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mailsystem.module in Mail System 6

Provide UI for controlling the mail_system variable.


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 * @file
 * Provide UI for controlling the mail_system variable.

 * Load backported mail system.
module_load_include('inc', 'mailsystem');

 * Implements hook_menu().
function mailsystem_menu() {
  $items['admin/settings/mailsystem'] = array(
    'title' => 'Mail System',
    'description' => 'Configure per-module Mail System settings.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Returns the id for the default mail_system setting.
function mailsystem_default_id() {

  // @todo: Is there a way to get this from core?
  return 'default-system';

 * Returns the value for the default mail_system setting.
function mailsystem_default_value() {

  // @todo: Is there a way to get this from core?
  return 'DefaultMailSystem';

 * Returns the default settings for the mail_system variable.
function mailsystem_defaults() {
  return array(
    mailsystem_default_id() => mailsystem_default_value(),

 * Returns the current mail_system settings.
 * @return The contents of the mail_system variable merged with its defaults.
function mailsystem_get() {
  return array_merge(mailsystem_defaults(), variable_get('mail_system', mailsystem_defaults()));

 * Helps other modules safely set their own key within mail_system.  This
 * function should be called from hook_enable() implementations.
 * @param $setting  An associative array ($module => $classname) where $module
 * will be using $classname to send its mail, and:
 *   - $module is the machine-readable module name.
 *   - $classname is a class that implements MailSystemInterface.
function mailsystem_set(array $setting) {
  variable_set('mail_system', array_merge(mailsystem_get(), $setting));

 * Helps other modules safely remove their settings from mail_system.  This
 * function should be called from the other module's hook_disable() function.
 * @param $setting  An associative array ($module => $classname) describing
 * a module and associated MailSystemInterface class that are being disabled.
 *   - $module is the machine-readable module name.
 *   - $classname is a class that implements MailSystemInterface.
 * If $classname is empty, only the $module entry is removed.
 * @param $class
 *   The name of the class to be removed, if any.
function mailsystem_clear(array $setting) {
  variable_set('mail_system', array_merge(mailsystem_defaults(), array_diff_key(array_diff(mailsystem_get(), $setting), $setting)));

 * Generates $message['module'] and $message['key'] from $message['id'].
 * Divides $message['id'] by the '_' character and searches for the longest
 * prefix that corresponds to an enabled module.
 * @param array &$message
 *   The message array containing at least one element with key 'id'.
 * @return
 *   The module portion of $message['id'], if any.
function mailsystem_parse_id(array &$message) {
  if (!isset($message['module'])) {
    $key_parts = array();
    $module_parts = explode('_', $message['id']);
    while ($module_parts && !module_exists(implode('_', $module_parts))) {
      array_unshift($key_parts, array_pop($module_parts));
    $message['key'] = implode('_', $key_parts);
    $message['module'] = implode('_', $module_parts);
  return $message['module'];

 * Formats a message with the appropriate MailSystemInterface class method.
 * Creates an instance of the MailSystemInterface class appropriate to the
 * $message['id'] and invokes its format() method on the message array.
 * @param &$message
 *   The message array to be altered.
function mailsystem_mail_alter(&$message) {
  $mailsystem = drupal_mail_system($message['module'], $message['key']);
  $message = $mailsystem

 * Provide 6.x equivalents to the Drupal 7.x mail system

 * Auto-detect appropriate line endings for e-mails.
 * $conf['mail_line_endings'] will override this setting.
define('MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS', isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) || strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Win32') !== FALSE ? "\r\n" : "\n");

