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InstallablePluginTrait.php in Markdown 8.2


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namespace Drupal\markdown\Annotation;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\markdown\Util\Error;

 * Trait for adding installable plugin properties to annotations.
 * @internal
 * @todo Move upstream to
trait InstallablePluginTrait {

   * Indicates the plugin has been deprecated by providing a message.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Annotation\Translation
  public $deprecated;

   * Indicates the plugin is experimental by providing a message.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Annotation\Translation
  public $experimental;

   * Flag indicating whether plugin is installed.
   * @var mixed
   * @deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0.
   *   Use the "libraries" property instead.
   * @see
  public $installed;

   * The class name of the primary object that is implemented by the library.
   * Note: The following should automatically be prepended as a requirement for
   * the library when this property is set (where "<objectClassName>" is the
   * class name that was set):
   *   @ InstallableRequirement(
   *     value = "<objectClassName>",
   *     constraints = {"Exists" = {}}
   *   ),
   * @var string
  public $object;

   * Flag indicating whether it is the preferred library.
   * Note: if no libraries in a given plugin explicitly state they are the
   * preferred library or if multiple do, the first library will become
   * the preferred library.
   * @var bool
  public $preferred = FALSE;

   * An array of requirements for the plugin.
   * @var \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallableRequirement[]|\Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallableLibrary[]
  public $requirements = [];

   * A list of requirement violation messages.
   * @var string[]
  public $requirementViolations = [];

   * An array of runtime requirements for the plugin.
   * Note: this is primarily used internally to prevent recursion during
   * the discovery process of plugins. Typically this list is populated
   * automatically based on any provided $requirements set above. Instead of
   * using this property directly, use $requirements.
   * @var \Drupal\markdown\Annotation\InstallableRequirement[]
   * @internal
  public $runtimeRequirements = [];

   * Flag indicating whether this plugin is to be visible in UI areas.
   * Note: this is just a flag. It is up to whatever actually constructs the
   * UI to respect this value.
   * @var bool
  public $ui = TRUE;

   * A URL for the plugin, typically for installation instructions.
   * @var string
  public $url;

   * The installed version.
   * Note: by default, if this property isn't explicitly set and the plugin
   * identifier contains a forwards slash (/), it will be treated as a
   * Composer vendor/package identifier and will be passed to
   * \Drupal\markdown\Util\Composer::getInstalledVersion to retrieve the
   * installed version. Otherwise, an explicit value must be passed here or
   * reference a defined constant or callable that will be invoked to use the
   * return value as its value.
   * @var string
   * @see \Drupal\markdown\Util\Composer::getInstalledVersion()
  public $version;

   * The constraint the version must satisfy to be considered "installable".
   * @var string
   * @deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0.
   *   Use the "requirements" property instead.
   * @see
  public $versionConstraint;

   * Retrieves the plugin as a link using its label and URL.
   * @param string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface $label
   *   Optional. A specific label to use for the link. If not specified, it
   *   will default to the label or plugin identifier if present.
   * @param array $options
   *   An array of options to pass to the Url object constructor.
   * @param bool $fallback
   *   Flag indicating whether to fallback to the original label or plugin
   *   identifier if no link could be generated.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\GeneratedLink|mixed|void
   *   The link if one was generated or the label if $fallback was provided.
  public function getLink($label = NULL, array $options = [], $fallback = TRUE) {
    if (!isset($label)) {
      $label = $this->label ?: $this->id;
    if ($url = $this
      ->getUrl($options)) {
      return Link::fromTextAndUrl($label, $url)
    elseif ($fallback) {
      return $label;

   * Retrieves the definition's URL property as an object.
   * @param array $options
   *   An array of options to pass to the Url object constructor.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Url|void
   *   A Url object or NULL if no URL is set.
  public function getUrl(array $options = []) {
    if ($url = $this->url) {
      if (UrlHelper::isExternal($url)) {
        if (!isset($options['attributes']['target'])) {
          $options['attributes']['target'] = '_blank';
        return Url::fromUri($url, $options);
      return Url::fromUserInput($url, $options);

   * Retrieves requirements that contain "Version" constraints.
   * @return array
  public function getVersionRequirements() {
    return array_filter($this->requirements, function ($requirement) {
      return in_array('Version', array_keys($requirement->constraints));

   * Validates the plugin requirements.
   * @param bool $runtime
   *   Flag indicating whether to validate runtime requirements.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if requirements are met, FALSE if requirement violations exist.
  public function validate($runtime = FALSE) {
    $library = $this
      ->getInstalledLibrary() ?: $this
    if (!$library) {
      $library = current($this->libraries) ?: $this;

    // Validate requirements.
    foreach ($library->requirements as $requirement) {
      if ($requirement instanceof InstallableLibrary) {
        $requirement = $requirement

      /** @var \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface $violations */
      $violations = Error::suppress(function () use ($requirement) {
        return $requirement
      if ($violations) {
        foreach ($violations as $violation) {
          $key = (string) $violation
          if (!isset($library->requirementViolations[$key])) {
            $library->requirementViolations[$key] = $violation
          break 2;

    // Validate runtime requirements.
    if ($runtime) {
      foreach ($library->runtimeRequirements as $requirement) {

        /** @var \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface $violations */
        $violations = Error::suppress(function () use ($requirement) {
          return $requirement
        if ($violations) {
          foreach ($violations as $violation) {
            $key = (string) $violation
            if (!isset($library->requirementViolations[$key])) {
              $library->requirementViolations[$key] = $violation
            break 2;

    // Replace requirements and violations with the appropriate library.
    $this->requirements = $library->requirements;
    $this->runtimeRequirements = $library->runtimeRequirements;
    $this->requirementViolations = $library->requirementViolations;
    return empty($this->requirementViolations);



Namesort descending Description
InstallablePluginTrait Trait for adding installable plugin properties to annotations.