lti_tool_provider_og.module in LTI Tool Provider 7
lti_tool_provider_og hook implementations and support functions.
lti_tool_provider_og/lti_tool_provider_og.moduleView source
* @file
* lti_tool_provider_og hook implementations and support functions.
* Implements hook_menu().
function lti_tool_provider_og_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['admin/config/lti-tool-provider/group-mapping'] = array(
'title' => 'Group Mapping',
'description' => 'Configure LTI context to Drupal group mapping.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer lti_tool_provider module',
'file' => '',
'weight' => -4,
return $items;
* Return an array of group roles that are mapped from a string of LTI roles.
* @param string $lti_roles_str
* A string containing the lti roles from the lti launch parameters.
* @return array
* The found roles.
function lti_tool_provider_og_search_roles($lti_roles_str) {
$found_roles = array();
$group_role_array = variable_get('lti_tool_provider_og_group_role_array');
$lti_roles = explode(',', $lti_roles_str);
foreach ($lti_roles as $raw_lti_role) {
$lti_role_exploded = explode('/', $raw_lti_role);
if (count($lti_role_exploded) >= 3) {
$lti_role = $lti_role_exploded[2];
else {
$lti_role = $lti_role_exploded[0];
if (isset($group_role_array[$lti_role])) {
$found_roles[$lti_role] = $group_role_array[$lti_role];
else {
drupal_set_message(t('Role @lti_role, not found.', array(
'@lti_role' => $lti_role,
)), 'warning');
return $found_roles;
* Create an options array for a select list of group bundles.
* @return array
* An options array of group bundles.
function lti_tool_provider_og_get_group_bundles() {
// Add none:None and set the entity types as the first key
// in the bundle array.
$bundles = og_get_all_group_bundle();
$new_bundles = array();
$new_bundles['none']['none:None'] = t('None');
foreach ($bundles as $entity => $bundle) {
foreach ($bundle as $key => $value) {
$new_bundles[$entity][$entity . ':' . $key] = $value;
return $new_bundles;
* Retrieve the field labels and types from the entity.
* Return as an array suitable for a select list.
* @param string $group_bundle
* The string of the form "entity:bundle".
* @return array
* An array containing all the retrieved fields prepended with an entry
* for none, and if the entity type is node, an entry for Title.
function lti_tool_provider_og_retrieve_entity_field_types($group_bundle) {
list($entity, $bundle) = explode(':', $group_bundle);
$fields = field_info_instances($entity, $bundle);
$result = array(
'none' => t('None'),
if ($entity == 'node') {
$result['title'] = t('Title');
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$result[$field['field_name']] = $field['label'] . ' (' . $field['field_name'] . ')';
return $result;
* Implements hook_lti_tool_provider_launch_alter().
* Perform group related actions on launch.
* - Find the matching group.
* - Add user to the group.
* - Map Group roles based on the user LTI role.
* - If needed, provision a group.
* - Set the destination path to the group page.
* @param array $launch_info
* The launch info array, modified to add group entity:bundle and id.
* @param object $account
* The drupal user account of the LTI user.
function lti_tool_provider_og_lti_tool_provider_launch_alter(&$launch_info, $account) {
$selected_group_bundle = variable_get('lti_tool_provider_og_group_mapping_bundle');
if ($selected_group_bundle != 'none:None') {
// Grant Group Membership and Group Role.
$users_groups = og_get_entity_groups('user', $account->uid);
// Find the group that matches the lti context_label.
$course_found = FALSE;
list($group_entity, $group_bundle) = explode(':', $selected_group_bundle);
$saved_settings = variable_get('lti_tool_provider_og_group_mapping', array());
$mapping_field = $saved_settings['context_id'];
foreach (og_get_all_group($group_entity) as $key => $group_id) {
$group_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($group_entity, $group_id);
$fields = $group_wrapper
if (isset($fields[$mapping_field]) && $group_wrapper->{$mapping_field}
->value() == $launch_info['context_id']) {
// Found the group that matches the context_id.