 * Returns an object that implements the MailSystemInterface.
 * Allows for one or more custom mail backends to format and send mail messages
 * composed using drupal_mail().
 * An implementation needs to implement the following methods:
 * - format: Allows to preprocess, format, and postprocess a mail
 *   message before it is passed to the sending system. By default, all messages
 *   may contain HTML and are converted to plain-text by the DefaultMailSystem
 *   implementation. For example, an alternative implementation could override
 *   the default implementation and additionally sanitize the HTML for usage in
 *   a MIME-encoded e-mail, but still invoking the DefaultMailSystem
 *   implementation to generate an alternate plain-text version for sending.
 * - mail: Sends a message through a custom mail sending engine.
 *   By default, all messages are sent via PHP's mail() function by the
 *   DefaultMailSystem implementation.
 * The selection of a particular implementation is controlled via the variable
 * 'mail_system', which is a keyed array.  The default implementation
 * is the class whose name is the value of 'default-system' key. A more specific
 * match first to key and then to module will be used in preference to the
 * default. To specificy a different class for all mail sent by one module, set
 * the class name as the value for the key corresponding to the module name. To
 * specificy a class for a particular message sent by one module, set the class
 * name as the value for the array key that is the message id, which is
 * "${module}_${key}".
 * For example to debug all mail sent by the user module by logging it to a
 * file, you might set the variable as something like:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   'default-system' => 'DefaultMailSystem',
 *   'user' => 'DevelMailLog',
 * );
 * @endcode
 * Finally, a different system can be specified for a specific e-mail ID (see
 * the $key param), such as one of the keys used by the contact module:
 * @code
 * array(
 *   'default-system' => 'DefaultMailSystem',
 *   'user' => 'DevelMailLog',
 *   'contact_page_autoreply' => 'DrupalDevNullMailSend',
 * );
 * @endcode
 * Other possible uses for system include a mail-sending class that actually
 * sends (or duplicates) each message to SMS, Twitter, instant message, etc, or
 * a class that queues up a large number of messages for more efficient bulk
 * sending or for sending via a remote gateway so as to reduce the load
 * on the local server.
 * @param $module
 *   The module name which was used by drupal_mail() to invoke hook_mail().
 * @param $key
 *   A key to identify the e-mail sent. The final e-mail ID for the e-mail
 *   alter hook in drupal_mail() would have been {$module}_{$key}.
 * @return MailSystemInterface
function drupal_mail_system($module, $key) {
  static $instances = array();
  $id = $module . '_' . $key;
  $configuration = mailsystem_get();

  // Look for overrides for the default class, starting from the most specific
  // id, and falling back to the module name.
  if (isset($configuration[$id])) {
    $class = $configuration[$id];
  elseif (isset($configuration[$module])) {
    $class = $configuration[$module];
  else {
    $class = $configuration['default-system'];
  if (empty($instances[$class])) {
    $interfaces = class_implements($class);
    if (isset($interfaces['MailSystemInterface'])) {
      $instances[$class] = new $class();
    else {
      throw new Exception(t('Class %class does not implement interface %interface', array(
        '%class' => $class,
        '%interface' => 'MailSystemInterface',
  return $instances[$class];

 * An interface for pluggable mail back-ends.
interface MailSystemInterface {

   * Format a message composed by drupal_mail() prior sending.
   * @param $message
   *   A message array, as described in hook_mail_alter().
   * @return
   *   The formatted $message.
  public function format(array $message);

   * Send a message composed by drupal_mail().
   * @param $message
   *   Message array with at least the following elements:
   *   - id: A unique identifier of the e-mail type. Examples: 'contact_user_copy',
   *     'user_password_reset'.
   *   - to: The mail address or addresses where the message will be sent to.
   *     The formatting of this string must comply with RFC 2822. Some examples:
   *     -
   *     -,
   *     - User <>
   *     - User <>, Another User <>
   *    - subject: Subject of the e-mail to be sent. This must not contain any
   *      newline characters, or the mail may not be sent properly.
   *    - body: Message to be sent. Accepts both CRLF and LF line-endings.
   *      E-mail bodies must be wrapped. You can use drupal_wrap_mail() for
   *      smart plain text wrapping.
   *    - headers: Associative array containing all additional mail headers not
   *      defined by one of the other parameters.  PHP's mail() looks for Cc
   *      and Bcc headers and sends the mail to addresses in these headers too.
   * @return
   *   TRUE if the mail was successfully accepted for delivery, otherwise FALSE.
  public function mail(array $message);


 * The default Drupal mail backend using PHP's mail function.
class DefaultMailSystem implements MailSystemInterface {

