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maestro_form_approval_example.module in Maestro 8.2

You need this if you want to simply use MaestroEngine in code calls as we do.


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 * @file
 * You need this if you want to simply use MaestroEngine in code calls as we do.
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\maestro\Engine\MaestroEngine;

// For using URL in our form handler.
use Drupal\Core\Url;

 * Implements hook_maestro_interactive_handlers() for the return of an Array
 * of function names and help text that will be displayed in the edit task
 * form under the handler field.
function maestro_form_approval_example_maestro_interactive_handlers() {
  return [
    'maestro_form_approval_example_manager_approval_form' => t('Review Request (identifier: request) - provides an Accept and Reject action buttons.'),

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function maestro_form_approval_example_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {

  // Just a quick and easy way to override the submit button for our example.
  // for regular users, don't give them the option to unpublish etc.
  // as per the note in maestro.module, this IF statement should also test to see if
  // the content type we're editing is attached to a process, regardless if the maestro and
  // queueid keys exist in the URL.
  // for the purposes of this demo, testing to see if the query string has the 2 keys we need
  // is sufficient.
  $storage = $form_state
  if (array_key_exists('form_display', $storage)) {
    $thisForm = $storage['form_display']
  else {
    $thisForm = NULL;
  $queueID = intval(\Drupal::request()->query
    ->get('queueid', 0));
  $isMaestro = intval(\Drupal::request()->query
    ->get('maestro', 0));
  $templateTask = MaestroEngine::getTemplateTaskByQueueID($queueID);
  if ($isMaestro > 0 && $queueID > 0 && $templateTask['tasktype'] == 'MaestroContentType' && MaestroEngine::canUserExecuteTask($queueID, \Drupal::currentUser()
    ->id()) && $templateTask['data']['content_type'] == $thisForm) {
    $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Submit Request');
    $form['actions']['publish']['#value'] = t('Submit Request');
    $form['actions']['unpublish']['#value'] = t('Submit Request');

 * The manager approval form used in the workflow.
 * @param array $form
 *   The array that contains the form.
 * @param int $queueID
 *   The queueID from Maestro.
 * @param object $obj
 *   References the calling object.
function maestro_form_approval_example_manager_approval_form(array &$form, $queueID, $obj) {
  $form['queueID'] = [
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#title' => 'the queue ID in the event we need it in later processing',
    '#default_value' => $queueID,
    '#description' => 'queueID',

  // Overriding the "Accept" default label with the "complete" text.
  $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Accept Request');

  // Adding our own reject button.
  $form['actions']['reject'] = [
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Reject and send back to Employee'),
    '#ajax' => [
      'callback' => [
      'wrapper' => '',

  // Change the title of the modal popup from the default bland Maestro title.
  $form['#title'] = t('Review the Employee Request');

  // We are going to give the user a link to the approval form here.  We do this by loading the
  // queue and fetching off the approval form and providing a link to it.
  $processID = MaestroEngine::getProcessIdFromQueueId($queueID);
  $entityID = MaestroEngine::getEntityIdentiferByUniqueID($processID, 'request');

  // [0] is the unique key, [1] is the type, [2] is the node ID
  $url = Url::fromUserInput('/node/' . $entityID, [
    'attributes' => [
      'target' => '_new',

  // Load the node.
  $node = Node::load($entityID);

  // Generate a view of the node.
  $build = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    ->view($node, 'full');

  // Attach the node to the form for viewing.
  $form['node'] = $build;

  // Wrapper to beautify it.
  $form['node']['#prefix'] = '<div id="manager-approval-node">';
  $form['node']['#suffix'] = '</div>';

  // We throw this link in here ot show that you can still link directly to the node if you want.
  $form['url'] = [
    '#type' => 'link',
    '#title' => t('(View Request in full page)'),
    // Will open in new tab.
    '#url' => $url,
    '#target' => '_new',
    '#suffix' => '<br><br>',

  // Our own css for node form beautification.
  $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'maestro_form_approval_example/maestro_approval_form_css';
  return $form;

 * This is the submit handler passed off to us from the Maestro Engine.
function maestro_form_approval_example_manager_approval_form_submit(array &$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state, $queueID = 0) {

  // In our custom submit handler, **WE** are responsible for telling the engine what to do.
  // This is a pretty simple process by just using the API to tell the engine to complete the task
  // However, we can also set "fancy" status like cancelling as we've done here by detecting
  // if the submit button was hit or not.
  $queueID = intval($form_state
  $triggeringElement = $form_state
  if (strstr($triggeringElement['#id'], 'edit-submit') !== FALSE && $queueID > 0) {
    MaestroEngine::completeTask($queueID, \Drupal::currentUser()
  else {

