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7 calls to mailchimp_get_memberinfo() in Mailchimp 7.4

MailchimpListsTestCase::testGetMemberInfo in modules/mailchimp_lists/tests/mailchimp_lists.test
Tests retrieval of member info for a list and email address.
mailchimp_interest_groups_form_elements in ./mailchimp.module
Helper function to generate form elements for a list's interest groups.
mailchimp_is_subscribed in ./mailchimp.module
Check if the given email is subscribed to the given list.
mailchimp_lists_field_formatter_view in modules/mailchimp_lists/includes/
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
mailchimp_process_webhook in ./mailchimp.module
Process a webhook post from Mailchimp.
mailchimp_update_local_cache in ./mailchimp.module
Updates the local cache for a user as though a queued request had been processed.
_mailchimp_lists_subscription_has_changed in modules/mailchimp_lists/mailchimp_lists.module
Helper function to avoid sending superfluous updates to Mailchimp.