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public function MailsystemManager::getInstance in Mail System 8.4

Overrides PluginManagerBase::getInstance().

Returns an instance of the mail plugin to use for a given message ID.

The selection of a particular implementation is controlled via the config 'system.mail.interface', which is a keyed array. The default implementation is the mail plugin whose ID is the value of 'default' key. A more specific match first to key and then to module will be used in preference to the default. To specify a different plugin for all mail sent by one module, set the plugin ID as the value for the key corresponding to the module name. To specify a plugin for a particular message sent by one module, set the plugin ID as the value for the array key that is the message ID, which is "${module}_${key}".

For example to debug all mail sent by the user module by logging it to a file, you might set the variable as something like:

  'default' => 'php_mail',
  'user' => 'devel_mail_log',

Finally, a different system can be specified for a specific message ID (see the $key param), such as one of the keys used by the contact module:

  'default' => 'php_mail',
  'user' => 'devel_mail_log',
  'contact_page_autoreply' => 'null_mail',

Other possible uses for system include a mail-sending plugin that actually sends (or duplicates) each message to SMS, Twitter, instant message, etc, or a plugin that queues up a large number of messages for more efficient bulk sending or for sending via a remote gateway so as to reduce the load on the local server.


array $options: An array with the following key/value pairs:

  • module: (string) The module name which was used by \Drupal\Core\Mail\MailManagerInterface->mail() to invoke hook_mail().
  • key: (string) A key to identify the email sent. The final message ID is a string represented as {$module}_{$key}.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Mail\MailInterface A mail plugin instance.



Overrides MailManager::getInstance


src/MailsystemManager.php, line 85


Factory for creating mail system objects based on BasePlugin's.




public function getInstance(array $options) {
  $module = isset($options['module']) ? $options['module'] : 'default';
  $key = isset($options['key']) ? $options['key'] : '';
  return new Adapter($this
    ->getPluginInstance($module, $key, static::MAILSYSTEM_TYPE_FORMATTING), $this
    ->getPluginInstance($module, $key, static::MAILSYSTEM_TYPE_SENDING));