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14 methods override MaestroEngineTaskInterface::getTaskColours() in Maestro 3.x

MaestroAndTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroAndTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroBatchFunctionTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroBatchFunctionTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroContentTypeTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroContentTypeTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroEndTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroEndTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroIfTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroIfTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroInteractiveExampleTask::getTaskColours in modules/examples/maestro_interactive_task_plugin_example/src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroInteractiveExampleTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroInteractiveTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroInteractiveTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroManualWebTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroManualWebTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroNonInteractiveExampleTask::getTaskColours in modules/examples/maestro_noninteractive_task_plugin_example/src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroNonInteractiveExampleTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroOrTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroOrTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroSetProcessVariableTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroSetProcessVariableTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroSpawnSubFlowTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroSpawnSubFlowTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroStartTask::getTaskColours in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroStartTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.
MaestroWebformTask::getTaskColours in modules/maestro_webform/src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroWebformTask.php
Returns the task's defined colours. This is useful if you want to let the tasks decide on what colours to paint themselves in the UI.