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README.txt in Login Security 5

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  1. 8 README.txt
  2. 6 README.txt
  3. 7 README.txt
  4. 2.x README.txt
Login Security

This module was developed to improve the security options in the login operation
of a drupal site. By default, drupal has only basic access control deniying IP
access to the full content of the site.

With Login security a site administrator may add two types of access control to
the login forms (default and block). These are the features included:

 Soft Protections:

 - Block login forms or requests, when the protection flag is enabled the form is
   never submited, and any request even with a valid form token ID will be dropped,
   but the host still can access the site.

 Hard Protections:
 - Block account: on a number of failed attempts, the account can be blocked.
 - Block IP: on a number of failed attempts, a host may be added to the access
   control list.

 - soft block for hosts will expire in the ammount of hours configured.
 - hard blocked hosts will not be removed from list. It should be done by manually.
 - blocked accounts will not be removed from block list. It should be donde manually.

The session ID (php session neither drupal's session) is not taking in count for
the security operations, as automated bruteforce tool may request new sessions on
any attempt, ignoring the session fixation from the server.


To install copy the login_security folder in your modules directory. Go to
Administer -> Site Building -> Modules and under the "Other" frame the
"Login Security" module Item will appear in the list. Enable the Checkbox
and save the configuration.


Go to Administer -> User Management -> User Settings and new box will appear
close to the registering information with the following options. Any value
set to 0 will disable that option.

 - Track time: The time window where to check for security violiations. It's,
   the time in hours the login information is kept to compute the login attempts
   count. A common example could be 24 hours. After that time, the attempt is
   deleted from the list, so it will not count.

 - Soft block host on login fail: After that number of attempts to login from
   that IP address, no matter the username used, the host will not be allowed to
   submit the login form again, but the content of the site is still accesible
   for that IP address. The block will start to clear of counts after the
   "Track Time" time window.

 - Hard block host on login fail: As the soft block, but this time the IP address
   will be banned from the site, and included in the access list as a deny rule.
   To remove the IP from the list you will have to go to:
   Administer -> User Management -> Access Rules.

 - Block user on login fail: It's that easy, after N attempts of login as a user
   no matter the IP address attempting to, the user will be blocked. To remove
   the blocking of the user, you will have to go to:
   Administer -> User Management -> Users

 The flow will happend like described:

1st -  On any login, the pair host<->username is saved for security, and only
on a successfull login, the pair host-username is deleted from the security log.

2nd - For the soft blocking operation, any failed attempt from that host is
being count, and when the number of attempts exceeds, the host is not allowed
to submit the form.

3rd For the user blocking operation, any failed attempt is count, so no matter
what the source IP address is, when too many attempts appear the account is
blocked. A successful login, even if the user is blocked will remove any tracking
entry fron the database.

4th For the host blocking operation, only the host is taken in count. When too
many attempts appear, no matter the username being tested, the host IP address
is banned.

Note: The tracking entries in the database for any host <-> username pair are
      being deleted on: 'login', 'update' and 'delete' operations.


Thanks to christefano, the module now accepts configurable notifications for the
actions. These are the available placeholders for the displayed messages:

    %date                  :  The (formated) date and time of the operation
    %ip                    :  The IP Address performing the operation
    %username              :  The username entered in the login form (sanitized)
    %email                 :  If the user exists, this will be it's name
    %uid                   :  ..and if exists, this will be it's uid
    %site                  :  The configured site's name
    %uri                   :  The base url of the drupal site
    %edit_uri              :  Direct link to the user (name entered) edit operations
    %hard_block_attempts   :  Configured login attempts before hard blocking the IP address
    %soft_block_attempts   :  Configured login attempts before soft blocking the IP address
    %user_block_attempts   :  Configured login attempts before blocking the user
    %user_ip_current_count :  The total attempts for the name entered by this IP address
    %ip_current_count      :  The total login attempts by this IP address
    %user_current_count    :  The total login attempts for this name (no matter the IP address)
    %tracking_time         :  The tracking time, it's maximun soft blocking time.

Also, the placeholders are propagated to the watchdog system for any customization
needed in the auditing properties, but this has to be modified in the module source code.

If you want your users to be informed when it's account has been blocked, you can use the
module "Extended user status notifications":

Other modules interaction

Thanks to christefano, now the login_security fits well in any drupal installation allowing
without breaking other module operations. The only interaction being performed for just
blocks a user, so to switch the user status an update hook is launched. Other modules can
now react to that hook.

This module doesn't include the option to notify the user when it's account is blocked. You
can use the module: "Extended user status notifications" for that operation.

Future Roadmap

In a future a better bruteforce and control function is to be included, so
database is now ready for this future update. A fuzzy dataminner will be able
to detect bruteforce attacks no matter the time and scope.

Why is not password policy included in this module? Because of:

There exists a module for that, may be you should encourage it's mantainer to
update the code for 5.x and 6.x branches of drupal.

Thanks to..

