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mailchimp.module in Mailchimp 7.3

Mailchimp module.


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 * @file
 * Mailchimp module.
define('MAILCHIMP_QUEUE_CRON', 'mailchimp');
define('MAILCHIMP_BATCH_QUEUE_CRON', 'mailchimp_batch');
define('MAILCHIMP_STATUS_SENT', 'sent');
define('MAILCHIMP_STATUS_SAVE', 'save');
define('MAILCHIMP_STATUS_PAUSED', 'paused');
define('MAILCHIMP_STATUS_SCHEDULE', 'schedule');
define('MAILCHIMP_STATUS_SENDING', 'sending');

 * Implements hook_libraries_info().
function mailchimp_libraries_info() {
  $libraries['mailchimp'] = array(
    'name' => 'MailChimp MCAPI',
    'vendor url' => '',
    'download url' => '',
    'path' => 'src',
    'version arguments' => array(
      'file' => 'composer.json',
      // Version 2.0.6
      'pattern' => '/\\"version": \\"((\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+))\\",/',
    'files' => array(
      'php' => array(
  return $libraries;

 * Implements hook_menu().
function mailchimp_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/config/services/mailchimp'] = array(
    'title' => 'MailChimp',
    'description' => t('Manage MailChimp Settings.'),
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer mailchimp',
    'file' => 'includes/',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  $items['admin/config/services/mailchimp/global'] = array(
    'title' => t('Global Settings'),
    'weight' => -10,
  $items['admin/config/services/mailchimp/list_cache_clear'] = array(
    'title' => 'MailChimp webhooks endpoint',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'mailchimp_apikey_ready_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer mailchimp',
    'file' => 'includes/',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['mailchimp/webhook'] = array(
    'title' => 'MailChimp webhooks endpoint',
    'page callback' => 'mailchimp_process_webhook',
    'access callback' => 'mailchimp_process_webhook_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_permission().
function mailchimp_permission() {
  return array(
    'administer mailchimp' => array(
      'title' => t('administer mailchimp'),
      'description' => t('Access the MailChimp configuration options.'),

 * Access callback for mailchimp submodule menu items.
function mailchimp_apikey_ready_access($permission) {
  if (mailchimp_get_api_object() && user_access($permission)) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Get a MailChimp API object for communication with the MailChimp server.
 * @return DrupalMailchimp
 *   The default return value is an instance of DrupalMailchimp, although that
 *   can be overridden.
function mailchimp_get_api_object() {
  $mailchimp =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (isset($mailchimp)) {
    return $mailchimp;

  // We allow the class name to be overridden, following the example of core's
  // mailsystem, in order to use alternate MailChimp classes. The bundled tests
  // use this approach to extend the MailChimp class with a test server.
  $classname = variable_get('mailchimp_api_classname', 'DrupalMailchimp');
  $library = libraries_load('mailchimp');
  if (!$library['installed'] && $classname != 'MailChimpTest') {
    $msg = t('Failed to load MailChimp PHP library. Please refer to the installation requirements.');
    watchdog('mailchimp', $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    drupal_set_message($msg, 'error');
    return NULL;
  $api_key = variable_get('mailchimp_api_key', '');
  if (!strlen($api_key)) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', t('MailChimp Error: API Key cannot be blank.'), array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return NULL;

  // Set the timeout to something that won't take down the Drupal site:
  $options = array(
    'timeout' => 60,
  $mailchimp = new $classname($api_key, $options);
  return $mailchimp;

 * Wrapper around mailchimp_get_lists() to return a single list.
 * @param string $list_id
 *   The unique ID of the list provided by MailChimp.
 * @return array
 *   A list array formatted as indicated in the MailChimp API documentation.
function mailchimp_get_list($list_id) {
  $lists = mailchimp_get_lists(array(
  return reset($lists);

 * Return all MailChimp lists for a given key. Lists are stored in the cache.
 * @param array $list_ids
 *   An array of list IDs to filter the results by.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   Force a cache reset.
 * @return array
 *   An array of list arrays.
function mailchimp_get_lists($list_ids = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  $cache = $reset ? NULL : cache_get('lists', 'cache_mailchimp');
  $lists = array();

  // Return cached lists:
  if ($cache) {
    $lists = $cache->data;
  else {
    try {
      $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
      if (!$mcapi) {
        throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get lists without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
      $result = $mcapi->lists
        ->getList(array(), 0, 100);
      if ($result['total'] > 0) {
        foreach ($result['data'] as $list) {
          if ($list['stats']['group_count']) {

            // Append interest groups:
            $list['intgroups'] = $mcapi->lists
          $lists[$list['id']] = $list;

        // Append mergefields:
        $mergevar_settings = $mcapi->lists
        foreach ($mergevar_settings['data'] as $mergevars) {
          $lists[$mergevars['id']]['mergevars'] = $mergevars['merge_vars'];
      uasort($lists, '_mailchimp_list_cmp');
      cache_set('lists', $lists, 'cache_mailchimp', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred requesting list information from MailChimp. "%message"', array(
        '%message' => $e

