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Functions in LoginToboggan 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
logintoboggan_validate_email ./ @file Validation functions for LoginToboggan module. 1
logintoboggan_validate_email_access ./logintoboggan.module Access check for user e-mail validation. 1
logintoboggan_validate_pass ./logintoboggan.module Modified version of user_validate_name 2
logintoboggan_validating_id ./logintoboggan.module Modified version of $DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID 13
logintoboggan_variable_variable_info contrib/logintoboggan_variable/logintoboggan_variable.module Implements hook_variable_info().
theme_lt_access_denied ./logintoboggan.module Theme the Access Denied message.
theme_lt_loggedinblock ./logintoboggan.module Theme the loggedinblock that shows for logged-in users.
theme_lt_login_link ./logintoboggan.module Custom theme function for the login/register link.
theme_lt_login_successful_message ./logintoboggan.module Theme the login successful message.
theme_lt_password_description ./logintoboggan.module Theme the password description of the user login form and the user login block.
theme_lt_password_title ./logintoboggan.module Theme the password title of the user login form and the user login block.
theme_lt_unified_login_page ./logintoboggan.module Theme function for unified login page.
theme_lt_username_description ./logintoboggan.module Theme the username description of the user login form and the user login block.
theme_lt_username_title ./logintoboggan.module Theme the username title of the user login form and the user login block.
_logintoboggan_process_redirect ./logintoboggan.module Transforms a URL fragment into a redirect array understood by drupal_goto(). 2
_logintoboggan_process_validation ./logintoboggan.module 2
_logintoboggan_protocol ./logintoboggan.module
_logintoboggan_toggleboggan ./logintoboggan.module User login block with JavaScript to expand 1
_logintoboggan_user_roles_alter ./logintoboggan.module Alter user roles for loaded user account. 2


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