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function MarkdownExtra_Parser::_doTable_callback in Markdown 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 markdown.php \MarkdownExtra_Parser::_doTable_callback()
1 call to MarkdownExtra_Parser::_doTable_callback()
MarkdownExtra_Parser::_doTable_leadingPipe_callback in ./markdown.php


./markdown.php, line 2316




function _doTable_callback($matches) {
  $head = $matches[1];
  $underline = $matches[2];
  $content = $matches[3];

  # Remove any tailing pipes for each line.
  $head = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $head);
  $underline = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $underline);
  $content = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $content);

  # Reading alignement from header underline.
  $separators = preg_split('/ *[|] */', $underline);
  foreach ($separators as $n => $s) {
    if (preg_match('/^ *-+: *$/', $s)) {
      $attr[$n] = ' align="right"';
    else {
      if (preg_match('/^ *:-+: *$/', $s)) {
        $attr[$n] = ' align="center"';
      else {
        if (preg_match('/^ *:-+ *$/', $s)) {
          $attr[$n] = ' align="left"';
        else {
          $attr[$n] = '';

  # Parsing span elements, including code spans, character escapes,

  # and inline HTML tags, so that pipes inside those gets ignored.
  $head = $this
  $headers = preg_split('/ *[|] */', $head);
  $col_count = count($headers);

  # Write column headers.
  $text = "<table>\n";
  $text .= "<thead>\n";
  $text .= "<tr>\n";
  foreach ($headers as $n => $header) {
    $text .= "  <th{$attr[$n]}>" . $this
      ->runSpanGamut(trim($header)) . "</th>\n";
  $text .= "</tr>\n";
  $text .= "</thead>\n";

  # Split content by row.
  $rows = explode("\n", trim($content, "\n"));
  $text .= "<tbody>\n";
  foreach ($rows as $row) {

    # Parsing span elements, including code spans, character escapes,

    # and inline HTML tags, so that pipes inside those gets ignored.
    $row = $this

    # Split row by cell.
    $row_cells = preg_split('/ *[|] */', $row, $col_count);
    $row_cells = array_pad($row_cells, $col_count, '');
    $text .= "<tr>\n";
    foreach ($row_cells as $n => $cell) {
      $text .= "  <td{$attr[$n]}>" . $this
        ->runSpanGamut(trim($cell)) . "</td>\n";
    $text .= "</tr>\n";
  $text .= "</tbody>\n";
  $text .= "</table>";
  return $this
    ->hashBlock($text) . "\n";