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public function HashAutolinker::alterGuidelines in Markdown 3.0.x

Alters existing guides on how to use the Markdown Parser.


array $guides: The guides array, passed by reference.

Overrides MarkdownGuidelinesAlterInterface::alterGuidelines


src/Plugin/Markdown/Extension/HashAutolinker.php, line 28


Plugin annotation @MarkdownExtension( id = "hash_autolinker", label = @Translation("# Autolinker"), installed = TRUE, description = @Translation("Automatically link commonly used references that come after a hash character (#) without having…




public function alterGuidelines(array &$guides = []) {
  if ($this
    ->getSetting('type') === 'node') {
    $description = [
      t('Text that starts with hash symbol (#) followed by numbers will be automatically be linked to a node on this site.'),
    if ($this
      ->getSetting('node_title')) {
      $description[] = t('The node title will be used in place the text.');
    $description[] = t('If the node does not exist, it will not automatically link.');
    $guides['links']['items'][] = [
      'title' => t('# Autolinker'),
      'description' => $description,
  elseif ($this
    ->getSetting('type') === 'url') {
    $description = [
      t('Text that starts with a hash symbol (#) followed by any character other than a space will automatically be linked to the following URL: <code>@url</code>', [
        '@url' => $this
    if ($this
      ->getSetting('url_title')) {
      $description[] = t('The URL title will be used in place of the original text.');
    $guides['links']['items'][] = [
      'title' => t('@ Autolinker'),
      'description' => $description,
      'tags' => [
        'a' => [