$course_found = TRUE;
$launch_info['course_entity_type'] = $group_entity;
$launch_info['course_entity_eid'] = $group_id;
// Add the user to the group.
if (!array_key_exists($group_entity, $users_groups) || !in_array($group_id, $users_groups[$group_entity])) {
og_group($group_entity, $group_id, array(
'entity_type' => 'user',
'entity' => $account->uid,
'field_name' => FALSE,
'state' => OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
// Grant the group roles.
if (isset($launch_info['roles'])) {
$found_roles = lti_tool_provider_og_search_roles($launch_info['roles']);
foreach ($found_roles as $lti_role => $found_role) {
og_role_grant($group_entity, $group_id, $account->uid, $found_role);
// Provision group.
// FIX THIS does not cope with non-node group bundles.
if (!$course_found && $launch_info['context_id'] != NULL && variable_get('lti_tool_provider_og_provision_groups') == 1 && (variable_get('lti_tool_provider_og_provision_groups_anon') == 1 || user_access('create ' . $group_bundle . ' content', $account))) {
$node = new stdClass();
$node->type = $group_bundle;
$node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
if (variable_get('lti_tool_provider_og_provision_groups_anon') == 1) {
$node->uid = 0;
$saved_settings = variable_get('lti_tool_provider_og_group_mapping', array());
foreach ($saved_settings as $variable => $field) {
if (isset($launch_info[$variable])) {
if ($field != 'none') {
if ($field != 'title') {
foreach (field_info_instances($group_entity, $group_bundle) as $entity_field) {
if ($field == $entity_field['field_name'] && strcasecmp($entity_field['widget']['module'], 'text') == 0) {
$node->{$field}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $launch_info[$variable];
else {
$node->{$field} = isset($launch_info['custom_course_title']) ? $launch_info['custom_course_title'] : $launch_info[$variable];
drupal_set_message(t('Group created for context.'), 'info');
$group_nid = $node->nid;
$launch_info['course_entity_type'] = $group_entity;
$launch_info['course_entity_eid'] = $group_nid;
if (isset($launch_info['course_entity_eid'])) {
$launch_info['destination'] = $launch_info['course_entity_type'] . '/' . $launch_info['course_entity_eid'];
else {
drupal_set_message(t('No course corresponding to @label exists.', array(
'@label' => $launch_info['context_label'],
* Add context negotiation info.
* @return array
* An array of context handler info
function lti_tool_provider_og_og_context_negotiation_info() {
$providers = array();
$providers['lti-context'] = array(
'name' => t('LTI Context'),
'description' => t("Determine context from the LTI context."),
'callback' => 'lti_tool_provider_og_og_context_handler',
return $providers;
* Evaluates and return group IDs to provide group context.
* Callback for hook_og_context_negotiation_info().
* @return array
* A nested array of group IDs, grouped first by entity type. Each value is
* a flat array of group IDs.
function lti_tool_provider_og_og_context_handler() {
if (isset($_SESSION['lti_tool_provider_context_info']['course_entity_eid'])) {
return array(
$_SESSION['lti_tool_provider_context_info']['course_entity_type'] => array(
Name![]() |
Description |
lti_tool_provider_og_get_group_bundles | Create an options array for a select list of group bundles. |
lti_tool_provider_og_lti_tool_provider_launch_alter | Implements hook_lti_tool_provider_launch_alter(). |
lti_tool_provider_og_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
lti_tool_provider_og_og_context_handler | Evaluates and return group IDs to provide group context. |
lti_tool_provider_og_og_context_negotiation_info | Add context negotiation info. |
lti_tool_provider_og_retrieve_entity_field_types | Retrieve the field labels and types from the entity. |
lti_tool_provider_og_search_roles | Return an array of group roles that are mapped from a string of LTI roles. |