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namespace Drupal\markdown\Util in Markdown 8.2

Classsort descending Location Description
Composer src/Util/Composer.php Helper class used to deal with composer.
Error src/Util/Error.php
FilterAwareInterface src/Util/FilterAwareInterface.php Interface for allowing an object to be aware of a Filter instance.
FilterFormatAwareInterface src/Util/FilterFormatAwareInterface.php Interface for allowing an object to be aware of a FilterFormat object.
FilterHtml src/Util/FilterHtml.php Extends FilterHtml to allow more more permissive global attributes.
KeyValuePipeConverter src/Util/KeyValuePipeConverter.php Utility for converting arrays to key|value pipes and back again.
LaravelCacheRepositoryAdapter src/Util/LaravelCacheRepositoryAdapter.php Adapter for integrating Drupal cache with Laravel.
LaravelCacheStoreAdapter src/Util/LaravelCacheStoreAdapter.php Adapter for integrating Drupal cache with Laravel.
ParserAwareInterface src/Util/ParserAwareInterface.php Interface for allowing an object to be aware of a Markdown Parser instance.
Semver src/Util/Semver.php Extends the base Composer SemVer class with additional functionality.
SortArray src/Util/SortArray.php Array sorting helper methods.