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public function MaestroSpawnSubFlowTask::performValidityCheck in Maestro 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroSpawnSubFlowTask.php \Drupal\maestro\Plugin\EngineTasks\MaestroSpawnSubFlowTask::performValidityCheck()

Lets the task perform validation on itself. If the task is missing any internal requirements, it can flag itself as having an issue. Return array MUST be in the format of array( 'taskID' => the task machine name, 'taskLabel' => the human readable label for the task, 'reason' => the reason for the failure )


array $validation_failure_tasks: The array of other validation failures.

array $validation_information_tasks: The array of informational messages.

array $task: The passed-in fully-loaded task from the template (array)

Overrides MaestroEngineTaskInterface::performValidityCheck


src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroSpawnSubFlowTask.php, line 317


Maestro Spawn Sub Flow Task Plugin.




public function performValidityCheck(array &$validation_failure_tasks, array &$validation_information_tasks, array $task) {

  // So we know that we need a few keys in this $task array to even have a batch function run properly.
  // namely the handler.
  if (array_key_exists('maestro_template', $task['data']) && $task['data']['maestro_template'] == '' || !array_key_exists('maestro_template', $task['data'])) {
    $validation_failure_tasks[] = [
      'taskID' => $task['id'],
      'taskLabel' => $task['label'],
      'reason' => t('This task requires a Maestro Template to be chosen.'),