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public function MaillogTestCase::testDeletePageSecurity in Maillog / Mail Developer 7

Confirm that the 'delete' pages are not able to delete messages.


tests/MaillogTestCase.test, line 207
Unit-ish tests for the Maillog module.


All unit tests for the module.


public function testDeletePageSecurity() {

  // Send some test emails.

  // Load the message log data to confirm the records were created.
  $messages = $this
    ->assertEqual(count($messages), 2, 'Two messages are in the maillog.');

  // Log in as the admin.

  // Load the 'delete' path for one of the items..
    ->drupalGet('admin/reports/maillog/delete/' . $messages[0]['id']);

  // Confirm the page is a confirmation page.
    ->assertText('Delete Maillog record?');
    ->assertText('Message details');
    ->assertText('This action cannot be undone.');
    ->assertFieldByName('op', 'Confirm');

  // Confirm that just loading the delete page doesn't delete anything.
  $messages = $this
    ->assertEqual(count($messages), 2, 'There are still two messages in the maillog.');

  // Follow the 'delete' action.
    ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), 'Confirm');

  // Confirm that only one message is left.
  $messages = $this
    ->assertTrue(count($messages) === 1, 'There is now only one message in the maillog.');