   * Concatenate and wrap the e-mail body for plain-text mails.
   * @param $message
   *   A message array, as described in hook_mail_alter().
   * @return
   *   The formatted $message.
  public function format(array $message) {

    // Join the body array into one string.
    if (is_array($message['body'])) {
      $message['body'] = implode("\n\n", $message['body']);

    // Convert any HTML to plain-text.
    $message['body'] = drupal_html_to_text($message['body']);

    // Wrap the mail body for sending.
    $message['body'] = drupal_wrap_mail($message['body']);
    return $message;

   * Send an e-mail message, using Drupal variables and default settings.
   * @see
   * @see drupal_mail()
   * @param $message
   *   A message array, as described in hook_mail_alter().
   * @return
   *   TRUE if the mail was successfully accepted, otherwise FALSE.
  public function mail(array $message) {

    // If 'Return-Path' isn't already set in php.ini, we pass it separately
    // as an additional parameter instead of in the header.
    // However, if PHP's 'safe_mode' is on, this is not allowed.
    if (isset($message['headers']['Return-Path']) && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
      $return_path_set = strpos(ini_get('sendmail_path'), ' -f');
      if (!$return_path_set) {
        $message['Return-Path'] = $message['headers']['Return-Path'];
    $mimeheaders = array();
    foreach ($message['headers'] as $name => $value) {
      $mimeheaders[] = $name . ': ' . mime_header_encode($value);
    $line_endings = variable_get('mail_line_endings', MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS);

    // Prepare mail commands.
    $mail_subject = mime_header_encode($message['subject']);

    // Note: e-mail uses CRLF for line-endings. PHP's API requires LF
    // on Unix and CRLF on Windows. Drupal automatically guesses the
    // line-ending format appropriate for your system. If you need to
    // override this, adjust $conf['mail_line_endings'] in settings.php.
    $mail_body = preg_replace('@\\r?\\n@', $line_endings, $message['body']);

    // For headers, PHP's API suggests that we use CRLF normally,
    // but some MTAs incorrectly replace LF with CRLF. See #234403.
    $mail_headers = join("\n", $mimeheaders);
    if (isset($message['Return-Path']) && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
      $mail_result = mail($message['to'], $mail_subject, $mail_body, $mail_headers, '-f ' . $message['Return-Path']);
    else {

      // The optional $additional_parameters argument to mail() is not allowed
      // if safe_mode is enabled. Passing any value throws a PHP warning and
      // makes mail() return FALSE.
      $mail_result = mail($message['to'], $mail_subject, $mail_body, $mail_headers);
    return $mail_result;


 * A mail sending implementation that captures sent messages to a variable.
 * This class is for running tests or for development.
class TestingMailSystem extends DefaultMailSystem implements MailSystemInterface {

   * Accept an e-mail message and store it in a variable.
   * @param $message
   *   An e-mail message.
  public function mail(array $message) {
    $captured_emails = variable_get('drupal_test_email_collector', array());
    $captured_emails[] = $message;
    variable_set('drupal_test_email_collector', $captured_emails);
    return TRUE;



Namesort descending Description
drupal_mail_system Returns an object that implements the MailSystemInterface.
mailsystem_clear Helps other modules safely remove their settings from mail_system. This function should be called from the other module's hook_disable() function.
mailsystem_defaults Returns the default settings for the mail_system variable.
mailsystem_default_id Returns the id for the default mail_system setting.
mailsystem_default_value Returns the value for the default mail_system setting.
mailsystem_get Returns the current mail_system settings.
mailsystem_mail_alter Formats a message with the appropriate MailSystemInterface class method.
mailsystem_menu Implements hook_menu().
mailsystem_parse_id Generates $message['module'] and $message['key'] from $message['id'].
mailsystem_set Helps other modules safely set their own key within mail_system. This function should be called from hook_enable() implementations.


Namesort descending Description
MAIL_LINE_ENDINGS Auto-detect appropriate line endings for e-mails.


Namesort descending Description
DefaultMailSystem The default Drupal mail backend using PHP's mail function.
TestingMailSystem A mail sending implementation that captures sent messages to a variable.


Namesort descending Description
MailSystemInterface An interface for pluggable mail back-ends.