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public static function MaestroEngine::getTemplateTaskByID in Maestro 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 3.x src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php \Drupal\maestro\Engine\MaestroEngine::getTemplateTaskByID()

GetTemplateTaskByID fetches the task from the config template.


string $templateMachineName: Machine name for the template.

string $taskID: Maestro Task ID.

Return value

array The template's task definition array.

21 calls to MaestroEngine::getTemplateTaskByID()
MaestroEngine::createProductionTask in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Creates a task in the Maestro Queue table.
MaestroEngine::doProductionAssignmentNotifications in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Internal method to do production assignment notifications.
MaestroEngine::getTemplateTaskByQueueID in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Returns the template task based on the task stored in the queue.
MaestroEngine::nextStep in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
NextStep Engine method that determines which is the next step based on the current step and does all assignments as necessary.
MaestroEngine::productionAssignments in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Using the queueID, the task's machine name and the template machine name, we assign the task using the appropriate method defined in the template.

... See full list


src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php, line 143


Class MaestroEngine.




public static function getTemplateTaskByID($templateMachineName, $taskID) {
  if ($templateMachineName) {
    $template = self::getTemplate($templateMachineName);
    if ($template) {
      return $template->tasks[$taskID];
  return FALSE;