d", $account->uid);
$query_list = db_query($query_masqueraders);
// Fill in the rows.
$rows = array();
$rows[] = array(
'Source User',
'Posing As',
// Just a helpful display trick.
$rows[] = array(
$found = 0;
// Loop through the active masquerades and turn them into rows.
while (FALSE !== ($m = db_fetch_object($query_list))) {
$rows[] = array(
if ($found < 1) {
return drush_log(dt('No one is masquerading at this time.'), 'ok');
// Display the list.
drush_print_table($rows, TRUE);
* Utility command to dump the active sessions table from the site.
* @param string $account
* An account name, user ID, or email address to search for.
function _masquerade_drush_sessions($account = NULL) {
// Grab all the sessions
$query_sessions = "\n SELECT s.`uid`, s.`sid`, u.`name`, s.`timestamp`, s.`hostname`\n FROM {sessions} AS s\n LEFT JOIN {users} AS u\n ON u.`uid` = s.`uid`";
// If the account was found, limit the results to just that account.
if (!empty($account)) {
// If an account was provided, load it.
$user = _masquerade_drush_get_user($account);
// Make sure we found the user.
if (!$user) {
return drush_log(dt('The account "@name" could not be found.', array(
'@name' => $account,
)), 'error');
// This is the closest and safest way to affect the query in oen shot.
$query_sessions .= sprintf(" AND s.uid = %d", $user->uid);
$query_sessions = db_query($query_sessions);
if (!empty($user) && empty($sessions)) {
return drush_log(dt('The user "@name" is not logged in right now.', array(
'@name' => $user->name,
)), 'ok');
// Dump a list of headers so the table actually makes sense.
$list = array(
while (FALSE !== ($s = db_fetch_object($query_sessions))) {
$list[] = array(
drush_print_table($list, TRUE);
* Ends a user's session.
* @param string $param1
* The account name, user id, or email address to lookup.
function _masquerade_drush_sessions_terminate($param1 = NULL) {
if (empty($param1)) {
return drush_log(dt('Please specify an account.'), 'error');
// Try to lookup the user account.
$account = _masquerade_drush_get_user($param1);
// Make sure we found the account we wanted.
if (empty($account)) {
return drush_log(dt('The account "@name" could not be found.', array(
'@name' => $param1,
)), 'error');
// Check which command we wanted to execute.
$response = drush_prompt(dt('Are you sure you want to terminate "@name"\'s session? (y/n)', array(
'@name' => $account->name,
)), NULL);
$response = strtoupper(trim($response));
if (!in_array($response, array(
))) {
return drush_log(dt('Cancelled action.'), 'ok');
$query_terminated = db_query("DELETE FROM {sessions}\n WHERE `uid` = %d", $account->uid);
return drush_log(dt('Terminated @count sessions for "@name".', array(
'@count' => db_affected_rows($query_terminated),
'@name' => $account->name,
)), 'ok');
Name | Description |
drush_masquerade_drush_masquerade | Implements drush_HOOK_COMMAND(). |
drush_masquerade_drush_sessions | Implements drush_HOOK_COMMAND(). |
masquerade_drush_drush_command | Implements hook_drush_command(). |
masquerade_drush_drush_help | Implements hook_drush_help(). |
_masquerade_drush_get_user | Retrieves a user account. |
_masquerade_drush_list | Displays a table of active masquerades in the site. |
_masquerade_drush_sessions | Utility command to dump the active sessions table from the site. |
_masquerade_drush_sessions_terminate | Ends a user's session. |
_masquerade_drush_start_masquerade | Initializes a masquerade on the user's behalf. This is useful when developing and you want the user to start masquerading as soon as they login to the site. |
_masquerade_drush_terminate_masquerade | Deletes active masquerades from the database. This is exceptionally useful when an active masquerade is causing a development problem and the user can't end the masquerade. |