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maillog_test.module in Maillog / Mail Developer 8

Primary hook implementations for the Maillog test helper module.


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 * @file
 * Primary hook implementations for the Maillog test helper module.

 * Implements hook_mail().
function maillog_test_mail($key, &$message, $params) {

  // A very rudimentary test.
  if ($key == 'maillog_basic_test') {
    $message['subject'] = t('Test email subject');
    $message['body'][] = t('Test email body.');
  elseif ($key == 'maillog_long_subject_test') {
    $message['subject'] = str_repeat(t('Test email subject') . ' ', 20);
    $message['body'][] = t('Test email body.');
  elseif ($key == 'maillog_subject_xss_test') {
    $message['subject'] = '<script type="text/javascript">alert("XSS test")</script>';
    $message['body'][] = t('Test email body.');
  elseif ($key == 'maillog_body_xss_test') {
    $message['subject'] = t('Test email subject');
    $message['body'][] = '<script type="text/javascript">alert("XSS test")</script>';


Namesort descending Description
maillog_test_mail Implements hook_mail().