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public function AdminFormSettingsTest::testAdminMailSystemForm in Mail System 8.4

Tests the Administrator Settings UI.


tests/src/Functional/AdminFormSettingsTest.php, line 27


Tests the Administrator Settings UI.




public function testAdminMailSystemForm() {
  $assert_session = $this

  // Unauthorized user should not have access.

  // Check the overview.
  $user = $this
    ->pageTextContains('Mail System');

  // Check default theme options.
    ->optionExists('edit-mailsystem-default-theme', 'current');
    ->optionExists('edit-mailsystem-default-theme', 'default');
    ->optionExists('edit-mailsystem-default-theme', 'stable');
    ->optionExists('edit-mailsystem-default-theme', 'classy');

  // Check custom module options labels.
    ->optionExists('edit-custom-custom-module', '- Select -');
    ->optionExists('edit-custom-custom-module', 'System');
    ->optionExists('edit-custom-custom-module', 'User');

  // Configure the default Mail System.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'mailsystem[default_formatter]' => 'test_mail_collector',
    'mailsystem[default_sender]' => 'test_mail_collector',
    'mailsystem[default_theme]' => 'current',
  ], 'Save configuration');

  // Configure a specific module configuration.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module]' => 'system',
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'aaa',
    'custom[custom_formatter]' => 'test_mail_collector',
    'custom[custom_sender]' => 'test_mail_collector',
  ], 'Add');

  // Add additional custom module settings, one with test_mail_collector and
  // one with php_mail.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module]' => 'system',
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'bbb',
    'custom[custom_formatter]' => 'test_mail_collector',
    'custom[custom_sender]' => 'test_mail_collector',
  ], 'Add');
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module]' => 'system',
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'ccc',
    'custom[custom_formatter]' => 'php_mail',
    'custom[custom_sender]' => 'php_mail',
  ], 'Add');

  // Add a custom module settings, without specifying any key.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module]' => 'system',
    'custom[custom_formatter]' => 'test_mail_collector',
    'custom[custom_sender]' => 'test_mail_collector',
  ], 'Add');

  // Try to add a custom module, first without setting the module, then
  // without formatter nor sender, then just specifying a key.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'ddd',
    'custom[custom_formatter]' => 'test_mail_collector',
    'custom[custom_sender]' => 'test_mail_collector',
  ], 'Add');
    ->pageTextContains('The module is required.');
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module]' => 'system',
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'ddd',
  ], 'Add');
    ->pageTextContains('At least a formatter or sender is required.');
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'ddd',
  ], 'Add');
    ->pageTextContains('The module is required.');
    ->pageTextContains('At least a formatter or sender is required.');

  // Checking the configuration.
  $config = $this
    ->assertEquals('current', $config
    ->assertEquals('test_mail_collector', $config
    ->assertEquals('test_mail_collector', $config
    ->assertEquals('test_mail_collector', $config
    ->assertEquals('test_mail_collector', $config
    ->assertEquals('test_mail_collector', $config
    ->assertEquals('test_mail_collector', $config
    ->assertEquals('php_mail', $config
    ->assertEquals('php_mail', $config
    ->assertEquals('test_mail_collector', $config
    ->assertEquals('test_mail_collector', $config

  // Try to update the formatter of the module keyed as 'ccc' from the form.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'ccc',
    'custom[custom_formatter]' => 'test_mail_collector',
  ], 'Add');
    ->pageTextContains('The module is required.');

  // Try to update 'modules.system.ccc' formatter and sender from the form.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module]' => 'system',
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'ccc',
    'custom[custom_formatter]' => 'test_mail_collector',
    'custom[custom_sender]' => 'test_mail_collector',
  ], 'Add');
    ->pageTextContains('An entry for this combination exists already. Use the form below to update or remove it.');

  // Try to add a custom module with the same settings of an existing one,
  // without formatter and sender.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[custom_module]' => 'system',
    'custom[custom_module_key]' => 'ccc',
  ], 'Add');
    ->pageTextContains('An entry for this combination exists already. Use the form below to update or remove it.');
    ->pageTextNotContains('At least a formatter or sender is required.');

  // Edit the second and third custom module formatter from the table.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[modules][system.bbb][formatter]' => 'php_mail',
    'custom[modules][system.ccc][formatter]' => 'test_mail_collector',
  ], 'Save configuration');
    ->set('modules.system.bbb.formatter', 'php_mail')
    ->set('modules.system.ccc.formatter', 'test_mail_collector')
    ->get(''), 'test_mail_collector');
    ->get('modules.system.bbb.formatter'), 'php_mail');
    ->get('modules.system.ccc.formatter'), 'test_mail_collector');
    ->get('modules.system.none.formatter'), 'test_mail_collector');

  // Remove the first custom module.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'custom[modules][][remove]' => TRUE,
  ], 'Save configuration');