Christefano has done a great job helping with the code cleanup and the string
cleaning.. my english is not that good yet!. The module has more options
now! Thanks dude!

ilo [at]
christefano can be located at


View source
  1. Login Security
  2. --------------
  3. This module was developed to improve the security options in the login operation
  4. of a drupal site. By default, drupal has only basic access control deniying IP
  5. access to the full content of the site.
  6. With Login security a site administrator may add two types of access control to
  7. the login forms (default and block). These are the features included:
  8. Soft Protections:
  9. - Block login forms or requests, when the protection flag is enabled the form is
  10. never submited, and any request even with a valid form token ID will be dropped,
  11. but the host still can access the site.
  12. Hard Protections:
  13. - Block account: on a number of failed attempts, the account can be blocked.
  14. - Block IP: on a number of failed attempts, a host may be added to the access
  15. control list.
  16. Notes:
  17. - soft block for hosts will expire in the ammount of hours configured.
  18. - hard blocked hosts will not be removed from list. It should be done by manually.
  19. - blocked accounts will not be removed from block list. It should be donde manually.
  20. The session ID (php session neither drupal's session) is not taking in count for
  21. the security operations, as automated bruteforce tool may request new sessions on
  22. any attempt, ignoring the session fixation from the server.
  23. Installation
  24. ------------
  25. To install copy the login_security folder in your modules directory. Go to
  26. Administer -> Site Building -> Modules and under the "Other" frame the
  27. "Login Security" module Item will appear in the list. Enable the Checkbox
  28. and save the configuration.
  29. Configuration
  30. -------------
  31. Go to Administer -> User Management -> User Settings and new box will appear
  32. close to the registering information with the following options. Any value
  33. set to 0 will disable that option.
  34. - Track time: The time window where to check for security violiations. It's,
  35. the time in hours the login information is kept to compute the login attempts
  36. count. A common example could be 24 hours. After that time, the attempt is
  37. deleted from the list, so it will not count.
  38. - Soft block host on login fail: After that number of attempts to login from
  39. that IP address, no matter the username used, the host will not be allowed to
  40. submit the login form again, but the content of the site is still accesible
  41. for that IP address. The block will start to clear of counts after the
  42. "Track Time" time window.
  43. - Hard block host on login fail: As the soft block, but this time the IP address
  44. will be banned from the site, and included in the access list as a deny rule.
  45. To remove the IP from the list you will have to go to:
  46. Administer -> User Management -> Access Rules.
  47. - Block user on login fail: It's that easy, after N attempts of login as a user
  48. no matter the IP address attempting to, the user will be blocked. To remove
  49. the blocking of the user, you will have to go to:
  50. Administer -> User Management -> Users
  51. The flow will happend like described:
  52. 1st - On any login, the pair host<->username is saved for security, and only
  53. on a successfull login, the pair host-username is deleted from the security log.
  54. 2nd - For the soft blocking operation, any failed attempt from that host is
  55. being count, and when the number of attempts exceeds, the host is not allowed
  56. to submit the form.
  57. 3rd For the user blocking operation, any failed attempt is count, so no matter
  58. what the source IP address is, when too many attempts appear the account is
  59. blocked. A successful login, even if the user is blocked will remove any tracking
  60. entry fron the database.
  61. 4th For the host blocking operation, only the host is taken in count. When too
  62. many attempts appear, no matter the username being tested, the host IP address
  63. is banned.
  64. Note: The tracking entries in the database for any host <-> username pair are
  65. being deleted on: 'login', 'update' and 'delete' operations.
  66. Notifications
  67. -------------
  68. Thanks to christefano, the module now accepts configurable notifications for the
  69. actions. These are the available placeholders for the displayed messages:
  70. %date : The (formated) date and time of the operation
  71. %ip : The IP Address performing the operation
  72. %username : The username entered in the login form (sanitized)
  73. %email : If the user exists, this will be it's name
  74. %uid : ..and if exists, this will be it's uid
  75. %site : The configured site's name
  76. %uri : The base url of the drupal site
  77. %edit_uri : Direct link to the user (name entered) edit operations
  78. %hard_block_attempts : Configured login attempts before hard blocking the IP address
  79. %soft_block_attempts : Configured login attempts before soft blocking the IP address
  80. %user_block_attempts : Configured login attempts before blocking the user
  81. %user_ip_current_count : The total attempts for the name entered by this IP address
  82. %ip_current_count : The total login attempts by this IP address
  83. %user_current_count : The total login attempts for this name (no matter the IP address)
  84. %tracking_time : The tracking time, it's maximun soft blocking time.
  85. Also, the placeholders are propagated to the watchdog system for any customization
  86. needed in the auditing properties, but this has to be modified in the module source code.
  87. If you want your users to be informed when it's account has been blocked, you can use the
  88. module "Extended user status notifications":
  89. Other modules interaction
  90. -------------------------
  91. Thanks to christefano, now the login_security fits well in any drupal installation allowing
  92. without breaking other module operations. The only interaction being performed for just
  93. blocks a user, so to switch the user status an update hook is launched. Other modules can
  94. now react to that hook.
  95. This module doesn't include the option to notify the user when it's account is blocked. You
  96. can use the module: "Extended user status notifications" for that operation.
  97. Future Roadmap
  98. --------------
  99. In a future a better bruteforce and control function is to be included, so
  100. database is now ready for this future update. A fuzzy dataminner will be able
  101. to detect bruteforce attacks no matter the time and scope.
  102. Why is not password policy included in this module? Because of:
  104. There exists a module for that, may be you should encourage it's mantainer to
  105. update the code for 5.x and 6.x branches of drupal.
  106. Thanks to..
  107. -----------
  108. Christefano has done a great job helping with the code cleanup and the string
  109. cleaning.. my english is not that good yet!. The module has more options
  110. now! Thanks dude!
  111. ilo [at]
  112. christefano can be located at