    // we'll complete the task, but we'll also flag it as TASK_STATUS_CANCEL.
    MaestroEngine::completeTask($queueID, \Drupal::currentUser()
    MaestroEngine::setTaskStatus($queueID, TASK_STATUS_CANCEL);

 * Callback function for the batch function in the template.
 * @param int $processID
 *   The Maestro Process ID.
 * @param int $queueID
 *   The Maestro Queue ID.
function maestro_form_approval_example_set_flow_name_batch($processID, $queueID) {

  // For the purposes of this demo flow, we are assuming that the ONLY identifier we care about is the request identifier.
  $entityID = MaestroEngine::getEntityIdentiferByUniqueID($processID, 'request');
  $node = Node::load($entityID);
  if ($node) {
    $account = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    MaestroEngine::setProcessLabel($processID, $account
      ->getAccountName() . '  submitted Request');
  return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_maestro_task_console_interactive_link_alter().
function maestro_form_approval_example_maestro_task_console_interactive_link_alter(&$link, array $templateTask, $queueRecord, $templateMachineName) {

   * We have the link, the task detail record, queue record and the templateName available to us to alter the link
   * First, we should check if this is the workflow or template that we want to change
   * the active task action for, else we will affect all tasks.
  if ($templateMachineName == 'form_approval_flow') {
    $processID = $queueRecord->process_id
    $processVariable = MaestroEngine::getProcessVariable('rejected', $processID);
    if ($processVariable == '0' && $templateTask['id'] == 'submit_request') {

      // The task is our submit request AND we have a process variable set means it was either saved and not completed or rejected by the manager.
      $link = 'Create your request';
    elseif ($processVariable == '1' && $templateTask['id'] == 'submit_request') {

      // First time through.
      $link = 'Your request was rejected. Please edit and resubmit';

    // The second task we have for a manager is the approval task.  We can alter that link text too.
    if ($templateTask['id'] == 'manager_approval') {
      $link = 'Manager Approval';

 * Implements hook_maestro_task_console_alter_execution_link().
function maestro_form_approval_example_maestro_task_console_alter_execution_link(&$existing_execution_form_elements, $templateTask, $queueRecord, $templateMachineName) {

   * Example of how you can add your own custom links in the actions/operations task console or alter the action form completely for this task.
   * It's a drupal form and you are passed in $form as rendered by the the taskconsole for this task.
   * By Default, the drupal console will use the FORM API Element type 'operations' which is a special use-case of the dropbutton eleement
   * that can have multiple links or actions that appear as part of the button.
   * For this specific example use: There's already a link to view the report in the approval form,
   * We will show how to provide it as an extra action to the dropButton links.
   * If one did not want to use the dropButton 'operations' element, then you fully alter it here and change the way the actions appear
   * in the task console.

   * We're simply picking off the entity in our process variable.
   * see the maestro_form_approval_example_manager_approval_form function above for more explanation.
   * First, we should check if this is the workflow or template that we want to change
   * the active task action for, else we will affect all tasks.
  if ($templateMachineName == 'form_approval_flow' && $templateTask['id'] == 'manager_approval') {
    $processID = $queueRecord->process_id
    $entityID = MaestroEngine::getEntityIdentiferByUniqueID($processID, 'request');
    $url = Url::fromUserInput('/node/' . $entityID, [
      'attributes' => [
        'target' => '_new',

     * We are appending our link to data element['#links']
    $existing_execution_form_elements['data']['#links']['custom_link'] = [
      'title' => t('View Request in separate page'),
      'url' => $url,


Namesort descending Description
maestro_form_approval_example_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
maestro_form_approval_example_maestro_interactive_handlers Implements hook_maestro_interactive_handlers() for the return of an Array of function names and help text that will be displayed in the edit task form under the handler field.
maestro_form_approval_example_maestro_task_console_alter_execution_link Implements hook_maestro_task_console_alter_execution_link().
maestro_form_approval_example_maestro_task_console_interactive_link_alter Implements hook_maestro_task_console_interactive_link_alter().
maestro_form_approval_example_manager_approval_form The manager approval form used in the workflow.
maestro_form_approval_example_manager_approval_form_submit This is the submit handler passed off to us from the Maestro Engine.
maestro_form_approval_example_set_flow_name_batch Callback function for the batch function in the template.