  // Filter by given ids:
  if (!empty($list_ids)) {
    $filtered_lists = array();
    foreach ($list_ids as $id) {
      if (array_key_exists($id, $lists)) {
        $filtered_lists[$id] = $lists[$id];
    return $filtered_lists;
  else {
    return $lists;

 * Helper function used by uasort() to sort lists alphabetically by name.
 * @param array $a
 *   An array representing the first list.
 * @param array $b
 *   An array representing the second list.
 * @return int
 *   One of the values -1, 0, 1
function _mailchimp_list_cmp($a, $b) {
  if ($a['name'] == $b['name']) {
    return 0;
  return $a['name'] < $b['name'] ? -1 : 1;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->Lists->mergeVars.
 * @param array $list_ids
 *   Array of MailChimp list IDs.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   Set to TRUE if mergevars should not be loaded from cache.
 * @return array
 *   Struct describing mergevars for the specified lists.
function mailchimp_get_mergevars($list_ids, $reset = FALSE) {
  $mergevars = array();
  if (!$reset) {
    foreach ($list_ids as $key => $list_id) {
      $cache = cache_get($list_id . '-mergevars', 'cache_mailchimp');

      // Get cached data and unset from our remaining lists to query.
      if ($cache) {
        $mergevars[$list_id] = $cache->data;

  // Get the uncached merge vars from MailChimp.
  if (count($list_ids)) {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    $last_list_id = NULL;
    try {
      if (!$mcapi) {
        throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get merge vars without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
      $result = $mcapi->lists
      if ($result['success_count']) {
        foreach ($result['data'] as $list_mergevars) {
          $last_list_id = $list_mergevars['id'];
          $mergevars[$last_list_id] = $list_mergevars;
          cache_set($last_list_id . '-mergevars', $list_mergevars, 'cache_mailchimp', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred requesting mergevars for list @list. "%message"', array(
        '@list' => $last_list_id,
        '%message' => $e
  return $mergevars;

 * Get the MailChimp member info for a given email address and list.
 * Results are cached in the cache_mailchimp bin which is cleared by the
 * MailChimp web hooks system when needed.
 * @param string $list_id
 *   The MailChimp list ID to get member info for.
 * @param string $email
 *   The MailChimp user email address to load member info for.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   Set to TRUE if member info should not be loaded from cache.
 * @return array
 *   Member info array, empty if there is no valid info.
function mailchimp_get_memberinfo($list_id, $email, $reset = FALSE) {
  $cache = $reset ? NULL : cache_get($list_id . '-' . $email, 'cache_mailchimp');

  // Return cached lists:
  if ($cache) {
    return $cache->data;

  // Query lists from the MCAPI and store in cache:
  $memberinfo = array();
  $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
  try {
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get member info without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $result = $mcapi->lists
      ->memberInfo($list_id, array(
        'email' => $email,
    if ($result['success_count']) {
      $memberinfo = reset($result['data']);
      cache_set($list_id . '-' . $email, $memberinfo, 'cache_mailchimp', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred requesting memberinfo for @email in list @list. "%message"', array(
      '@email' => $email,
      '@list' => $list_id,
      '%message' => $e
  return $memberinfo;

 * Check if the given email is subscribed to the given list.
 * Simple wrapper around mailchimp_get_memberinfo().
 * @param string $list_id
 *   Unique string identifier for the list on your MailChimp account.
 * @param string $email
 *   Email address to check for on the identified MailChimp List
 * @param bool $reset
 *   Set to TRUE to ignore the cache. (Used heavily in testing functions.)
 * @return bool
 *   Indicates subscription status.
function mailchimp_is_subscribed($list_id, $email, $reset = FALSE) {
  $subscribed = FALSE;
  $memberinfo = mailchimp_get_memberinfo($list_id, $email, $reset);
  if (isset($memberinfo['status']) && $memberinfo['status'] == 'subscribed') {
    $subscribed = TRUE;
  return $subscribed;

 * Subscribe a user to a MailChimp list in real time or by adding to the queue.
 * @see Mailchimp_Lists::subscribe()
 * @return bool
 *   True on success.
function mailchimp_subscribe($list_id, $email, $merge_vars = NULL, $double_optin = FALSE, $confirm = TRUE, $format = 'html', $update_existing = TRUE, $replace_interests = TRUE) {
  if (variable_get('mailchimp_cron', FALSE)) {
    $args = array(
      'list_id' => $list_id,
      'email' => $email,
      'merge_vars' => $merge_vars,
      'double_optin' => $double_optin,
      'format' => $format,
      'update_existing' => $update_existing,
      'replace_interests' => $replace_interests,
      'confirm' => $confirm,
    return mailchimp_addto_queue('mailchimp_subscribe_process', $args);
  return mailchimp_subscribe_process($list_id, $email, $merge_vars, $double_optin, $format, $update_existing, $replace_interests, $confirm);

