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function MCAPI::campaignEmailDomainPerformance in Mailchimp 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 MCAPI.class.php \MCAPI::campaignEmailDomainPerformance()

Get the top 5 performing email domains for this campaign. Users want more than 5 should use campaign campaignEmailStatsAIM() or campaignEmailStatsAIMAll() and generate any additional stats they require.


@example mcapi_campaignEmailDomainPerformance.php

@returnf string domain Domain name or special "Other" to roll-up stats past 5 domains @returnf integer total_sent Total Email across all domains - this will be the same in every row @returnf integer emails Number of emails sent to this domain @returnf integer bounces Number of bounces @returnf integer opens Number of opens @returnf integer clicks Number of clicks @returnf integer unsubs Number of unsubs @returnf integer delivered Number of deliveries @returnf integer emails_pct Percentage of emails that went to this domain (whole number) @returnf integer bounces_pct Percentage of bounces from this domain (whole number) @returnf integer opens_pct Percentage of opens from this domain (whole number) @returnf integer clicks_pct Percentage of clicks from this domain (whole number) @returnf integer unsubs_pct Percentage of unsubs from this domain (whole number)


string $cid the campaign id to pull email domain performance for (can be gathered using campaigns()):

Return value

array domains email domains and their associated stats


./MCAPI.class.php, line 556




function campaignEmailDomainPerformance($cid) {
  $params = array();
  $params["cid"] = $cid;
  return $this
    ->callServer("campaignEmailDomainPerformance", $params);