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7 calls to mailsystem_get() in Mail System 7.3

mailsystem_admin_add_setting_validate in ./
Form validation handler for mailsystem settings form.
mailsystem_clear in ./mailsystem.module
Helps other modules safely remove their settings from mail_system.
mailsystem_read_settings in ./mailsystem.module
Returns a list of module delegations.
mailsystem_set in ./mailsystem.module
Helps other modules safely set their own key within mail_system.
mailsystem_system_info_alter in ./mailsystem.module
Implements hook_system_info_alter().
mailsystem_update_7300 in ./mailsystem.install
Remove dynamically generated mailsystem classes and convert configuration.
_mailsystem_delegate_get_mailsystem in ./mailsystem.module
Returns an MailSystemInterface class instance for a given action.