 * Wrapper around Mailchimp_Lists::subscribe().
 * @see Mailchimp_Lists::subscribe()
 * @return bool
 *   True on success.
function mailchimp_subscribe_process($list_id, $email, $merge_vars = NULL, $double_optin = FALSE, $format = 'html', $update_existing = TRUE, $replace_interests = TRUE, $confirm = TRUE) {
  $result = FALSE;
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot subscribe to list without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $result = $mcapi->lists
      ->subscribe($list_id, array(
      'email' => $email,
    ), $merge_vars, $format, $double_optin, $update_existing, $replace_interests, $confirm);
    if (isset($result['email'])) {
      module_invoke_all('mailchimp_subscribe_user', $list_id, $email, $merge_vars);

      // Clear user cache, just in case there's some cruft leftover:
      mailchimp_cache_clear_member($list_id, $email);
      watchdog('mailchimp', '@email was subscribed to list @list.', array(
        '@email' => $merge_vars['EMAIL'],
        '@list' => $list_id,
    else {
      if (!variable_get('mailchimp_test_mode')) {
        watchdog('mailchimp', 'A problem occurred subscribing @email to list @list.', array(
          '@email' => $email,
          '@list' => $list_id,
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred subscribing @email to list @list. "%message"', array(
      '@email' => $email,
      '@list' => $list_id,
      '%message' => $e
  return $result;

 * Add a MailChimp subscription task to the queue.
 * @string $function
 *   The name of the function the queue runner should call.
 * @array $args
 *   The list of args to pass to the function.
 * @return bool
 *   Success or failure.
function mailchimp_addto_queue($function, $args) {
  $queue = DrupalQueue::get(MAILCHIMP_QUEUE_CRON);
  mailchimp_update_local_cache($function, $args);
  return $queue
    'function' => $function,
    'args' => $args,

 * Updates the local cache for a user as though a queued request had been processed.
 * If we don't do this, then users can make changes, but not have them shown on the site until
 * cron runs, which is intensely confusing. See
 * @string $function
 *   The name of the function that the queue runner will call when the update is processed.
 * @array $args
 *   The list of args that will be passed to the queue runner.
function mailchimp_update_local_cache($function, $args) {
  $list_id = isset($args['list_id']) ? $args['list_id'] : NULL;
  $email = isset($args['email']) ? $args['email'] : NULL;
  if (empty($list_id) || empty($email)) {
    return FALSE;
  $cache = mailchimp_get_memberinfo($list_id, $email);
  if (empty($cache)) {

    // Create a new entry.
    cache_set($list_id . '-' . $email, array(
      'merges' => array(),
    ), 'cache_mailchimp', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
    $cache = cache_get($list_id . '-' . $email, 'cache_mailchimp');
    $cache = $cache->data;

  // Handle unsubscribes.
  if ($function == 'mailchimp_unsubscribe_process') {
    $cache['status'] = 'unsubscribed';
    $cache['merges']['GROUPINGS'] = array();

  // Handle subscribes.
  if ($function == 'mailchimp_subscribe_process') {
    $cache['status'] = 'subscribed';

  // Handle member updates.
  if ($function == 'mailchimp_update_member_process' || $function == 'mailchimp_subscribe_process') {

    // Update cached merge vars.
    foreach ($args['merge_vars'] as $key => $value) {

      // Groups are handled separately since the format needs re-written.
      if ($key == 'GROUPINGS') {
      $cache['merges'][$key] = $value;

    // Update cached groupings.
    mailchimp_update_local_cached_groupings($args, $cache);

  // Store the data back in the local cache.
  cache_set($list_id . '-' . $email, $cache, 'cache_mailchimp', CACHE_TEMPORARY);

 * Updates the locally cached interest group data.
 * @array $args
 *   The args that would be sent if this was a MailChimp API call.
 * @array &$cache
 *   The current cache information for the user.
function mailchimp_update_local_cached_groupings($args, &$cache) {
  $lists = cache_get('lists', 'cache_mailchimp');
  if (!$lists) {
    $list_data = mailchimp_get_list($args['list_id']);
  else {
    $list_data = $lists->data[$args['list_id']];
  if (!empty($list_data['intgroups'])) {
    foreach ($list_data['intgroups'] as $idx => $group_settings) {
      $interests = array();
      foreach ($group_settings['groups'] as $group) {
        if (!empty($args['merge_vars']['GROUPINGS'][$idx]['groups'][$group['name']])) {
          $interested = TRUE;
        else {
          $interested = FALSE;
        $interests[] = array(
          'name' => $group['name'],
          'interested' => $interested,
      if (empty($cache['merges']['GROUPINGS'][$idx])) {
        $cache['merges']['GROUPINGS'][$idx] = $group_settings;
      $cache['merges']['GROUPINGS'][$idx]['groups'] = $interests;

 * Update a members list subscription in real time or by adding to the queue.
 * @see Mailchimp_Lists::updateMember()
 * @return bool
 *   Success or failure.
function mailchimp_update_member($list_id, $email, $merge_vars, $format = 'html', $replace_interests = TRUE) {
  if (variable_get('mailchimp_cron', FALSE)) {
    $args = array(
      'list_id' => $list_id,
      'email' => $email,
      'merge_vars' => $merge_vars,
      'format' => $format,
      'replace_interests' => $replace_interests,
    return mailchimp_addto_queue('mailchimp_update_member_process', $args);
  return mailchimp_update_member_process($list_id, $email, $merge_vars, $format, $replace_interests);

