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public static function MaestroEngine::getTemplate in Maestro 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php \Drupal\maestro\Engine\MaestroEngine::getTemplate()

GetTemplate Gets a specific Maestro Template.


string $machine_name: The machine name of a specific template you wish to fetch.

Return value

array Array or FALSE

34 calls to MaestroEngine::getTemplate()
MaestroEngine::getTaskPointersFromTemplate in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Determines which task(s) point to the task in question.
MaestroEngine::getTemplateTaskByID in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
GetTemplateTaskByID fetches the task from the config template.
MaestroEngine::getTemplateVariables in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Get the template variables from the template.
MaestroEngine::newProcess in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
NewProcess Creates a new process in the Maestro content entities based on the template name which is mandatory. This method will only create a new process if the template has the validated property set.
MaestroEngine::performTemplateValidityCheck in src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php
Checks the validity of the template in question.

... See full list


src/Engine/MaestroEngine.php, line 126


Class MaestroEngine.




public static function getTemplate($machine_name) {
  $entity_store = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $maestro_template = $entity_store
  return $maestro_template;