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public function BaseExtension::settingsForm in Markdown 3.0.x

Returns the configuration form elements specific to this plugin.


array $element: The element render array for the extension configuration form.

\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $formState: The current state of the form.

\Drupal\markdown\Plugin\Filter\MarkdownFilterInterface $filter: The filter this form belongs to.

Return value

array The renderable form array representing the entire configuration form.

Overrides MarkdownExtensionInterface::settingsForm

3 calls to BaseExtension::settingsForm()
AtAutolinker::settingsForm in src/Plugin/Markdown/Extension/AtAutolinker.php
Returns the configuration form elements specific to this plugin.
HashAutolinker::settingsForm in src/Plugin/Markdown/Extension/HashAutolinker.php
Returns the configuration form elements specific to this plugin.
LinkRenderer::settingsForm in src/Plugin/Markdown/Extension/LinkRenderer.php
Returns the configuration form elements specific to this plugin.
3 methods override BaseExtension::settingsForm()
AtAutolinker::settingsForm in src/Plugin/Markdown/Extension/AtAutolinker.php
Returns the configuration form elements specific to this plugin.
HashAutolinker::settingsForm in src/Plugin/Markdown/Extension/HashAutolinker.php
Returns the configuration form elements specific to this plugin.
LinkRenderer::settingsForm in src/Plugin/Markdown/Extension/LinkRenderer.php
Returns the configuration form elements specific to this plugin.


src/Plugin/Markdown/Extension/BaseExtension.php, line 205


Base class for markdown extensions.




public function settingsForm(array $element, FormStateInterface $formState, MarkdownFilterInterface $filter) {
  $definition = $this
  $element['provider'] = [
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $definition['provider'],
  return $element;