function MCAPI::campaignEepUrlStats in Mailchimp 6.2
Retrieve the tracked eepurl mentions on Twitter
@returnf int tweets Total number of tweets seen @returnf string first_tweet date and time of the first tweet seen @returnf string last_tweet date and time of the last tweet seen @returnf int retweets Total number of retweets seen @returnf string first_retweet date and time of the first retweet seen @returnf string last_retweet date and time of the last retweet seen @returnf array statuses an array of statuses recorded inclduing the status, screen_name, status_id, and datetime fields plus an is_retweet flag
string $cid the campaign id to pull bounces for (can be gathered using campaigns()):
Return value
array stats an array containing tweets and retweets including the campaign's eepurl
- ./
MCAPI.class.php, line 742
function campaignEepUrlStats($cid) {
$params = array();
$params["cid"] = $cid;
return $this
->callServer("campaignEepUrlStats", $params);