 * Wrapper around Mailchimp_Lists::updateMember().
 * @see Mailchimp_Lists::updateMember()
 * @return bool
 *   Success or failure.
function mailchimp_update_member_process($list_id, $email, $merge_vars, $format, $replace_interests) {
  $result = FALSE;
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot update member without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $result = $mcapi->lists
      ->updateMember($list_id, array(
      'email' => $email,
    ), $merge_vars, $format, $replace_interests);
    if (isset($result['email'])) {
      watchdog('mailchimp', '@email was updated in list @list_id.', array(
        '@email' => $email,
        '@list' => $list_id,

      // Clear user cache:
      mailchimp_cache_clear_member($list_id, $email);
    else {
      watchdog('mailchimp', 'A problem occurred updating @email on list @list.', array(
        '@email' => $email,
        '@list' => $list_id,
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred updating @email on list @list. "%message"', array(
      '@email' => $email,
      '@list' => $list_id,
      '%message' => $e
  return $result;

 * Retrieve all members of a given list with a given status.
 * Note that this function can cause locking an is somewhat slow. It is not
 * recommended unless you know what you are doing! See the MCAPI documentation.
function mailchimp_get_members($list_id, $status = 'subscribed', $options = array()) {
  $results = FALSE;
  if (lock_acquire('mailchimp_get_members', 60)) {
    try {
      $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
      if (!$mcapi) {
        throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get members without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
      $results = $mcapi->lists
        ->members($list_id, $status, $options);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred pulling member info for a list. "%message"', array(
        '%message' => $e
  return $results;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->batch-subscribe.
 * $batch is an array where each element is an array formatted thus:
 *   'email' => array('email' => ''),
 *   'email_type' => 'html' or 'text',
 *   'merge_vars' => array('MERGEKEY' => 'value', 'MERGEKEY2' => 'value2'),
function mailchimp_batch_update_members($list_id, $batch, $double_in = FALSE, $update_existing = FALSE, $replace_interests = TRUE) {
  $results = FALSE;
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot batch subscribe to list without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $results = $mcapi->lists
      ->batchSubscribe($list_id, $batch, $double_in, $update_existing, $replace_interests);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred performing batch subscribe/update. "%message"', array(
      '%message' => $e
  return $results;

 * Unsubscribe a member from a list.
 * @param string $list_id
 *   A mailchimp list id.
 * @param string $email
 *   Email address to be unsubscribed.
 * @param bool $delete
 *   Indicates whether an email should be deleted or just unsubscribed.
 * @param bool $goodbye
 *   Indicates whether to send the goodbye email to the email address.
 * @param bool $notify
 *   Indicates whether to send the unsubscribe notification email to the address
 *   defined in the list email notification settings.
 * @param object $mcapi
 *   MailChimp API object if one is already loaded.
 * @param bool $allow_async
 *   Set to TRUE to allow asynchronous processing using DrupalQueue.
 * @return bool
 *   Indicates whether unsubscribe was successful.
function mailchimp_unsubscribe($list_id, $email, $delete = FALSE, $goodbye = FALSE, $notify = FALSE) {
  $result = FALSE;
  if (mailchimp_is_subscribed($list_id, $email)) {
    if (variable_get('mailchimp_cron', FALSE)) {
      $result = mailchimp_addto_queue('mailchimp_unsubscribe_process', array(
        'list_id' => $list_id,
        'email' => $email,
        'delete' => $delete,
        'goodbye' => $goodbye,
        'notify' => $notify,
    else {
      $result = mailchimp_unsubscribe_process($list_id, $email, $delete, $goodbye, $notify);
  return $result;

 * Wrapper around Mailchimp_Lists::unsubscribe().
 * @see Mailchimp_Lists::unsubscribe()
 * @return bool
 *   Success or failure.
function mailchimp_unsubscribe_process($list_id, $email, $delete, $goodbye, $notify) {
  $result = FALSE;
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot unsubscribe from list without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $result = $mcapi->lists
      ->unsubscribe($list_id, array(
      'email' => $email,
    ), $delete, $goodbye, $notify);
    if ($result) {
      module_invoke_all('mailchimp_unsubscribe_user', $list_id, $email);

    // Clear user cache:
    mailchimp_cache_clear_member($list_id, $email);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred unsubscribing @email from list @list. "%message"', array(
      '@email' => $email,
      '@list' => $list_id,
      '%message' => $e
  return $result;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->segments.
 * @param string $list_id
 *   A MailChimp list id.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   Set to TRUE if list segments should not be loaded from cache.
 * @return array
 *   Array of segments details.
function mailchimp_get_segments($list_id, $reset = NULL) {
  $cache = $reset ? NULL : cache_get($list_id . '-segments', 'cache_mailchimp');

  // Return cached lists:
  if ($cache) {
    return $cache->data;

