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16 calls to MaestroEngine::getTemplateIdFromProcessId() in Maestro 8.2

MaestroAndTask::execute in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroAndTask.php
Part of the ExecutableInterface Execution of the AND task returns TRUE when all pointers are complete and FALSE when still waiting.. .
MaestroEngine::cleanQueue in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
CleanQueue method This is the core method used by the orchestrator to move the process forward and to determine assignments and next steps.
MaestroEngine::getTemplateTaskByQueueID in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Returns the template task based on the task stored in the queue.
MaestroEngine::nextStep in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
NextStep Engine method that determines which is the next step based on the current step and does all assignments as necessary.
MaestroEngine::setProcessVariable in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Set a process variable's value. Does a post-variable-set call to re-create any production assignments that may rely on this variable's value.
MaestroIfTask::execute in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroIfTask.php
Part of the ExecutableInterface Execution of the Batch Function task will use the handler for this task as the executable function. .
MaestroInteractiveFormBase::buildForm in src/Form/MaestroInteractiveFormBase.php
Form constructor.
MaestroProcessStatusBlock::build in src/Plugin/Block/MaestroProcessStatusBlock.php
Builds and returns the renderable array for this block plugin.
MaestroProcessStatusController::getDetails in src/Controller/MaestroProcessStatusController.php
Returns response for the process status queries.
MaestroSetProcessVariableTask::execute in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroSetProcessVariableTask.php
Part of the ExecutableInterface Execution of the set process variable task. We will read the data in the template for what we should do with the process variable .
MaestroSpawnSubFlowTask::execute in src/Plugin/EngineTasks/MaestroSpawnSubFlowTask.php
Part of the ExecutableInterface Execution of the Sub Flow task will create a new process and push all selected parent variables to the newly spawned sub process. The variables pushed to the sub process will be prefixed with…
MaestroStatus::getMaestroStatusBar in src/Utility/MaestroStatus.php
Generates the staus bar showing process completion as status indicators.
MaestroTaskConsoleController::getStatus in modules/maestro_taskconsole/src/Controller/MaestroTaskConsoleController.php
Method to fetch the status of a process.
MaestroTraceDeleteProcess::buildForm in src/Form/MaestroTraceDeleteProcess.php
maestro_tokens in ./maestro.module
Implements hook_tokens().
TaskHandler::getHandlerURL in src/Utility/TaskHandler.php
Get the handler's URL.