Expire a Specific API Key. Note that if you expire all of your keys, a new, valid one will be created and returned
next time you call login(). If you are trying to shut off access to your account for an old developer, change your
MailChimp password,…
Retrieve the text presented in our app for how a campaign performed and any advice we may have for you - best
suited for display in customized reports pages. Note: some messages will contain HTML - clean tags as necessary
Retrieve the full bounce messages for the given campaign. Note that this can return very large amounts
of data depending on how large the campaign was and how much cruft the bounce provider returned. Also,
message over 30 days old are subject to being…
Attach Ecommerce Order Information to a Campaign. This will generall be used by ecommerce package plugins
<a href="/plugins/ecomm360.phtml">that we provide</a> or by 3rd part system developers.
Get the top 5 performing email domains for this campaign. Users want more than 5 should use campaign campaignEmailStatsAIM()
or campaignEmailStatsAIMAll() and generate any additional stats they require.
Given a campaign and correct paging limits, return the entire click and open history with timestamps, ordered by time,
for every user a campaign was delivered to.
Retrieve the list of email addresses that opened a given campaign with how many times they opened - note: this AIM function is free and does
not actually require the AIM module to be installed
Get the URL to a customized VIP Report for the specified campaign and optionally send an email to someone with links to it. Note subsequent calls will overwrite anything already set for the same campign (eg, the password)
Have HTML content auto-converted to a text-only format. You can send: plain HTML, an array of Template content, an existing Campaign Id, or an existing Template Id. Note that this will <b>not</b> save anything to or update any of your…
Retrieve lots of account information including payments made, plan info, some account stats, installed modules,
contact info, and more. No private information like Credit Card numbers is available.
<strong>DEPRECATED:</strong> Retrieve your User Unique Id and your Affiliate link to display/use for
<a href="/monkeyrewards/" target="_blank">Monkey Rewards</a>. While
we don't use the User Id for any…
Delete a merge tag from a given list and all its members. Seriously - the data is removed from all members as well!
Note that on large lists this method may seem a bit slower than calls you typically make.
Subscribe the provided email to a list. By default this sends a confirmation email - you will not see new members until the link contained in it is clicked!
"Ping" the MailChimp API - a simple method you can call that will return a constant value as long as everything is good. Note
than unlike most all of our methods, we don't throw an Exception if we are having issues. You will simply…