  // Query segments from the MCAPI and store in cache:
  $segments = array();
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get list segments without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $segments = $mcapi->lists
    cache_set($list_id . '-segments', $segments, 'cache_mailchimp', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred requesting list segment information from MailChimp. "%message"', array(
      '%message' => $e
  return $segments;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->segmentAdd.
 * @param string $list_id
 *   A MailChimp list id.
 * @param string $name
 *   A label for the segment.
 * @param string $type
 *   'static' or 'saved'
 * @param array $segment_options
 *   Array of options for 'saved' segments. See MailChimp API docs.
 * @return int
 *   ID of the new segment.
function mailchimp_segment_create($list_id, $name, $type, $segment_options = NULL) {
  $segment_id = FALSE;
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot add list segment without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $options = array(
      'type' => $type,
      'name' => $name,
    if ($type == 'saved') {
      $options['segment_opts'] = $segment_options;
    $segment_id = $mcapi->lists
      ->segmentAdd($list_id, $options);

    // Clear the segment cache:
    mailchimp_get_segments($list_id, TRUE);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred creating segment @segment for list @list. "%message"', array(
      '@segment' => $name,
      '@list' => $list_id,
      '%message' => $e
  return $segment_id;

 * Add a specific subscriber to a static segment of a list.
 * @param string $list_id
 *   ID of a MailChimp list
 * @param string $segment_id
 *   ID of a segment of the MailChimp list
 * @param string $email
 *   Email address to add to the segment (does NOT subscribe to the list)
 * @param bool $batch
 *   Whether to queue this for the batch processor. Defaults to TRUE.
 * @param string $queue_id
 *   The ID of the queue to use in batch processing.
 * @return bool
 *   Success boolean
function mailchimp_segment_add_subscriber($list_id, $segment_id, $email, $batch = TRUE, $queue_id = MAILCHIMP_BATCH_QUEUE_CRON) {
  $item = array(
    'email' => $email,
  if (!$batch) {
    $batch = array(
    $success = mailchimp_segment_batch_add_subscribers($list_id, $segment_id, $batch);
  else {
    $queue = DrupalQueue::get($queue_id);
    $success = $queue
      'function' => 'mailchimp_segment_batch_add_subscribers',
      'list_id' => $list_id,
      'arg' => $segment_id,
      'item' => $item,
    if (!$success) {
      watchdog('mailchimp', 'A problem occurred adding a MailChimp segment subscribe to the queue. Email: @email List: @list Segment: @segment.', array(
        '@email' => $email,
        '@list' => $list_id,
        '@segment' => $segment_id,
  return $success;

 * Add a batch of email addresses to a static segment of a list.
 * @param string $list_id
 *   ID of a MailChimp list
 * @param string $segment_id
 *   ID of a segment of the MailChimp list
 * @param array $batch
 *   Batch of email addresses to add to the segment (does NOT subscribe new)
 * @return int
 *   Successful subscribe count
function mailchimp_segment_batch_add_subscribers($list_id, $segment_id, $batch) {
  $count = 0;
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot batch add segment subscribers without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $results = $mcapi->lists
      ->staticSegmentMembersAdd($list_id, $segment_id, $batch);
    $count = isset($results['success_count']) ? $results['success_count'] : 0;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred on batch segment add. List: @list_id Segment: @segment_id. "%message"', array(
      '@list_id' => $list_id,
      '@segment_id' => $segment_id,
      '%message' => $e
  return $count;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->campaigns->getList to return data for a given campaign.
 * Data is stored in the MailChimp cache.
 * @param string $campaign_id
 *   The ID of the campaign to get data for.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   Set to TRUE if campaign data should not be loaded from cache.
 * @return mixed
 *   Array of campaign data or FALSE if not found.
function mailchimp_get_campaign_data($campaign_id, $reset = FALSE) {
  $cache = $reset ? NULL : cache_get('campaign_' . $campaign_id, 'cache_mailchimp');
  $campaign_data = FALSE;

  // Return cached lists:
  if ($cache) {
    return $campaign_data = $cache->data;
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get list without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $filters = array(
      'campaign_id' => $campaign_id,
    $results = $mcapi->campaigns
      ->getList($filters, 0, 1);
    if (isset($results['total']) && $results['total']) {
      $campaign_data = $results['data'][0];
      cache_set('campaign_' . $campaign_id, $campaign_data, 'cache_mailchimp', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
    else {
      $campaign_data = FALSE;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred retrieving campaign data for @campaign. "%message"', array(
      '@campaign' => $campaign_id,
      '%message' => $e
  return $campaign_data;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->helper->campaignsForEmail().
 * Returns all IDs of campaigns that have included a given email address.
 * @param string $email
 *   Email address to search.
 * @return array
 *   Campaign structs containing id, title, subject, send_time, type.
function mailchimp_get_campaigns_for_email($email) {
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get campaigns without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $campaign_list = $mcapi->helper
      'email' => $email,
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred retreiving campaign data for @email. "%message"', array(
      '@email' => $email,
      '%message' => $e
    $campaign_list = array();
  return $campaign_list;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->helper->listsForEmail().
 * Returns all lists a given email address is currently subscribed to.
 * @param string $email
 *   Email address to search.
 * @return array
 *   Campaign structs containing id, web_id, name.
function mailchimp_get_lists_for_email($email) {
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get lists without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $lists = $mcapi->helper
      'email' => $email,
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred retreiving lists data for @email. "%message"', array(
      '@email' => $email,
      '%message' => $e
    $lists = array();
  return $lists;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->webhooks().
 * @param string $list_id
 *   Mailchimp API List ID.
 * @return mixed
 *   Array of existing webhooks, or FALSE.
function mailchimp_webhook_get($list_id) {
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot get webhook without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $result = $mcapi->lists
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred reading webhooks for list @list. "%message"', array(
      '@list' => $list_id,
      '%message' => $e
    return FALSE;
  return $result;

