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MailhandlerFetcher.class.php in Mailhandler 6.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.2 plugins/feeds/plugins/MailhandlerFetcher.class.php

Checks for new messages in a mailbox (IMAP, POP3, etc...).


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 * @file
 * Checks for new messages in a mailbox (IMAP, POP3, etc...).

 * Definition of the import batch object needed by MailhandlerFetcher.
class MailhandlerImportBatch extends FeedsImportBatch {
  protected $mailbox_name;
  protected $filter;

   * Constructor.
  public function __construct($mailbox_name, $filter) {
    $this->mailbox_name = $mailbox_name;
    $this->filter = $filter;

   * Implementation of FeedsImportBatch::getRaw();
  public function getRaw() {
    $mailbox = mailhandler_mailbox_load($this->mailbox_name);
    if ($class = mailhandler_plugin_load_class('mailhandler', $mailbox->settings['retrieve'], 'retrieve', 'handler')) {
      if ($messages = $class
        ->retrieve($mailbox, $this->filter)) {
        return array(
          'messages' => $messages,
          'mailbox' => $mailbox,

class MailhandlerFetcher extends FeedsFetcher {

   * Implementation of FeedsFetcher::fetch().
  public function fetch(FeedsSource $source) {
    $source_config = $source
    return new MailhandlerImportBatch($source_config['source'], $this->config['filter']);

   * Source form.
  public function sourceForm($source_config) {
    include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'mailhandler') . '/mailhandler.module';
    $form = array();
    $form['source'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Mailbox'),
      '#description' => t('Select a mailbox to use'),
      '#default_value' => isset($source_config['source']) ? $source_config['source'] : '',
      '#options' => _mailhandler_build_options(mailhandler_mailbox_load_all(FALSE), 'admin_title'),
    return $form;

   * Define defaults.
  public function sourceDefaults() {
    return array(
      'source' => '',

   * Override parent::configDefaults().
  public function configDefaults() {
    return array(
      'filter' => 'MailhandlerFilters',

   * Config form.
  public function configForm(&$form_state) {
    $form = array();

    // Select message filter (to differentiate nodes/comments/etc)
    $form['filter'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Message filter'),
      '#description' => t('Select which types of messages to import. This is a heuristic filter, and may fail in some scenarios. For instance, messages from a mailing list will almost always look like comments. Thus, the safest setting is <em>all</em>.'),
      '#default_value' => $this->config['filter'],
      '#options' => _mailhandler_build_options(mailhandler_get_plugins('mailhandler', 'filters')),
    return $form;



Namesort descending Description
MailhandlerImportBatch Definition of the import batch object needed by MailhandlerFetcher.