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->webhookAdd().
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if deletion was successful, otherwise FALSE.
function mailchimp_webhook_add($list_id, $url, $actions = array(), $sources = array()) {
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot add webhook without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $result = $mcapi->lists
      ->webhookAdd($list_id, $url, $actions, $sources);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', t('An error occurred adding webhook for list @list. "%message"'), array(
      '@list' => $list_id,
      '%message' => $e
    return FALSE;
  return $result['id'];

 * Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->webhookDel().
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if deletion was successful, otherwise FALSE.
function mailchimp_webhook_delete($list_id, $url) {
  try {
    $mcapi = mailchimp_get_api_object();
    if (!$mcapi) {
      throw new MailchimpException('Cannot delete webhook without MailChimp API. Check API key has been entered.');
    $result = $mcapi->lists
      ->webhookDel($list_id, $url);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog('mailchimp', 'An error occurred deleting webhook for list @list. "%message"', array(
      '@list' => $list_id,
      '%message' => $e
    return FALSE;
  return $result['complete'];

 * Clear a mailchimp user memberinfo cache.
 * @string $list_id
 * @string $email
function mailchimp_cache_clear_member($list_id, $email) {
  cache_clear_all($list_id . '-' . $email, 'cache_mailchimp');

 * Clear a mailchimp activity cache.
 * @string $list_id
function mailchimp_cache_clear_list_activity($list_id) {
  cache_clear_all('mailchimp_activity_' . $list_id, 'cache_mailchimp');

 * Clear a mailchimp activity cache.
 * @string $list_id
function mailchimp_cache_clear_campaign($campaign_id) {
  cache_clear_all('mailchimp_campaign_' . $campaign_id, 'cache_mailchimp');

 * Implements hook_flush_caches().
function mailchimp_flush_caches() {
  return array(

 * Access callback for mailchimp_process_webhook().
 * @string $key
function mailchimp_process_webhook_access($key) {
  return $key == mailchimp_webhook_key();

 * Process a webhook post from MailChimp.
function mailchimp_process_webhook() {
  if (empty($_POST)) {
    return "MailChimp Webhook Endpoint.";
  $data = $_POST['data'];
  $type = $_POST['type'];
  switch ($type) {
    case 'unsubscribe':
    case 'profile':
    case 'cleaned':
      mailchimp_get_memberinfo($data['list_id'], $data['email'], TRUE);
    case 'upemail':
      mailchimp_cache_clear_member($data['list_id'], $data['old_email']);
      mailchimp_get_memberinfo($data['list_id'], $data['new_email'], TRUE);
    case 'campaign':

  // Allow other modules to act on a webhook.
  module_invoke_all('mailchimp_process_webhook', $type, $data);

  // Log event:
  watchdog('mailchimp', 'Webhook type @type has been processed.', array(
    '@type' => $type,
  return NULL;

 * Generate a key to include in the webhook url based on a hash.
 * @string $list_id
 * @return string
 *   The key.
function mailchimp_webhook_key() {
  return drupal_hash_base64($GLOBALS['base_url'] . drupal_get_private_key() . drupal_get_hash_salt());

 * Generate the webhook endpoint URL.
 * @string $list_id
 * @return string
 *   The endpoint URL.
function mailchimp_webhook_url() {
  return $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/mailchimp/webhook/' . mailchimp_webhook_key();

 * Helper function to generate form elements for a list's interest groups.
 * @param array $mc_list
 *   Fully loaded array with mailchimp list settings as returned by
 *   mailchimp_get_list()
 * @param array $default_values
 *   Array of default values to use if no group subscription values already
 *   exist at MailChimp.
 * @param string $email
 *   Optional email address to pass to the MCAPI and retrieve existing values
 *   for use as defaults.
 * @return array
 *   A collection of form elements, one per interest group.
function mailchimp_interest_groups_form_elements($mc_list, $default_values = array(), $email = NULL) {
  $return = array();
  foreach ($mc_list['intgroups'] as $group) {
    if ($group['form_field'] == 'hidden') {

    // Set the form field type:
    switch ($group['form_field']) {
      case 'radio':
        $field_type = 'radios';
      case 'dropdown':
        $field_type = 'select';
        $field_type = $group['form_field'];

    // Extract the field options:
    $options = array();
    if ($field_type == 'select') {
      $options[''] = '-- select --';
    foreach ($group['groups'] as $option) {
      $options[$option['name']] = $option['name'];

    // Grab the default values for this group:
    if ($email) {
      $memberinfo = mailchimp_get_memberinfo($mc_list['id'], $email);
      if (isset($memberinfo['merges']['GROUPINGS'])) {
        $default_values = array();
        foreach ($memberinfo['merges']['GROUPINGS'] as $membergroup) {
          if ($membergroup['id'] == $group['id']) {
            foreach ($membergroup['groups'] as $option) {
              if ($option['interested']) {
                $default_values[$group['id']][] = $option['name'];
    $return[$group['id']] = array(
      '#type' => $field_type,
      '#title' => $group['name'],
      '#options' => $options,
      '#default_value' => isset($default_values[$group['id']]) ? $default_values[$group['id']] : array(),
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
          'mailchimp-newsletter-interests-' . $mc_list['id'],
  return $return;

 * Helper function to make an API-ready array from an interest group form.
function mailchimp_reformat_groupings($interest_groups) {
  $groupings = array();
  foreach ($interest_groups as $key => $groups) {
    if (is_array($groups)) {
      $groups = array_filter($groups);
      $groupings[] = array(
        'id' => $key,
        'groups' => $groups,
    else {
      $groupings[] = array(
        'id' => $key,
        'groups' => array(
          $groups => $groups,
  return $groupings;

 * Convert mailchimp form elements to Drupal Form API.
 * @param array $mergevar
 *   The mailchimp-formatted form element to convert.
 * @return array
 *   A properly formatted drupal form element.
function mailchimp_insert_drupal_form_tag($mergevar) {

  // Insert common FormAPI properties:
  $input = array(
    '#title' => t('@mergevar', array(
      '@mergevar' => $mergevar['name'],
    '#weight' => $mergevar['order'],
    '#required' => $mergevar['req'],
    '#default_value' => $mergevar['default'],
  switch ($mergevar['field_type']) {
    case 'address':

      // Sub-array of address elements according to MailChimp specs.
      $input['#type'] = 'container';
      $input['#tree'] = TRUE;
      $input['addr1'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Address 1'),
        '#type' => 'textfield',
      $input['addr2'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Address 2'),
        '#type' => 'textfield',
      $input['city'] = array(
        '#title' => t('City'),
        '#type' => 'textfield',
      $input['state'] = array(
        '#title' => t('State'),
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#size' => 2,
        '#maxlength' => 2,
      $input['zip'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Zip'),
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#size' => 6,
        '#maxlength' => 6,
      $input['country'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Country'),
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#size' => 2,
        '#maxlength' => 2,
    case 'dropdown':

      // Dropdown is mapped to <select> element in Drupal Form API.
      $input['#type'] = 'select';

      // Creates options, we must delete array keys to have relevant information
      // on MailChimp.
      $choices = array();
      foreach ($mergevar['choices'] as $choice) {
        $choices[$choice] = $choice;
      $input['#options'] = $choices;
    case 'radio':

      // Radio is mapped to <input type='radio' /> i.e. 'radios' element in
      // Drupal Form API.
      $input['#type'] = 'radios';

      // Creates options, we must delete array keys to have relevant information
      // on MailChimp.
      $choices = array();
      foreach ($mergevar['choices'] as $choice) {
        $choices[$choice] = $choice;
      $input['#options'] = $choices;
    case 'email':
      if (element_info_property('emailfield', '#type')) {

        // Set to an HTML5 email type if 'emailfield' is supported:
        $input['#type'] = 'emailfield';
      else {

        // Set to standard text type if 'emailfield' isn't defined:
        $input['#type'] = 'textfield';
      $input['#size'] = $mergevar['size'];

      // This is a standard input[type=text] or something we can't handle with
      // Drupal FormAPI.
      $input['#type'] = 'textfield';
      $input['#size'] = $mergevar['size'];

  // Special cases for MailChimp hidden defined fields:
  if ($mergevar['public'] == FALSE) {
    $input['#type'] = 'hidden';
  return $input;

 * Implements hook_cron().
 * We don't use batch API calls currently as it would require sorting through
 * a lot of options here. Instead, we will provide VBO functions to perform
 * large unsubscribes and subscribes and specifically call the batch functions.
function mailchimp_cron() {
  $queue = DrupalQueue::get(MAILCHIMP_QUEUE_CRON);
  $queue_count = $queue
  if ($queue_count > 0) {
    $batch_limit = variable_get('mailchimp_batch_limit', 100);
    $batch_size = $queue_count < $batch_limit ? $queue_count : $batch_limit;
    $count = 0;
    while ($count < $batch_size) {
      if ($item = $queue
        ->claimItem()) {
        call_user_func_array($item->data['function'], $item->data['args']);

 * Implements hook_variable_group_info().
function mailchimp_variable_group_info() {
  $groups['mailchimp'] = array(
    'title' => t('MailChimp'),
    'description' => t('Settings related to MailChimp.'),
    'access' => 'administer mailchimp',
    'path' => array(
  return $groups;

 * Implements hook_variable_info().
function mailchimp_variable_info($options) {
  $variable['mailchimp_api_key'] = array(
    'title' => t('MailChimp API Key', array(), $options),
    'group' => 'mailchimp',
  $variable['mailchimp_cron'] = array(
    'title' => t('Use batch processing', array(), $options),
    'type' => 'boolean',
    'group' => 'mailchimp',
    'default' => FALSE,
  $variable['mailchimp_batch_limit'] = array(
    'title' => t('Batch limit', array(), $options),
    'type' => 'number',
    'group' => 'mailchimp',
    'default' => 100,
  return $variable;

 * Replace an array of merge field placeholder tokens with their values.
 * @param array $mergefields
 *   An array of merge fields and token place holders to be expanded. The key
 *   of the array is the MailChimp field name, the value is the token that
 *   should be expanded.
 * @param object $entity
 *   The entity that contains the values to use for token replacement.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The entity type of the entity being used.
 * @return mixed
 *   Associative array of MailChimp fields with values taken from the provided
 *   entity.
function mailchimp_mergevars_populate($mergefields, $entity, $entity_type) {
  $mergevars = drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  list($id, $vid, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
  if (!isset($mergevars[$bundle . ':' . $id])) {
    foreach ($mergefields as $key => $token) {
      $mergevars[$bundle . ':' . $id][$key] = token_replace($token, array(
        $entity_type => $entity,
      ), array(
        'clear' => TRUE,
  return $mergevars[$bundle . ':' . $id];


Namesort descending Description
mailchimp_addto_queue Add a MailChimp subscription task to the queue.
mailchimp_apikey_ready_access Access callback for mailchimp submodule menu items.
mailchimp_batch_update_members Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->batch-subscribe.
mailchimp_cache_clear_campaign Clear a mailchimp activity cache.
mailchimp_cache_clear_list_activity Clear a mailchimp activity cache.
mailchimp_cache_clear_member Clear a mailchimp user memberinfo cache.
mailchimp_cron Implements hook_cron().
mailchimp_flush_caches Implements hook_flush_caches().
mailchimp_get_api_object Get a MailChimp API object for communication with the MailChimp server.
mailchimp_get_campaigns_for_email Wrapper around MCAPI->helper->campaignsForEmail().
mailchimp_get_campaign_data Wrapper around MCAPI->campaigns->getList to return data for a given campaign.
mailchimp_get_list Wrapper around mailchimp_get_lists() to return a single list.
mailchimp_get_lists Return all MailChimp lists for a given key. Lists are stored in the cache.
mailchimp_get_lists_for_email Wrapper around MCAPI->helper->listsForEmail().
mailchimp_get_memberinfo Get the MailChimp member info for a given email address and list.
mailchimp_get_members Retrieve all members of a given list with a given status.
mailchimp_get_mergevars Wrapper around MCAPI->Lists->mergeVars.
mailchimp_get_segments Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->segments.
mailchimp_insert_drupal_form_tag Convert mailchimp form elements to Drupal Form API.
mailchimp_interest_groups_form_elements Helper function to generate form elements for a list's interest groups.
mailchimp_is_subscribed Check if the given email is subscribed to the given list.
mailchimp_libraries_info Implements hook_libraries_info().
mailchimp_menu Implements hook_menu().
mailchimp_mergevars_populate Replace an array of merge field placeholder tokens with their values.
mailchimp_permission Implements hook_permission().
mailchimp_process_webhook Process a webhook post from MailChimp.
mailchimp_process_webhook_access Access callback for mailchimp_process_webhook().
mailchimp_reformat_groupings Helper function to make an API-ready array from an interest group form.
mailchimp_segment_add_subscriber Add a specific subscriber to a static segment of a list.
mailchimp_segment_batch_add_subscribers Add a batch of email addresses to a static segment of a list.
mailchimp_segment_create Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->segmentAdd.
mailchimp_subscribe Subscribe a user to a MailChimp list in real time or by adding to the queue.
mailchimp_subscribe_process Wrapper around Mailchimp_Lists::subscribe().
mailchimp_unsubscribe Unsubscribe a member from a list.
mailchimp_unsubscribe_process Wrapper around Mailchimp_Lists::unsubscribe().
mailchimp_update_local_cache Updates the local cache for a user as though a queued request had been processed.
mailchimp_update_local_cached_groupings Updates the locally cached interest group data.
mailchimp_update_member Update a members list subscription in real time or by adding to the queue.
mailchimp_update_member_process Wrapper around Mailchimp_Lists::updateMember().
mailchimp_variable_group_info Implements hook_variable_group_info().
mailchimp_variable_info Implements hook_variable_info().
mailchimp_webhook_add Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->webhookAdd().
mailchimp_webhook_delete Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->webhookDel().
mailchimp_webhook_get Wrapper around MCAPI->lists->webhooks().
mailchimp_webhook_key Generate a key to include in the webhook url based on a hash.
mailchimp_webhook_url Generate the webhook endpoint URL.
_mailchimp_list_cmp Helper function used by uasort() to sort lists alphabetically by name.
